Sunday, August 29, 2004
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Senegal Refugee Camps
... me! [Sing along with me]
Happy birthday to me Happy birthday to
Happy Birthday to meee,
Many auguri a me!
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
Internation Colour Chart
Tratto da "Oriana Fallaci intervista Oriana Fallaci" di Oriana Fallaci (ovviamente), pagina 20:
" ...ho una domanda sull'Alieno che, uso le Sue parole, s'e' fatto il nido nei suoi polmonie nella trachea e nell'esofago. So che per Alieno intende il cancro, e sebbene mi dispiaccia indurla ad approfondire quel tema...
No, no, di lui parlo sempre. Apertamente, con tutti. Ne parlo anche per rompere il tabu' di cui divenni consapevole quando lui mi aggredi' la prima volta, e il chirurg che mi aveva operato disse: "Le do un consiglio. Non ne parli con nessuno". Rimasi allibita. E cosi' offesa che non ebbi la forza di replicare: "Che cosa va farneticando?!? Have cancer and not 'think it's gross, not' think it's a shame! It 's not even an embarrassment, since it involves a non-contagious disease. "And for weeks I continued to mull over those words that I did not understand. Then he understood.' Cause if I said to have cancer, many looked at me as if I had the plague described by Alessandro Manzoni The Betrothed . or as if I was already 'underground. almost hostile. Some even took away the greeting. I mean, they disappeared, and if we were not trying trvoare. It was then that I coined The term alien. Today no longer the case ', I agree. Pero' is careful: often call him by his real name. The newspaper said such "incurable disease." Gianni Agnelli, Umberto-and-be-dead-d- '-a-incurable disease. Jacqueline-Kennedy-mori'-D'un-disease-incurable. This perpetuates the taboo ', and what almost' is not enough fed a lie. By God, not 'true that cancer is not cured! Often, it heals. And if it heals, it lasts. With my length is eleven years old. And thanks to the antibodies that keep the brain could last a little longer '. "
And now the news today.
I did the TAC control: no cancer, I won again.
fuck hypocrisy and ignorance.
If I had not got cancer still do not know nothing (or little, I knew more 'foolish things of diseases such as AIDS or tetanus).
A link for everyone: ... when I have some 'time I'll explain how to cure a cancer (as I learned on my skin).
Hello everyone;)