Monday, June 14, 2010

Sample Greetings Speeches

judge, avoid!

^ ^ Yesterday I went out the results of a contest in which I participated with a Castle on ff.
But let's start from the "previous"
"on 10/03/2010 I find this contest, I was participating in another of the same girl and the subject inspired me a lot, I make my request to participate by writing:
Hello ^ ^ I want to register myself and write about Castle-Detective between the lines (which now is becoming my second fandom XD)

Well, even if it is a fandom that you do not know now ^ ^ In the limit sign along with the history you can also send me some explanatory note or a small summary, that I understand something there, okay

And now this had me think, because if you do not know a fandom you accept it? Ok, to the end there were two and a half months of time, so he could memorize all the episodes, but has asked to send "a few explanatory note ...

"I write my acting in time for the extension (I'm still wondering how I did it, apparently under pressure to do better Oo) and send (if you want to read it since yesterday is online here )

"on 13.06.2010 (Tuesday) Himechan gives the results and so far nothing strange, I knew I had not written the masterpiece of the century and I knew that I would come up in the rankings, seeing as we have delivered in 17.
I read the introduction to the results "are not considered the position, but the score and the assessment", etc.. and I'm going to try my nick and my ff: moral of the story, are 13 ^.
Ok, I do not watch league position, step to the review and comment:
Grammar and syntax: 8 / 10
Originality: 8 / 10
Characterization characters: 7 / 10
Style: 8 / 10 Rating
staff: 4 / 5

Total: 35/45

did not know the fandom's Castle but the plot and the characters I was very intrigued, and I think that once I get a free minute I'll watch the episodes in streaming. He seems a really nice, especially some 'sui generis right as I like, while Kate looks like a tough woman, practical action, but that obviously can not hide your good thoughts and feelings. Together they form a pair very well matched, and in this we understand your short fic in a sense the relationship between them. Probably there is some attraction between them which is not completely explicit: the well-used quote, but perhaps you could investigate a bit more of her thoughts is that those about him, featuring more characters in such a delicate moment (I know a lot are secured with the insights XD), but overall I liked the final dialogue you've been able to establish between the two, especially with the witty and ironic joke that you used as Castle citation. You see that you like, picking and taking a bit 'out there, and you've probably also made a right decision in not too explicit rather platonic relationship between them.
So good and congratulations to you too!

my expression after reading the whole thing? This: OO, followed by a "WTF?"
course ask for explanations on those 8 in grammar and syntax and style because, unlike the previous contest Himechan, did not give any justification in the comment.

Answer: Dear
I posted my comment to your story, and I did a little more to add on items you requested ^ _ ^

That is, let me know? Write comments in the space of history, why? Why are you afraid that you say? Obviously I've guessed, because after what I said was:
I do not want to create controversy, I thought about it before responding very well, and I write what I am immensely sorry for writing.

As regards grammar, I have not found error, and I found it very simple and straightforward style, with a syntax, perhaps a bit 'too coordinated, but an 8 in these two items I think is a very good score, given I gave up only a few stories that had more than a grammar a more rigorous and sophisticated style

I'm sorry, but no errors on 8 rate is low (mainly because it is the same rating you gave me your in the contest and in my story for what There were errors in accepting the vote without discussion). Not to mention that, in my opinion, parameters such as grammar and syntax, style and characterization to be objectively evaluated, not the "you write like that, and then what do you do this for me is the vote" also since you do not know the series you can not evaluate the first characterization in a way and then in another, you could tell me from the beginning that my acting out of competition would participate or not participate as I could have done it in other contexts.
do not pretend to have the best or that you review the votes, are now black and white, but I'm sure he did not have a vote that I deserved.

I apologize once again it may seem a controversial intervention, it was not my intention to: (

Answer (which more than one answer seems yet another scrambling):
I regret very much that you have seen something negative or little transparency in the trial, but I do not agree on the fact that the parameters mentioned above you are completely objective. The assessment that I made, has been principally looking at the general level of the other stories, probably, from your point of view, this was my limit, but I have considered many ways to draw the scores of various items. With regard to the characterization, not knowing the fandom, I was based solely on what your fic has expressed a level of description, and in this case, comparing the story to the other, which I did not know the context, I have found substantial differences that have led to put that particular score. Again, I have reviewed your fic not individually, but placed into a contest in which there are other stories, which aspects you mentioned, they gave me something extra.

Forget for the moment the part dealing with incomplete objective parameters such as grammar, syntax and style, and I dwell on the characterization in response to his "Concerning the characterization, not knowing the fandom, I have relied exclusively on what your fic has expressed a level of description, and in this case, comparing the story to the other, which I did not know the context, I found substantial differences that have led to put that particular score. " thinking that he meant the other acting on Castle:
Not to say (and I'm sorry to sound megalomaniac), but in the section of Castle on EFP there are 8 out of 10 stories that I wrote ... if you read those.

Answer: I was referring to stories
participating in the contest, not those in our fandom's Castle ...

WTF? 2
Let me understand: you, when you do not know a fandom, and unbelievably, after reading the stuff of notes that I wrote for the vote on the characterization as transparent as possible, compares the characterization Castle of those of the other stories of participants does not know the fandom? Transparency
me away.

But is not the only oddity to everything: how you can consider not entirely objective parameters such as grammar and syntax, for which there are clear rules and shared, style and characterization?
When a story has no errors and has no flaws, should not be considered along with other error-free?
But above all: to accept and judge stories of fandom do not know, thus affecting the votes?

Maybe I'll be wrong and I used to think that if a person is page after page of notes and explanations that have requested them, should assess objectively, do not go "in touch", "belly".

What do you think? Keep in mind that I have not changed any message that I posted here and you can find everything here and here if you want to check


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