Monday, June 28, 2010

How To Reset Scholl Luggage Locks


"Christ has set us free for freedom!"
Dear brothers and sisters!

Bible readings of the Mass this Sunday give me the opportunity to resume the theme of Christ's call and its needs, a subject on which I dwelt a week ago, on the occasion of the ordinations of new priests of the Diocese of Rome. In fact, those fortunate enough to know a young man or woman who leaves her family of origin, education or the job to devote himself to God knows what it is, because it has a front living example of radical response to the call divine. And 'This is one of the best experiences that are made in the Church: see and touch the Lord's action in people's lives, to experience that God is not an abstract entity, but something so big and so strong as to fill the overflowing heart of man, a person living nearby who loves us and asking to be loved.

The Evangelist Luke has Jesus, while walking down the road to Jerusalem, he met some men, probably young, who promise to follow him wherever he goes. With these he shows himself very demanding, warning that "the Son of man - that he, the Messiah - has nowhere to lay his head", ie not have its own permanent home, and that those who choose to work with Him in God's field can no longer hold back (cf. Lk 9,57-58.61-62). To another rather Christ himself says, "Follow me", calling for a clean cut family ties (cf. Lk 9.59 to 60). These requirements may seem harsh, but in reality expressing the novelty and priority of the Kingdom of God which is present in the person of Jesus Christ. Ultimately, this is the radical which is due to the love of God, which Jesus himself first to obey. Who gives up everything, even to himself, to follow Jesus, enter into a new dimension of freedom, which St. Paul calls "walking in the Spirit" (cf. Gal 5:16). "Christ has set us free for freedom "- the Apostle writes - and explains that this new form of freedom acquistataci by Christ is to be" to serve one another "(Gal 5,1.13). Freedom and love match! Instead, obey their own selfishness leads to rivalry and conflict.

Dear friends, now drawing to an end on June, characterized by devotion to the Sacred Heart of Christ. Just the Feast of the Sacred Heart we renewed with the priests of the world our commitment to sanctification. Today I would like to invite everyone to contemplate the mystery of divine-human heart of the Lord Jesus, to draw from the very source of the love of God who fixes his gaze on that pierced Heart and always open to our love, feel the truth of this invocation: "You, Lord, my only good" (psalm). and is ready to leave everything to follow the Lord. O Mary, you've paid unreservedly to the divine call, pray for us! If


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