Saturday, May 29, 2010

How To Use Nokia Front Camera

Um ... I'm alive *

XD is a lot to me that I do not live here ... more than a month.
I apologize to anyone who has worried and I have reported missing, only that I can not keep up with everything, including forums, creations, blogs, writing, and so on and so forth.

However, a quick update for anyone interested in the contest that I'm organizing with [info] raffaeletheking : the first contest, one on the kitchen draws to a close and I must say that there has been a good number of participants, which makes us really happy, yesterday was held a new contest and if you are interested you can read the announcement here or here and subscribe (Entries close on July 15, the delivery of the stories on August 15, so there is soooooo time).

Regarding community potermene challenge I hope to redeploy as soon as possible, now that is over a year and catechetical work that there is a pause (only now we have to clean the bones and in less than that too will end one week) I hope to have a little 'more time ^ ^

Well, now back to doing what I was doing before writing this quick post


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