Tuesday, November 9, 2004

Mario Salieri-casino-cover

More Eco ... Review

... I found two chapters:

 phono Galactic Command Corps General, Sol III Comiliter Zone IV - Uranus appears at first that this Headquarters Department of Boos 'Assault cases occurred shameful homosexuality Alt et Pretendesi lists makers ready severe repression Alt et Signed General Percy Commanding General, SPEECH Casino Comiliter From Uranus Zone IV to the General Command of the Galactic Corps, Sol III Casino, Monte Carlo communicate Codest Command Boos that breed east of Uranus hermaphrodite (No. 30015 Register ethnic intergalactic) Alt Attachments cases alleged homosexuality are therefore examples of normal operation permitted sexual practices laws Urano et Intergalactic Alt Constitution Signed Colonel Zbzz TSG in a commanding general Agwrss currently licensed maternity 

Wednesday, November 3, 2004

Quickbooks License Number

Umberto Eco, Stars and stars: found it at a flea market a few months ago.

Cortissimo, raw, brilliant.

epistolary novel of pseudo-science fiction.
scoeprta After the incredible properties of citric acid, the Mediterranean states have taken over land on the superpowers and subsequently extended to the whole universe. The exchange of letters between the Royal Command and locations away from Earth is delirious, grotesque, scratching.

I read it 3 times in a row.

If you find it: buy it.

The melangolo, Genova, 1991
(pages 26 - 35)

confidential report to the President of the Federation From
Intelligence Service Coordination - Rome

It is with some hesitation that this service has joined the order of your Excellency to clarify the position of the agent Wwwsp Gggrs, as the very condition of existence of a service that coordinates the activities of intelligence services in conflict with one another is absolute-if gretezza of its information. Principle we followed it with such care that usually this service, to prevent leaks, try not to be aware of the services implemented by the coordination. If at times we allow ourselves to become aware of some event is in training just to keep our twenty-seven thousand employees, in homage to the theory of the Tour Vacuum Targeted which regulates the very existence of the Armed Forces Inter-galactic.

To understand the situation of a Wwwsp Gggrs however, a miniature bivalves of Cassiopeia, you must keep in mind the situation of the secret services thirty-seven Federated Ga-galaxies. The clear to your Excellency on the basis that, if these services have worked very well and our service coordination was true to its commitment of Disinformation Approval, the government should be comple-ment the dark about what concerns them.

As Your Excellency knows, the galaxies suffer from Federated to be a unity government with no borders and therefore no possible enemies, as it were ordered to perpetual peace. This situation has undoubtedly made it difficult for the configuration of an army, without, however, the galaxies could waive it - in which case they would have lost one of the main prerogatives of a sovereign state. It had therefore to resort to the theory of light in vacuum Giro institutionalized allowing an army of unimaginable size of the deal only for its own self-reliance - obviating the need for its renewal through the establishment of Potlach war, or war game.

This solution was not difficult to implement, since a long time (even before the Pax Mediterranea and the unification of galaxies) the armies of the Common Era had already intended mostly to pure self-sustaining. However, they had two important safety valves. One was the creation of a continuous chain of local wars, at the pressure of the centers of economic power, to maintain a profitable war economy, and the other intelligence activities, both by Member with the consequent maintenance of tension, provocation of military coups, cold wars, and so on.
As your Excellency is aware, the discovery of the energetic power of citric acid has not only given the leadership galactic lemon producers in underdeveloped countries but has also radically changed the economic laws and put an end to the era of technology and industrial consumption. By that fall, if not possible, the convenience of arousing local wars. Fact that, as is known, has exasperated the two greatest problems in CT-functional army, the rotation of the troops (supported by the deaths in combat) and the promotion of officers to the merits of war. A great inconvenience hath been solved with these Potlach war and today our stadiums are filled with space every Sunday from bloody drive of our glorious army, giving, one against the other, proof of worth and courage, supported by ' friendship, a spirit of cooperation and the contempt of danger. Never in the history of man they had seen young people of every race and social status to die with a smile without a word hatred for the "enemy", which in fact is recognized as a friend and brother sportsman as well as for reasons of source-field scorecard is fighting against. And let me at this point to report the heroic conduct of the Fourth Division of the Hyper-Transport chameleon that last Sunday in the Derby of the Southern Cross, to push the boundaries of the celestial hemisphere from the lions of Ophiuchus, not to fall into mass in the stands, the government placed on Fomalhaut, it went crashing to Alpha, enriching the Potlach war by wiping out fifty quantamila civilian population - reintroducing the courageous sacrifice of victims-not beautiful refrigerants in the practice of war, an event that is not Period occurred from the arc was more of Napalm.

But back to our problem. If the Potlach war has solved the issue of the alternation of the levers and careers for war bonds, has not solved the problem of espionage. Not worth some exercise, by a military unit, against what will meet in the Round of Potlach, because as you know the line up and the size of forces in the public domain, available on the various military and sports journals. On the other hand, the non-existence of external enemies-risk would be emptied of all meaning the Secret Service, but as a state can not live without survival Armed Forces, the Armed Forces so they can not survive without the Secret Service. If nothing else because, as he teaches the doctrine Hong-Henke, the direction of intelligence is biologically necessary for an army to "burn" the surplus of generals and admirals who will never be promoted to the supreme office. Therefore, it is necessary that the Secret Service there, which is very active, active-ties that this is totally inefficient and detrimental to the dell'autosostentarnento state. Node problems are not easy to solve.

Now a doctrine on the Honk-Henke, is to have unearthed a valuable model of the current offer-Toci Enotria (then Italy) towards the end of the twentieth century of the vulgar that: the model of mutual espionage between separate bodies.

Now because of the separate bodies of the State may spy on each other are two requirements: that they play an intense secret that the other bodies are interested in knowing, that the spies have easy access to this information. The second requirement is satisfied by the principle of One indicator: a single agent, an expert of the double game, warning lights for more than one body, you always have fresh news and a reliable source.

But what if the separate forces, under the principle of the Tour Vacuum institutionalized, they do nothing or to public or hidden? It then requires that the indicator used possesses third requirement, and that is able to collect and redistribute news invented. In this sense, the light does not become merely a means, but the very source of news. In a sense we can say that not so much a separate body creates the light, because light creates a separate body. In this perspective the agent Wwwsp Gggrs he applied as the individual best suited, and for various reasons. Firstly, it is a clamshell of Cassiopeia, a species on the basis of logical reasoning and multi-purpose set forth only for high-referential opacity and the wonderful intertwining of these two conditions makes it particularly suitable to lie, all'autocontraddizione systematic, the rapid handling of synonyms equip-ent and the admixture of critical terms and de re de dicto terms (such as, "If Tullio There are makeup-and the same person and Tullio is a word of six letters then Cicero is a six letter word 'kind of reasoning that, probably due to the high level of formalization logic achieved by our officers, is especially popular with garrisons in the most distant galaxy in the suburbs).
Second Wwwsp Gggrs is, I remember, a miniature bivalves (such as on the other hand most of the natives of Cassiopeia). In this way, it is easy to break into the most unexpected places, making up to their motor difficulties with typical disguise or cigarette boxes, and in the pockets or handbags agents-brokers: and in this function are known to infiltrate the staff of each separate body, such as those that come and go from one body to another without being subject to controls.

Explain the reasons why the agent Gggrs had been enrolled for at least three soldiers, now that is not enough to justify the incident referenced in the request for information has come down from Your Excellency.

seems therefore that the agent in question, hired by the High Command of Capricorn, the Police Corps and the Directorate of Military Antares Ursa Major, instead of being re-charged from Capricorn to spy Ursa Antares by Antares for spy on the Great Bear and Capricorn, and the bear to spy Antares and Capricorn - what the six would have earned wages - an innate taste for intrigue you did instead to spy secretly paid by Antares Antares, the Great Bear and the bear to spy to spy on the Capricorn Capricorn. No one can fail to see the impropriety of the act that led to each separate body incur heavy for information about himself. Note that the deception could never be discovered since the information provided by the agent were false, and every re-sponsible for a separate body was always in news that still did not know, it considered that they were referring to a another body.

Everything became clear when General Proazamm High Command of Capricorn, in order to have confidential information on its deputy commander, decided to hire Wwwsp Gggrs for this purpose and called the captain Coppola, who went on Pluto monthly to bring the salary to the agent (who, incidentally, was sought after by other authorities for crimes of Capricorn minors). He was just talking with the captain that the Build-Coppola became aware of the ambiguous situation and suspected that there were irregularities in the organization of the Intelligence Service of Capricorn, so he turned to this coordination ser-uncle who said, as she must, to be dark. This was enough to General Proazamm to realize that his suspicions were well founded, given that the Ca-pricorniani are known to be telepathic, could not avoid that the suspect was picked up by the General Services Proazamm telepathic Journal of Procyon, known to be fond of gossip news. From there the incident public.
We are also able to assure Your Excellency that the agent was guilty promptly neutralized so that it can no longer perform tasks espionage. It has been appointed secretary general of the Intergalactic Commission for the moralization of the spy services. General Proazamm has been assigned other duties to control the shifting sands of Betelgeuse, which among other things, we got your note this morning-aunt of his accidental death while inspecting the Swamp # 26. As for the Journal of Procyon was purchased High Commissioner for citric acid, which has also ensured the survival as a free and democratic voice.

Please accept, Excellency, his devoted

Admiral Space Team IV [name omitted - top secret]
Head of Intelligence Coordination

PS Pregola take note of the fact that under the terms of the Rules of the Service Co-ordination, All information contained in this letter are absolutely false, for reasons of military security.
\u0026lt;/ ljcut>

Friday, October 22, 2004

Thank You For Condolence

mrzappa @ 2004-10-22T14: 30:00

endegu16102004_1 endegu16102004_2 endegu16102004_3 endegu16102004_4 endegu16102004_5 endegu16102004_6

few photos of Saturday's concert

Monday, September 20, 2004

Gettyimages Without Watermark


personlissima ... another chapter in my battle against the band in favor of overvalued and undervalued artists (see the case referred above)

Friday, September 10, 2004

Samsung Scx-4521f Toner Empty

Sestri Levante (R. Vecchioni)

Then maybe this winter will be cold and there will be snow

neatly and count the children
those lost in the theater

other aspects left to heal my feet from broken glass
longer steps will not
look back.
I'll talk to the stars talk to the stars

talk to the stars. And

girl went away
light that seemed to fly
took away neatly
dreams at every step so well away tiny

looking back I thought, "This is the first time
that she's with another
and I do not care "I finished
and I stopped loving her today

I love it love it finished.

I'd give a penny for your thoughts

if it weighed a feather and is a little 'just in the past when I promised you the moon

and I took it between his teeth
so I told the soldiers that
There is a lot more battle
write home
someone if it melts.
But they will love but will love

but will love.

I lose my hair slowly

some woman near her summer she will be among the people
like a sand crab

finally happy and looking out the last concert

I thought maybe it's best for you lost me
today in Sestri Levante Sestri Levante

today in today in Sestri Levante.

forgive me: it seems appropriate to emphasize.

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Linsey Dawn Mcenzie Im Back

a thing of Chile

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Senegal Refugee Camps

Happy Birthday ...

... me! [Sing along with me]
Happy birthday to me Happy birthday to
[info] mrzappa ,
Happy Birthday to meee,
Many auguri a me!

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Internation Colour Chart


Tratto da "Oriana Fallaci intervista Oriana Fallaci" di Oriana Fallaci (ovviamente), pagina 20:

" ...ho una domanda sull'Alieno che, uso le Sue parole, s'e' fatto il nido nei suoi polmonie nella trachea e nell'esofago. So che per Alieno intende il cancro, e sebbene mi dispiaccia indurla ad approfondire quel tema...

No, no, di lui parlo sempre. Apertamente, con tutti. Ne parlo anche per rompere il tabu' di cui divenni consapevole quando lui mi aggredi' la prima volta, e il chirurg che mi aveva operato disse: "Le do un consiglio. Non ne parli con nessuno". Rimasi allibita. E cosi' offesa che non ebbi la forza di replicare: "Che cosa va farneticando?!? Have cancer and not 'think it's gross, not' think it's a shame! It 's not even an embarrassment, since it involves a non-contagious disease. "And for weeks I continued to mull over those words that I did not understand. Then he understood.' Cause if I said to have cancer, many looked at me as if I had the plague described by Alessandro Manzoni The Betrothed . or as if I was already 'underground. almost hostile. Some even took away the greeting. I mean, they disappeared, and if we were not trying trvoare. It was then that I coined The term alien. Today no longer the case ', I agree. Pero' is careful: often call him by his real name. The newspaper said such "incurable disease." Gianni Agnelli, Umberto-and-be-dead-d- '-a-incurable disease. Jacqueline-Kennedy-mori'-D'un-disease-incurable. This perpetuates the taboo ', and what almost' is not enough fed a lie. By God, not 'true that cancer is not cured! Often, it heals. And if it heals, it lasts. With my length is eleven years old. And thanks to the antibodies that keep the brain could last a little longer '. "

And now the news today.

I did the TAC control: no cancer, I won again.

fuck hypocrisy and ignorance.

If I had not got cancer still do not know nothing (or little, I knew more 'foolish things of diseases such as AIDS or tetanus).

A link for everyone: http://www.aimac.it ... when I have some 'time I'll explain how to cure a cancer (as I learned on my skin).

Hello everyone;)

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

How To Find Blueprints Online

Photo portfolio

For Those Who Just Happen to be here: go and look at my photo portfolio at
(and read the FAQ).

:) Probably a