MRAGGIO not to die
Eternal life and the mirage of
not die Eternal life? In a sense, has become something else. This also because the image has changed, but especially the presence of death. I still remember the results of a statistical research on the English city of Exeter. The author said in 25 years half of the sample studied was already dead. And the figures, as I recall, related to the eighteenth century. We were far from imagining the death of the Middle Ages, when it was almost always naturally. The cemetery was not a place away from everyday life, so much so that the cemeteries are traded there as a prostitute ...
Today? We are separated from cemeteries and death. Culturally it is experienced as a result of unforeseen circumstances, that surprises us every time we meet. Over the centuries and millennia they're behind us the duration of life is, albeit slowly, elongated and death has almost disappeared from the first 20 or 30 years old. Of course people die in road accidents in the workplace, but these deaths are not talking more as a product of fate, but to deficiencies, errors, in circumstances more or less unpredictable. In conclusion, death is still an uncomfortable life tenant, but tenant whose arrival is less and less predictable in the end, the culture of death is very different from that of the past.
Certainly one must die, but death is associated with old age is experienced as an event far away that concerns us. Already All this contributes to a reconstruction of our relationship with religion. Once a religion, death and eternal life were connected psychologically. Today the religion, often far away from the problem of death, an event becomes more positive psychologically. The social, cultural and psychological aspects of religion and then undergo major changes. But is gaining another problem that affects close to religion and is at least partly the product of these secular changes.
Life prolonged by advances in human sciences, is beginning to be seen as psychologically eternal. I became aware of this problem years ago when I participated in a television broadcast along with an American biologist who observed: "Advances in genetics make me think that some of those born now will live in 400 years." A statement that perhaps contains fragments of truth, but it is also extremely important from a cultural perspective. Then, you start talking about a life that, psychologically, even if not in our daily lives, it becomes physically eternal.
Urged by this consideration, I began to think, and crowded inside me questions. But what will happen in the culture of men and women of the future of religious life eternal? As human beings will be comforted in the face of an alleged or presumed physical eternity, even saturated of suffering and pain? Actually changes the meaning of the concept of eternal life? Remains, in a world so dramatically different, the need to give a religious answer to our problems.
But how in the face of a psychologically experienced as eternal life, a man more just than ever? And probably unprepared to face a reality so different? These new formulations of problems that philosophy, theology and psychology have always faced, or new problems for this civilization so different? Sabino Acquaviva
About 'extended family'
Happiness is not a chaos
"The worst day of my life? When Mum and Dad split 'the girl who talks to me so he has 7 years, so we arrived at a time when a girl of 7 years cataloging the bad days of his life, and establishes what is the worst? And if the day when Mom and Dad are separated and the worst, there will never be in the future, even a bad day? Yes, "When the father or the mother will have a new boyfriend."
The baby is the first class, even writes poems. Without rhyme, but now those who use more rhyme? I read yesterday that there are children who have three or four parents is a party: have more fun. And if the new parents of children, children born from 2:00 to 3:00 marriages form a team, always play as if they were constantly in the park. This law. But my experience confirms it is not me. Sometimes the child's mother that I introduced at the beginning of this article a few trips to be at peace with the new companion, and not to feel abandoned her daughter on her cell phone calls, and the first response of the child is: "Where are you? are you lonely? or are you with X? ". The daughter has an obsession: the mother introduces a new husband, and that is a new father. The child feels the mother-father as a perfect couple, we hear the result of perfection.
If the couple splits, in the child un'autosvalutazione infiltrates, you hear the result of an error. I had a friend who had left home, lived with another woman, and this woman had a new son. The son had visited him earlier by his wife, was on the fifth floor, he looked at his half-brother in the cradle, went out on the balcony and jumped. Remember how this ended badly for children or disbanded because Mom and Dad are separated, to a certain age many fans.
I read that new terms are born, to indicate the new roles introduced by the second or third marriage, "Papigno", "mammastra", "cugipote. I do not see the trail of emotions that these terms have been dragging behind. "Papigno" is the male lead of "stepmother", and is the stepmother in fairy tales as the embodiment of evil that the worst fears of the girls unconscious: it is the anti-mother. So excellent that stepmothers are not few, but I know that there are many girls with this terror. E "Papigno" is a neologism funeral. In general, the stepmother mother died when it appears, if there is Papigno means that there is no father. The son is because there is the mother who wanted him.
If there is the "mammastra" there are other children she wanted, not you. The extended family is a mess of generations, but also lexical. Since extended families are numerous in England have decided that most school children do not tell "your mother "or" your father "because it is possible that your child does not live with them. Then he says," adults who live with you. "The word" mother "is deleted. The word is a tree, the language of a forest . If you cut a word, cut a tree. But the word "mother" derive many other trees sprouted from its roots: If you cut one word, create an empty clearing in the middle of society.
An Italian minister in office, revealed yesterday "I also thought that my son, intelligent, not buckled, and I separated. But it is destabilized. It is not right to seek your own happiness at the expense of children." intuition is a profound concept that must be brought Surface: if one lives alone, pursuing individual happiness, if joined to form a pair, enter into a different concept of happiness, the happiness of the couple, who also brings obligations, the happiness of the other, if we form a family, enter into a happy group, and can not break with impunity the group, and kill the happiness of others to close in his own. The happiness of the family - and the Pope reminded us - is made up of many separate individual happiness, but their fusion and their agreement. Ferdinando Camon
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