Sunday, January 31, 2010

Wedding Anniversary Wishes Wordings

Title: Rebel Youth
Fandom: Advertising ( Kinder chocolate and Sottilette Kraft )
Characters / Pairing: Sofia and her doll, Chiara (name invented by me XD) and Tuft his
Rating: G
Genre Comedy
Warnings: flash-fic, Crossover between two advertisements,
Nonsense Word Count: 432 (according to my writing program XD)
Summary: The children of these two advertising decided to meet to drink, along with the "children", a healthy tea, to chat, meet, etc..
Notes: participant Challenge History of Advertising unknown_fandom . The characters do not belong to me, are the sole property of their law, no child and / or puppet is were harmed during the writing of this story (I want to emphasize this because you never know). The name of Clare, as mentioned, is pure invention, since in the Kinder advertising is never called by name. I want to clarify also that I do not hate these girls, I just enjoyed writing about the rebellion of the two poor puppets.

rebellious youth

Sofia arranged for the umpteenth time the doll on the chair beside the table where a delicious tea was ready.
"I beg you, do the good," said one last time before going to open the door and greet guests.
"What a beautiful house," said Chiara entering into the living room looking around.
"Oh, thanks," smiled Sofia, while Clare and Tuft gestures invited to sit for tea.
"Hello," Tuft Sofia greeted the doll when the two little girls were immersed in conversation. "How are you?"
"All right," smiled the doll. "Even if you feel the same things about Dad I do not like. "
"To those who say," sighed the koala. "I have always put up the bottle stuck in his mouth by force. Clare does not realize that by now are great and I can also drink and eat something other than that stale milk. "
"Mother," he said just the doll, taking her cup of tea and a sip '.
Tuft could not help but nod before serious light: "I have an idea," he said. "How about if we leave here and we both go there to have fun at the disco?"
"There I am," said the happy doll rising from his chair, ready to flee the house.
"What's wrong?" Asked Sofia saw the two dolls head for the door.
"Nothing, just the two of us go a bit 'disco. It will always be more fun than sitting here and take tea, "said Tuft, ahead of the doll.
'Crest', the squeaky little voice of Chiara replied the koala. "You can not go to the disco. You're too little. "
"Oh, stop with this bullshit. I have three times your age, even if you do not want to put you in the head, "said the koala enkindled, tired of being called" small "by anyone.
Clare looked at him a few more seconds, before lowering his head and trying to hide the tears of shame that threatened to get out of his eyes.
"And you?" Asked Sofia to the doll. "How do you want to go to the disco?"
"I'm tired of being enclosed within these four walls," he said simply, then take the leg Tuft and approaching the door even more. "Oh, yesterday I saw my father play with another girl. He did not want to tell you, but since I'm rebelling I could not wait to let you know. "
Sofia rolled his eyes as he assimilated the news of her husband's betrayal, disbelief of the fact that his daughter had decided to tell her so brutally.
Tuft and the doll looked one last time mothers do not feel guilty if you leave them like that and finally went to have fun.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Podium With Wheels Building Plans


I was a stranger and you welcomed me

The title of this reflection, taken from a passage from the Gospel, it fits what's going to be a bit 'of time, here in Italy and the rest of the world. The Gospel also reminds us that after the visit of the Magi, an angel in a dream, he ordered Joseph to take Mary and the child and flee to Egypt because Herod wanted to kill the child, it will make Herod Massacre of the Innocents. This sparse record evangelical reported, updated and contextualized historical facts of ROSARNO in Calabria, it also adds that under the current regulations of our country, the baby Jesus with the rest of his family were illegal immigrants, why not to enter Egypt asked for permission to stay. Had happened today, here in Italy would have been rejected and sent back to his homeland with all the consequences. We often forget that this type of emigration and daughter of the extreme poverty that leads to hunger and the people, can not remember the story, the story says that the nations (France, Spain, England, Belgium, Holland, Germany and Italy) have rich colonized and plundered of all that had the poorest nations. All of these countries, this state of things, have rebelled and became independent (American Revolutionary War, War of Independence Brazilian War of Independence Mexican War Italian Risorgimento, the war of independence Algerian war of independence African continent that has seen the creation of many states), despite the independence achieved by these states in some of these, the poverty of the people remained without great opportunity to work daily with hunger and emigration to external forcing. In Italy, it is estimated that after the war of independence, are immigrants in the world more than 30 million Italians, and in some countries where they were immigrants, there have been a sign of hostility (in Switzerland in the 70s of the last century, have two referendums to evict the Italians) that are not in the past. Many of our countrymen as a result of these hostilities have died, others still have hunger, others are crime data (see Mafia: Al Capone), others have resulted in further enriching the culture of the host culture (Frank Sinatra, Lisa Minnelli , Madonna), others have given their lives to save lives like my cousin in New York firefighter who died l 'in the September 11, 2001 twin towers to save other lives. Now all this happens even in Italy where the migrant is to do the jobs that nobody wants to do more, but that's not good because it is said to steal the work to us Italians, but then it turns out that's not true, because those jobs they do not want anyone, you prefer to pay in black and will not disturb that sleep under bridges and when they met our needs, they go away empty-handed. Of course there are those who commit crimes and it is right to punish them as they punish the Italians who commit crimes. The paradox is that when our Muslim brothers call for the construction of a minaret in order to pray and many do not want to concede the ground that we have the cross of Christ, and this we must never forget it, unless we forget that this cross is the result of an unfair trial and wants to use it to create another injustice even forgetting what Christ said, describing the Last Judgement: "I was a stranger and you welcomed me, Lord, we will respond when you have received? Then he will answer every time you took a stranger you welcomed me. "

immigrants, Berlusconi
the bishops to "commit crimes like the Italians," Monsignor
Crusade (CEI) replication on the equation of the premier and foreign crime
"Our statistics show that crime rates are almost identical"

The Secretary-General of the CEI, Mariano Crusade with the Conference Chairman, Angelo Bagnasco
ROME - "Our statistics show that crime rates are similar to Italian and foreign, if not identical." It 'as said secretary general of the Episcopal Conference, Monsignor Mariano Crusade, responding to a question from journalists about the statements of Prime Minister Berlusconi on immigrants' participation in the activities of criminal organizations. "The basic consideration on immigrants - has follower Crusade - remains the dignity of every human person that can not be the subject of prejudice and discrimination, as the Pontiff."

Crusade, in response reporters in the concluding press conference of the Permanent Council of CEI, he addressed several issues, including the upcoming elections. "The task of the citizens - said the secretary general of the CEI - is to elect those who best serve the goal of common good whose values and standards are the protection of human life is still present, the defense of the family based on marriage between men and women, the promotion of solidarity with others, especially the weakest and work. " The indication of the Church, he added, is then "to vote for those who look at the overall needs of the most important for the life of the country for the regions.''

On controversies around to justice, Crusade said he did not want to make judgments on the merits: "I'd give
in this case - said - that sign on to overcome conflicts and tensions already contained in the report of Cardinal Bagnasco, to find a solution within the balance following institutional research for the common good of all. "

The emergency unemployment and the case of Fiat, Crusade said everything must be done to "preserve, ensure and enhance the job:" We know the plight of families who had a job and now find themselves on the street . We must take up this cry, we can not remain insensitive. I can not speak on specific issues, but I think is, quite simply, it is desirable that we continue to seek ways of ensuring more work. "

between immigrants and Italians
same crime rate
Official figures show that 80% of allegations of illegal foreign concerns;
but also between them, in four cases out of five on offense is the absence of a residence permit

A demonstration against racism
ROME - The numbers say that immigrants do not commit crimes than the Italians. According to the data Istat, the crime rate of immigrants in Italy, is "slightly higher" than the Italians (between 1, 23 and 1%, 4%, against 0.75%) and is even lower among people over 40 years. In fact, the data are "comparable." It 's true but the vast majority of crimes committed by foreigners in Italy is the work of illegal immigrants.

still speak the official figures, according to which 70-80% of the reported illegal aliens. Even here, however, the data should be read carefully because, of the total complaints, 87% concerns the mere condition of secrecy: the crime committed by foreigners 4 out of 5 reported about the short, without being caught in Italy residence permit and therefore the violation of immigration laws.

In general, the statistics say, there is no link between the increase of immigrants and rising crime in Italy: between 2001 and 2005, for example, while foreigners have increased by over 100%, the complaints against them have increased by 45.9%.

Beyond the political controversy, they are still well above the positive aspects of immigration. Legal immigrants in Italy, according to the latest reports and Caritas Migrantes Ismu are over four and a half million, 7.2% of the population, a larger percentage than for the first time the European average (6.2%). From 1998 to 2008, the growth was 246% and if the trend remains unchanged, as required by Istat, in 2050 the Italians of foreign origin will be over 12 million.

Foreign workers are around two million and produce 10% of the GDP. The advantages of the state are visible from other numbers: immigrants pay every INPS seven billion euro to the tax authorities and pay an amount that exceeds 3.2 billion euro. In addition, every hundred babies in Italy, now more than 12% have at least one foreign parent.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Labeled Shark Diagram

masonry alliance impossible

Freemasons and Catholics, alliance impossible
Dan Brown lost in the Creed often alludes to the enemies of Freemasonry as pathological characters, fundamentalist Christians are victims of absurd "conspiracy theories". One could argue that the sermon is a strange pulpit, as some of the most bizarre conspiracy theories were made public with great enthusiasm just by Brown in Angels and Demons and Da Vinci Code. But in truth the anti-Masonic came long before the Protestant fundamentalism of the religious right or the U.S. so little sympathetic to Brown.

Even before the modern Freemasonry is founded in 1717, reactions already occurring anti-Masonic. In 1698, for example, a certain M. Winter (of which I find more biographical information) is disseminating a leaflet addressed "To all God-fearing people in the city of London" which warns against the "evil perpetrated in the face of God by so-called Freemasons ':' They are the Antichrist that is to remove the men from the fear of God Why some men should meet in secret places and secret signs, making sure that nobody sees them, if it were to do the work of God? These are not the ways of the workers of iniquity?. Do not mingle with these people corrupt - should the wheel - not to find them when it is the consummation of the world. " As you can see, the anti-Masonic least as old as Freemasonry. However, as is more appropriate to speak of Masonry, in the plural, so there are different types of anti-Masonic. It should at least distinguish between an anti-Masonic 'political' often claim that anti-Masonic and civil interdiction for the Masons, and an anti-Masonic-type doctrine "which criticizes the masonry on the philosophical and cultural.

The anti-Masonic "political" derives his arguments from the specific results of the Masonic method in this or that country, in this or that historical period, arguing that they are harmful or dangerous to society. The anti-Masonic "doctrine" instead focuses his criticism on the Masonic method as a constant in the history of Freemasonry, apart from the specific results of the method are derived from time to time. Of course, the anti-Masonic 'political' el'antimassonismo "doctrine" is, to use a sociological term, "ideal types" or "ideal types" that the interpreter can reconstruct but rarely encountered in pure form. Often you are faced with hybrid forms of anti-Masonic, which have elements of both the ideal type. However, it is important to emphasize two important aspects of the history of anti-Masonic. First, the anti-Masonic "political" does not necessarily require the anti-Masonic "doctrinal." For example, the forces of Marxist may claim legal measures against Freemasonry Believing that, in a specific historical situation, globally and harmful at the same time expressing appreciation for the Masonic method and the role of "progressive", in other times, he has had. Secondly, the anti-Masonic "doctrine" can maintain its strong criticism of the concrete masonry regardless of the positions that the individual Masonic Lodges take up this or that problem. Exclude the teaching in the Catholic world, you can always say, the "dual membership" of the faithful with the Catholic Church and the Freemasons: and does so on the basis of a rigorous critique of doctrinal Masonic method, which always remains incompatible with Catholic faith, what are the results as the application of the method in each door.

The current position and force of the Catholic Church is expressed in the Declaration on the masonry of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, 1983, signed by its prefect Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, but then also signed by Pope John Paul II, so that must be teaching considered binding on all the faithful. According to this document, although the new Code of Canon Law of 1983 no longer spoke of "excommunication" for the Masons, in fact 'remains unchanged [...] the negative opinion of the Church in regard to Masonic associations, since their principles have always been considered irreconcilable with the doctrine of the Church and therefore membership in them remains forbidden. The faithful who enroll in Masonic associations are in a state of grave sin and may not receive Holy Communion. " When some Mason argues that the fact that in the new Code does not use the word excommunication as can be seen that Catholics today could easily become Masons, therefore, expresses the position of Freemasonry, not that of the Catholic Church. And what behavior should keep clearly led the Catholic Church in binding, not the Freemasons. Freemasonry is free to think that the Freemasons are Catholics.

But the Church teaches with absolute clarity that Catholics can not be Masons. Although missing the word "excommunication" is the substance: the Catholics who are Masons' can not receive Holy Communion. " And the document also states that individual bishops can not change a decision that was taken in a formal way and by the Holy See. Importantly, in the same lines, a text published by L'Osservatore Romano February 23, 1985, unsigned but which is commonly considered the author, the then Cardinal Ratzinger. The text is as it were the "motivation" of the "ruling" of 1983. According to this text, even if - to be tested for obedience obedience, case by case, country by country - where there are no specific results were hostile to the Church, "the incompatibility of the principles" remains steady, because - whatever its results - is always the Masonic method to be incompatible with Catholic faith. Someone points out the note of 1985, could argue that it is improper to speak of 'incompatibility of principles "because" of Freemasonry would be precisely the essential fact of not imposing any "principle". "

But this aspect of 'essential' is incompatible with the Christian faith in terms of methodology, "Even if it is asserted that relativism is not assumed as dogma" - precisely because there are no doctrines or dogmas - "but it is proposed that a symbolic concept of relativity and thus relativizing the value of such a moral community, ritual, far from being eliminated, it is crucial to the contrary. In this context, the different religious communities, which belong to the individual members of the lodges, can not be considered only as mere institutionalization of a broader and elusive truth. " Thus, "even when [...] there were no explicit obligation to profess the doctrine of relativism, however, the relativizing force of such a brotherhood, for its own intrinsic logic, has in itself the capacity to transform the structure of 'act of faith so radically as to be acceptable to a Christian, "which is dear to his faith." The initiation rite of the Masonic lodge affiliated with a second incision of the eighteenth century

Positive Quotes By Latinos

News & Offers

Hello everyone! L 'Atelier Lune now offers the new hand-made, many of them limited edition and above all dedicated to lovers of flakes style Candy Candy and caramel! The
great offer this month is that for all orders above € 20 which you sent to my address
e-mail not later than the January 31, there will be no charge in addition to shipping, so hurry! ^ o ^ I hope you like my new creations, see you soon! ~

. · ** ·.¸(¯`· ;. · * . © Lune . * ** ¸.·'¯)¸.· ·.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Speeches From Movies Funniest

St. Valentine Rebel Youth Challenge

I know I have already advertised on St. Valentine Challenge, but yesterday I announced in the new comm Multi Fandom Challenges ( [info] mf_challenges ), so if you want to participate with fandom outside of HP, you're welcome.

Forgive advertising these posts, I promise that in a bit 'will also report of the day today, just to keep a bit' occupied the f-list in another post XD

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Lump In Sternocleidomastoid

Multi fandom ... Advertising

More publicity for today and, well, sooner or later I had to open this community that wandered in the air of my house for a while 'XD (thank [info] Shayari and [info] nike158 I have given the right push despite not knowing each other XD)
However, I do not know if you've noticed between the new post of my f-list, you can now see directly

[info] mf_challenges [info] mf_challenges [info] mf_challenges [info] mf_challenges [info] mf_challenges [info] mf_challenges

Write write and participate XD

Blueprints For A Podium


This post will be purely promotional, if you can break to skip, but at least consider whether you might be interested or not really XD

A new threat has as

Tired of the usual RPG Harry Potter? Tired of
already seen and abused School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Hogwarts?

If the answer to both questions is yes, then please get in

Magic World

A new and exciting by role-playing forum where you can choose to take the side of good or evil and fight a war era.

Not the usual role-playing game Harry Potter because:

"only a few places are original HP, others are taken popular beliefs and legends from various
" the characters that you create will not have to do with the saga, will be 100% original , starting with first and last name (we give ample space to the imagination of each)
"nothing School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Hogwarts that has now run its course

Can not miss, then, sections dedicated to World of Harry Potter and that of his fans and much more.

If you want to have fun, role, and much talk, we are waiting for you too!

Magic World » a new threat has come

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Why Do Men Wear Womens Underwear?

Gothic Lolita headdress

Crestina gothic lolita
crest gothic lolita

crest sewn entirely by hand in gothic lolita style with antique lace, ribbons silk, grosgrain ribbon and buttons spherical striped white and blacks.
One of a kind that you can have a simple version with lace at a lower price accessible.
If you wish to order a variation you can contact me at my e-mail: .
answer all as soon as possible! \\ (^-^)/

available and affordable at the ' Atelier Lune Shop !

Side Effects Of Apricots

A bit 'of stuff, so, to pass the time, since I'm not so much u_u

»On [info] hpf_challenges I announced the challenge for this month: credits! *
-Taratata Taratata Taratata-ta-ta-*

"Get ready / and why along with [info] Shayari I am going to open a new comm scrittevole: the ideas are there, even the logo (thus the lay XD), missing only to find a suitable title, since [info] raffaeletheking rejected what he thought mo last night and I [info] Shayari XD

"Please, put me in the head another song, because I'm literally going crazy You only Becucci Matteo: I'm listening to on iTunes to repeat and I know that this is not good for me ç___________ç and it is not the first time this has happened, as if that song had some force that pushes me to listen, listen and hear dozens of times u_u


End ravings u_u

Monday, January 11, 2010

D2nt Is Stuck At Loading

Several little things [ICONS] In the old farm sheds

Yesterday afternoon, before leaving I made six icons (it is now my max I can do, sorry uu) with pictures that I made the other day to live animals in the crib Corgnolo and you can find here . (The pictures are my own, so if you were to use them for something please add credits to my flickr gallery, thanks)
The icons are pretty bad, as always, by now you should know they are not very good at graphics, so ... take them for what they are XD

1 2 3
4 5 6

comments (even if negative) are welcome, so do not let problems and if you take someone to be included in lj, remember to credit ^ ^

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Swollen Tongue Kidney

* hearts *

will forward a bit '... late, what will be, but I'm really spilling hearts and love (because I'm preparing for the Valentine's challenge [info] hpf_challenges XD). This
night before I found out I got a little 'a Gibbs / Tony fan, which on one hand I am pleased, on the other I have yet to understand it and then I saw the new show of Rai2 * starts with the eyes
little heart * Ok, I recover much to conclude this message only viduzzo to leave the Castle, the new TV series that I mentioned above a single line XD and if you're interested in seeing how the first episode, my dear f-list, you can go to the post of Scrapbook , where there is ; the link to the first episode on YouTube.
And from the first episode I love that writer, I love that man (who is also pretty cool), I love his sarcasm and his acuity ... I love this show * O *

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Used Car Bill Of Sale Template Ontario


Night night ^ ^ No, nothing to do with the fandom.
'm just seeing "I sing" a new program to Channel 5 and that, I feel sorry for Gerry, but I hope not to be repeated. I've seen it all, admit it, but what I'm seeing now gives me the creeps. In the negative, unfortunately.
There are a bunch of children singing songs of Michael Jackson and have asked them (yeah, right) to do so. As I
MJ same sympathy as his songs and I do not have much left (except occasionally find some OO and it is very strange because I never really listen ... "We are the world "apart and I know from memory) this makes me shudder, especially after having seen / heard artists unbelievably embarrassed by their songs MJ, and after praising Mark's X-Factor for fine singing "Man in the Mirror" (video that I have a favorite pipe) and others have proposed that the MJ so I started to enjoy a little ' More MJ.

I've also heard that he won the televoting: beautiful voice, very pretty, but absolute vacuum. I agree he is young, has yet to learn well, so why give her a song like Celine Dion? Instead of songs
difficult, complicated and too big for those kids, why not give him the things within their reach? Because they want to at all costs to make it look and feel bigger than the children who still do not know a tube of life? Why this program?

"So young and so good? I would say more like "So young and so full of themselves," even to "Bravo Bravissimo" were being "manipulated" so (and needless to say that that program at that time I liked a lot).

And now I'm going to sleep that is now u_u

Friday, January 8, 2010

Plans For Building A Podium With Wheels

Advent Calendar and much

Although now it's been a bit 'of time for Christmas and the closure of the challenge of [info] michiru_kaiou7 , place the list of acting that I wrote for the legendary Advent Calendar .
Good reading, if you have not already done XD

December 1: Crazy for December
December 2: Remember
December 3: Candles suspended
December 4: The Flying Biscuit
December 5: Exchange of letters
December 6: Alarm gift
December 7th: Race puppet
December 8: What is the difference?
December 9: Contingencies
December 10: A special Christmas
December 11: Caught in the act
December 12: /
December 13: /
Dec. 14: Rudolph Potter
December 15: Gifts
December 16: lights and crowds
December 17: Non-Christmas Greetings
December 18: No Place Like Home
December 19: Christmas A whole new
December 20: Pre-dinner Weasley house in
December 21: A Christmas you are together
December 22: Last gifts
December 23: Fables or Santa Claus?
December 24: Christmas at Other Luggage
I opened the doors to some new fandom and one of the acting is not written in writing

^ ^ And since I am a megalomaniac (as someone said a year ago) I opened a forum comment on where the stories posted on my site, of course, being a forum you can talk even more ^ ^ (they are not that megalomaniac) ... The forum is still a bit 'under construction, in fact, missing all the graphics XD

(fanfic_italia I left because I did not participate much more interested now, I was glad I attended and that I enjoyed it last year, but I wanted to give you a cut for various reasons)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Funny Things To Put On Wedding Cards

I only say this ... The fifth ship of 2009

Well, those accused of being fake, is himself a creator of fake. This really was missing. (And I could not fail to write, go to those who saw what he did to my heart).

This thing confuses me and gets on my nerves at the same time ...

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Makita Dsc 520 Gas/oil Ratio

(yes, is the third post (not counting the scrap) today and I'm proud XD)

I just had to post your scrapbook in 2010 and again I find myself in the past year XD I
fregao the memiglio to [info] flannery_flame with his permission (because I'm a good girl uu) and here are the five ship that rocked my life and my sanity .

1. Neville / Luna , a couple that I like a casino, and of which I wrote several acting, the stories may even seem trivial, but they are so pucciosi together, even if the couple is not canon.

2. Severus / Sybil , another couple who gave me great satisfaction in the past year, re-reading the HP books the two of them were never born, but let's say I really like "coupled" are very. .. inspiration and then it's fun to put together an airhead Snape as Trelawney.

3. Matteo / Morgan , and we get a couple of more ... engaging, in fact, Matthew Morgan and I have completely lying XD Thanks to the acting of some holy women have begun to follow the program and I met two singers / musicians really good, but I only discovered this thanks to them, in fact I became a yaoi-slash employee and it is good for someone, for someone else is bad XD

4. Milton / Mark , another couple who showed me the little heart beat wildly for every episode that aired, and as I said before, in the '80s had already understood everything in life (other TV series are illuminating in this respect), however the other M2, this was discovered by chance, even though I had seen the first episode I ever forgot it, then I do not know how I started to follow him every day and notice the small, harmless and meaningless innuendo that the two exchanged. Think "evil" came from him XD

5. Albus / Rose because incest is not so bad sometimes XD ok, trivial (and stupid) apart, è una coppia che mi ha affascinata leggendo una ficcyna, così ho pensato di ridare dignità alla coppia, non pensavo che me ne sarei affezionata così tanto. Ho scritto poco su di loro – rispetto ad altre coppie –, ma spero che il 2010 porti consiglio, perché trovo che siano molto carini insieme, anche se non so quanto possano essere canon XD

School Approved Cubefield

New year, new graphics

E dopo lo sfogo di questo primo pomeriggio, ho deciso di cambiare grafica, perché era ora, dopo un po' di mesi. Il layout precedente mi piaceva veramente molto, ma era arrivato il momento XD
Ok, altra novità, you can find 2010 Scrapbook leading the lj, along with the Friends Only post, because [info] Shayari we set up this new challenge and I, you know, I love the challenges .

Sooner or later I'll do a post on the Advent Calendar of [info] michiru_kaiou7 , now that it has been concluded for a while 'and I have not written anything here uu (especially ff the list that I wrote), and do not miss the update to other ff that I lost along the way, I think XD

Anyway, good evening to all and good return to work / school / other to my f-list ^ ^

Monday, January 4, 2010

How To Play Cabal Behind Firewall

. .¸(¯` • • ** •. · * LJ LUNE'S WORKSHOP ON TOO! * ¸.'¯)¸. • • ** •.

Hello! Are Lune . And 'finally begun in 2010, the Year of the Tiger (my! ^ ^), And I have many, many projects being implemented, but what they hold most regain health is that I was taken away by negative events that have occurred since 2000.
Spending most of his life in hospitals, medical benefits and never get really frustrating, even for those around you ...
But at least this year I just hope that this desire be heard more than any other.
In the meantime I decided to start writing seriously and to complete the story left open.
admit that several months have elapsed since the last time I took my pleasure with black Bic between my fingers, but in the end, when I write only for passion and, therefore, I can still afford to take it easy and spend more time to draw and accessories for hand sewing '
Atelier Lune , eh-eh! , P
This below is one of the first deals of 2010, since the sales period is just beginning ... Take advantage now! For
all the information about how to order or make a purchase simply click on the INFO link at the top of the page
Atelier Lune , but if you still have any doubts you can always contact me via PM or e-mail: , ok? ^ - ^

Click to visit the Atelier Lune!

However, this past Christmas turned out to be much more challenging than I thought, plus the beautiful reserving surprises. To begin with I sold many of my small Christmas creations to decorate the tree and also the latest style handbags Alice in Wonderland and the Onigiri Bag , the most popular so far!
And then ... then the best gift he could get me my and that I never expected: a wonderful weekend
Innsbruck , cute gazebo between the various markets scattered throughout the streets and squares, are also open late at night
° O ° A fabulous place where I could finally taste the authentic and warm
donuts, so big and soft that it melts in your mouth, mmm ... I want ancoraaaa! * Q *
But my gastritis and colitis combined do not believe me, they would get away so easily
T ^ T As in the past year the opportunities to travel were equal to 0, at least between Christmas and New Year we have redone the great, finally! ^ O ^
to December 31 we have instead organized a group of friends who knew a Renaissance Tuscan village completely restored and transformed in a village-hotel breathtaking:
Borgo Giusto is located in the woods of the Alps (near Lucca ). The operators of this enchanted place have a farm that produces olive oil and cheese plus mouth-watering, so the New Year's Eve was very tasty and refined.
But what I appreciated most about this hotel was certainly able to make an unforgettable midnight swim in one of three heated swimming pools available with my "darling" (Lum teaches XDDD).
Well, at least after so many years celebrated at home alone or to the emergency room, this time we just bought back great, eh-eh! ^ - ^ Yesterday,
, January 3 (day of departure to return home), we took the opportunity to make a quick trip to Lucca, where we would have liked to go for the
& Comics Games 2009 like every November, but for economic reasons and work there it is possible to ... ç___ç
I love this city, even though they often end up perdermici! XD
just me who has a sense dell'orienatmento that rivals ... what a shame =_=''
If you still want to have some extra information about where we spent the New Year, here's the link: .

PS next time! Among gifts made and received this Christmas, as well as some new creation, of course, eh-eh! ^ ^

Saturday, January 2, 2010

How To Set The Combination For Vip Locks

(¯ `•. · * ** • • • .¸(¯`. LUNE ° *. ATELIER'S NEXT OPENING .* ¸.'¯)¸. • • ** • * ¸. • '¯)