Welcome to my new blog in Italian, which will describe 'some of my experiences and my observations arising from my daily life in China. I live in Beijing already 'a year, and have the prospect of remaining in the Celestial Empire for a long time yet.
The name of this blog is actually 'my Chinese name, Ji Xiang (吉祥). In case you did not know, all foreigners living in China adopt a Chinese name that you can write Chinese in the alphabet. Some take A name that is 'simply the phonetic spelling more' close to their original name (for example, could become Melissa Mei Li Sha (梅莉莎). Many pero ', myself included, take a completely different name from their original name, but that' sounds good and has a good meaning, since all the Chinese names automatically have a meaning. If you can find a Chinese name that has a good meaning, but sounds even vaguely similar to the original name, and this' deemed best. Adopt a Chinese name is not 'just needed to write their names with Chinese characters. 'S also useful due to the fact that the Chinese make a great effort to remember and pronounce nearly all the foreign names. For many foreigners living in China, as China becomes a true middle name, used by all Chinese knowledge, they often ignore what the real name the person in question.
My Chinese name, Ji Xiang, meaning "auspicious" or "lucky." It 's not a word much used in spoken language, but it is a traditional expression known to all Chinese, who often find myself on the front of time or other old buildings, or on the red banners hung around the doors of many houses Chinese wish you good luck and happiness' to the inhabitants of the house. The name was given to me by my students when I taught English near Chongqing a few years ago ', and me and' Left. To many Chinese like because of the meaning, given their very superstitious and careful not to attract bad luck and bad luck. Also, since my real name and 'difficult to pronounce for Chinese (besides the Italians also make great effort to say "Gabriel" in the manner the English), nearly all my Chinese friends and I are just Xiang Ji . This name also has the trappings of formality ', at least within my university', where all official documents is as Ji Xiang, as well as my real name.
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