Wednesday, January 26, 2011

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' starve

prices soar back to
And the world is always hungry
While the eyes of economists and investors were still focused on banks, commodities have started to run. And not just oil. From the low point in December, the prices of soybeans, corn and wheat have come to rise to 50%. We are far from the record achieved in 2008, but the values were however, given the levels of late 2007, when the food crisis was about to burst. A trend that justifies the concern of the FAO, that the end of 2008, food prices were still higher by 26% compared to 2006 and by 33% over 2005. The increases, combined with the effects of the economic crisis, have increased in number over a billion people worldwide may suffer from hunger.

A year ago the cost of bread or a plate of rice riots unleashed dozens of deaths from Haiti to Bangladesh, and Egypt and Senegal. Then came the financial earthquake, the collapse of Lehman Brothers, the 'freezing' of the credit crisis and the transfer of the real economy, now gripped by a recession of historic proportions. Deflated the 'bubble' of raw materials, suggesting, manuals of economics at hand, that the prices should come down and that hunger, at least for a while ', would give respite. It did not happen. Meanwhile the stock market exchange raw materials rose again reaching a warning level that analysts watch closely. They want to know if the upward trend and closed parentheses of the recession, become 'structural'. Among the reasons for the recent gains can not be ruled out speculation. Current prices seem unrealistic, given that the economic recovery is still not around the corner and still will be slow and gradual.

However, there is an increased demand from emerging markets like China, whose economy is recovering more quickly than elsewhere, and in general of biofuels, whose production is well known, removes agricultural land for food. A recent study by Credit Suisse analyzes the impact of just these two factors: the indication is that over the next five years, demand may be greater than supply. All prices should therefore continue to rise. In particular, according to analysts at Swiss bank, a recession this year will decrease the overall demand for food and biofuels only 1 to 2%. Over the medium term, however, that in the next five years, demand should increase at a rate between 2.3% and 2.6%. It is, says the study, a conservative estimate. The only demand for food in the five years, could grow by 2.2%. A will weigh especially the 'fame' of emerging countries.

On the supply side, to complicate the situation is the worst economic crisis in 60 years, as also noted the FAO. Over the next 12 months, Credit Suisse indicates, the crops will be lower by 3-4%, mainly due to funding problems. For 2009 it is estimated a significant reduction in the area and use of fertilizers. Only in the 'barn' Ukrainian government about a collapse of the offer 21%. In Brazil, due to tightening credit in the first quarter of this year the use of fertilizers has decreased by 24%. Thus the crisis, added to already high food prices, has raised 1.02 billion in the number of hungry people. The Director of FAO, Jacques Diouf pointed out that in 2008 were 963 million and less than 850 in 2007, before the food emergency. The recession at the same time seems to have put a strain on the generosity of donor countries, creating hardships the UN World Food Programme. WFP needs U.S. $ 6.4 billion in food aid this year alone, but donor contributions are well below, at an altitude of 1.5 billion last week.

As a result, have been reduced or cut some projects in East Africa and North Korea. In Rwanda, the daily ration of cereals has been increased from 420 to 320 grams, the same fate could reach 3.5 million drought victims in Kenya, northern Uganda has been suspended food distribution to 600,000 people, then resize the operations in Ethiopia. Meanwhile, India has not yet released the non-basmati rice exports 'frozen' in 2008 in the midst of food crisis. Currently, only limited quantities are agreed upon through diplomatic channels with countries considered 'friends'. The government of New Delhi's considering dropping the ban. If so, the price of rice would be destined to fall, but at the same time 700 million Indians without the risk of being. Alessandro Bonini

"When men learn that life is sacred?"
Dear brothers and sisters!
In the past the first Sunday of July was characterized by devotion to the Precious Blood of Christ. Some of my predecessors in the last century, confirmed, and Blessed John XXIII, with the Apostolic Letter Inde a primis (June 30, 1960), explained the significance and had endorsed the Litany. The theme of blood, linked to that of Easter, is of primary importance in the Holy Scripture. The sprinkling with the blood of sacrificed animals represented and established in the Old Testament, the covenant between God and the people, as we read in Exodus: "And Moses took the blood and sprinkled it on the people, saying, Behold blood of the covenant which the Lord hath made with you concerning all these words! " (Exodus 24:8).
In this formula refers explicitly Jesus at the Last Supper, when offering the cup to his disciples, said: "This is my blood of the covenant which is shed for many for the forgiveness of sins" (Matt. 26:28) . And indeed, from the scourging, to the piercing of his side after the death of the cross, Christ has shed his blood as the true Lamb sacrificed for universal redemption. The salvific value of his blood is explicitly stated in many passages of the New Testament. One need only mention in this Year of the Priest, the beautiful expression of the Epistle to the Hebrews: "... Christ entered once for all into the sanctuary, not by the blood of goats and calves but his own blood, thus obtaining eternal redemption. In fact, if the blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of a heifer sprinkled on those who are defiled, sanctifies for the purification of the flesh, how much more shall the blood of Christ - who, inspired by the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot God - cleanse your conscience from dead works to worship the living God "(9:11-14).
Dear brothers, is written in Genesis that the blood of Abel, Cain killed his brother, cries out to God from the earth (cf. 4 10). And sadly, today as yesterday, this does not cease to cry, because human blood continues to flow because of the violence, injustice and hatred. When will men learn that life is sacred and belongs to God alone? When will they understand that we are all brothers? the cry for the blood, which rises from many parts of the earth, God answers with the blood of his Son, who gave his life for us. Christ did not respond to evil with evil, but with good, with his infinite love. The blood of Christ is the pledge of God's faithful love for humanity. Gazing at the wounds of the crucified Christ, every man, even in conditions of extreme moral poverty, can say: God has not forsaken me, loves me, he gave his life for me, and so regain hope. The Virgin Mary, under the cross, together with the apostle John, the blood of Jesus will help us to rediscover the richness of this grace, and to feel intimate and enduring gratitude.


was held at the general chapter of Assisi (Worldwide) of the followers of Saint Francis
Father Carballo: "The Church must speak up suspicions and accusations that touch politicians"
"Never be silent about injustice in the world" The appeal to the G8
friars francesacani
A list of " priorities and expectations. And the request for Berlusconi to clarify
"Who holds public office can not compromise on the morality of
Orazio La Rocca

Carballo Father Benedict XVI with
ROME -" The Church can not remain silent in the face of injustice in the world, all 'oppression of the poor, to the destruction of the environment, the dangers that weigh upon the world peace. But even before the events that even remotely could undermine morality, respect for women, values, human rights, defense of the poor and immigrants. And all the more reason to make its voice heard when suspicions, rumors and accusations on these issues involving leading members of the public institutions, as is unfortunately happening in Italy. "

Friars Minor Franciscans also make their voices heard to the" large " G8 committed to the earth with a message of the Eagle-appeal mostly to the "priorities" and "expectations" of "believers, nonbelievers and people of good will, but especially the poor and oppressed." Priorities and expectations that the children of San Francisco indicate first of all "in defense of peace, the elimination of social injustice and in helping to the poor. "

It echoes his father Jose Rodriguez Carballo, 56, English Santiago de Compostela, renewed for the second time the minister general of the Order of Friars Minor in Chapter concluded in recent days in Assisi under the" supervision "the papal delegate, Cardinal Jose Saraiva Martins. Father Carballo first act has sent an urgent appeal to the G8 against" social injustice, war and hunger that still threatens too many people in the world. "

But a" thought " it has also turned to the Italian situation, with particular attention to the events of Prime Minister Berlusconi, raising "questions" especially against those "voices" that are undermining the moral credibility. The clergyman, in particular, has joined its voice to those inside and outside the Church do not hide their surprise at the known events to Berlusconi, from the Italian Bishops' Conference with Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco president and general secretary, Bishop Mariano Crusade, but also by the weekly Famiglia Cristiana, which has even asked the premier to resign.

Carvallo father also does not hide that would be rather appropriate that the prime minister Berlusconi did "clarity" on all matters of which he is accused extrapolitical (house parties with girls for a fee, allegedly traveling with friends and acquaintances on aircraft state, contact with underage girls). "On morality must never compromise, especially if you hold public office and institutional, "warns the new Minister General Franciscan.

As for his future engagements, father Carvallo assured that it will always be first in line to lead" in every corner of the earth "The Franciscan message. A passionate commitment and total because, he explained," the world has a right to expect that the brothers are instruments of reconciliation and peace, in solidarity with the poorest being attentive to the protection of creation, capable of promoting dialogue between cultures, generations, religions and ways of thinking, to increase knowledge and mutual recognition and the search for common ways to begin to fraternized a world with its rich and healthy differences.

In the course of the Chapter, the 152 delegates who have come to Assisi Porziuncola representing about 15,000 monks in the world, examined the status of the Order and have drawn together the path of the next six years. The final document, entitled "Bearers of the gift of the Gospel," summarizes how the Friars Minor intending to operate at the beginning of the third millennium in proclaiming the Gospel in a world so different from the era of St. Francis. "Our mission - Carvallo says his father - also inspired by Francis of Assisi is between the people of today, by focusing on others and not themselves, in an attitude of sympathy the world, trying to understand and make understandable to all peoples and all cultures. This commitment often takes the form of departure for other countries, to live among people of other languages and cultures and to make present to everyone the gift of the Gospel. Evangelization thus takes on a spirituality that focus on the values of justice, peace, integrity of creation and makes the Franciscan brothers bridges of dialogue, encounter, reconciliation beyond all faiths, religions and political beliefs . This has taught us Francis, we will continue to do this in his name. "


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