"Oh you know my dear? we are at peace now, it's coming universal peace. So come down to take the embrace, quickly come down.
Why should I bear the news in a hundred places and more.
Now you are free to go about without fear around us we will be good for you sisters. Are fire and joy and good humor: to, come down to take the kiss of love.
-Amica- she answered so quickly, the cock really move me these things, and really you are much obliged.
But I want this holiday is made more solemn and more joyful making that can also hunting, which comes running from some trouble brings the olive branch.
As he arrives I go down from the tree, so peace will seem more holy. -Say hello! - said the Beguine -ho too much hurry, my path is a long-bye, at random, -morrow. And into the countryside, with empty-handed in a rush leverage their heels. In this view smiled cock and sang the famous sentence: that it is smart to double the indulgence.
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