Thursday, September 24, 2009

I-catcher Console – Web Monitorbh

Replace the Latin and Greek in high schools with Chinese Italian!

Latin and Ancient Greek occupy an area still abnormal and unjustified in the Italian public school system. In High School, which together with the High School and 'high school more' prestigious in Italy, and buried the two dead languages are still the main subjects!

This state of affairs and 'absurd for the following reasons:

1) The Latin and ancient Greek are not absolutely at a club in the modern world (by several centuries). The argument according to which to learn these two languages is useful in the study of subjects such as medicine or law, 'cause a lot of technical terms derive from Latin or Greek, and' fallacious. Be facilitated in learning the technical terms and 'just a detail, and' far more 'important to understand the concepts, something for which the Latin and Greek are useless. The only thing which will serve the Latin 'never,' read the writing on some ancient monument

2) It 's true that the classical Greek and Roman literature and' very rich. It 'also true that no student of high school and' actually able to read the original versions after 5 years of study. The knowledge of Latin and Greek that students have more 'good after the maturity of high school' and 'laughable. Imagine if you after 5 years of intensive study of German or English, a student did not know it 'speak the language, I' understand it, he 'read a text in the language with some' fluency and understanding their meaning, but only translate a version (ie 'one paragraph) after two hours with the help of a dictionary! and that 'the situation in Italian high schools with the study of Latin and Greek, and no one seems to realize the absurdity' of the situation.

3) To those who say that studying Latin and Greek used to train the brain, say that studying mathematics, philosophy, or to make a nice sudoku get the same result, except that mathematics and philosophy have also some use ' and relevance in today's world.

4) As for who argues that the Latin and Greek are "the foundations of our culture," I reply that will be 'true, but this can not' be an excuse to waste so 'much energy to generations of Students learn little and not of useless material.

5) In the classical high school these two areas are regarded as difficult and boring by students and are invisible to most of them, and there's no 'wonder. If you want to build a better relationship between students and school, and 'time to get rid of this mental torture for the students.

Latin and ancient Greek suits do not deserve this attention and this waste energy. At best, the Latin should be a secondary matter in the classic and abolished in the scientific, while the ancient Greek should be abolished and all. He says that one at the time he attended the grammar school, although now I have removed almost all the little Latin and Greek that I learned.

If someone 'really passionate about these matters (he or she is happy), they can' safely to study at university '.

launch a provocation: 'cause not to replace the two dead languages with a language which, in addition to being the bearer of an ancient culture, and' too much alive and vital? Mandarin Chinese is' a language rich, fascinating, and it 'the official language of the country more' world's population. This is the language that is' the basis of civilization 'of China, a civilization' and traditionally 'bearer of culture more' influential entire East Asia, from Japan to Vietnam. Study would broaden the mental horizons of much of Italian high school students, making them aware of the Oriental culture, a culture that in the future world will become 'more and more' important, and with which the West must 'compare. If all the Italians who had attended high school knew even the rudiments of Chinese, this would make Italy a very competitive, and unique among Western countries. However, the fact that most of the Italian adults have a vague recollection of how it declines pink / pink I do not think that will serve 'never much good'. Certainly the Chinese and 'difficult, but at least it does not have the gerund, or even' the pluperfect! If

then Italian students, reading Confucius in the original version, internalized the Confucian value of respect for authority ', and above all respect and obedience of which the student must always show against his professor and the duty to work hard always, I'm sure the Italian school had everything to gain!

As for the teachers of Latin and Greek, I propose to retrain them by sending them all in Beijing or Shanghai (their choice) for a few years, after that 'they can return and teach the Chinese to the students interested and aware of finally learning something useful.


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