Whoever reads me knows I am disabled and live by myself for thirty years in a town near Milan, and he also knows that in the writing of my posts have helped from my friend computer recognize my voice. 55 years of this disability may sound a lot, and someone said that I did not have a happy life, but they are wrong because even be disabled does not mean being unhappy, not enough to have two good legs and when you drugs, no use having a perfect body, then if you resort to cosmetic surgery or even worse, we commit suicide because of his unhappy life despite the disability is not obvious to the human eye. It is clear that you can always love even when you're completely paralyzed or partially paralyzed like me, because this goes beyond the paralysis, in fact there are people who are not disabled even though they are not capable of love, have an idea of life funeral, there are people rather than enjoy life despite being disabled, so that the disabled life is a gift from God in which we must be because He makes all things new, even disability. Below you can read articles that talk about describing the various difficulties of people with a disability is not due to God's will, but by the will of men, fortunately, not all who see it as wrong a disgrace. I spoke of beauty because the disability does not allow you to be selfish as to do anything it takes two because you can not do it alone, but in two yea, and therein lies the beauty and not at all humiliation, because the humiliation is something else. CHILDREN OF A LESSER
law a decade ago requires companies to employ a "quota" of disabled workers, but this does not happen. Here's why. And how can we fix it.
is the ultimate effect of the economic crisis. But nobody talks about it. After all, they are already among those who are at the bottom of the line, workers' weight 'than others, according to the recent complaint by Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, president of the Italian Bishops' Conference. They are disabled workers, those for which a decade ago, a state law provides for a share of jobs "protected" el'obbligatorietà recruitment for companies.
Well, today the crisis and the possibility for companies to access redundancy, mobility, procedures for the reduction of working suspend the obligation to recruit those who are not clever as the others. It's the ultimate prize to give to disabled entrepreneurs and the last, which is eaten in silence. Aggravates an already precarious situation, because the 1999 law has not kept its promises, including checks not very incisive and numerous opportunities to practice around it. Instead, the majority of people with disabilities work is life, embankment and trench against depression, and not just a paycheck at the end of the month.
The law provides that a company that has between 15 and 35 employees there is a disabled person, two to 50 employees and larger companies are restricted to 7 per cent of their jobs. But it happens a few times. It is enough that the company pays a contribution the Regional Fund for Employment of the disabled to be exempt from taking. It can also decide not to respect it at all, the law, so the penalty is € 51.65 per day, too low, as to be convenient. It often relies on inadequate controls, which allow you to get away with it for years and years.
So work for disabled people in Italy today is a "mirage," as reported by a survey of the site, one of the most clicked Italian portals on the problems of the encounter between work and disability. The employment rate of disabled people in Italy was 19.3 percent against 55.8 percent of those without disabilities, according to ISTAT. But the data was written several years ago when the economic crisis had not felt its effects. The result is thousands of posts reserved for disabled workers are not covered and hundreds of thousands of permanently disabled workers registered with the employment rolls special. Placing
In essence, failed accompaniment by employment agencies and networks of job protection for the disabled in companies and public bodies. In addition, little work has been entrusted to the cooperatives that deal with social inclusion of disabled people in employment.
and placement to be impeached. According to the latest survey Isfol Institute Development of vocational training of workers, working in cooperation with the Ministry of Welfare and other government agencies, only 13 percent of people with disabilities have found jobs through employment offices. In short, the state does little to help the disabled and non-business, especially in the early days of integration, with the figures of the tutor provided by law. Many associations dealing with disabled people take note, as did the Anffas, that without the support of social cooperatives or agencies for the work 'with disabilities struggle to find a job, "despite a law very advanced. The latest report to Parliament on its implementation, ten years after entry into force, says that starts to work, about 31 000 in 2007, are few compared to around 700 000 people registered for job placement.
Someone tried to tackle them. The Lazio Region has set up a kind of "stamp H" for companies that are more attentive to the inclusion of disabled people. But not enough. Why
often assumptions are made, but then people with disabilities are abandoned, left without doing anything, marginalized, as reported by the Office of the disability policies of the CGIL union, which receives about 15 cases a day of discrimination in the workplace.
The law ten years ago had turned the compulsory employment in targeted employment for people with disabilities need at least a coupon. But it will be difficult to schedule in time of crisis and lack of money, especially for social safety nets. The standard is very advanced, but is hard to be applied.
He also pointed out the relationship of the disabled workers: a resource for the community, entrusted to the Research Foundation Laboratory for Social Policy (Labos) and the Institute for Prevention and job security (ISS) from the Ministry of Labour , Health and Social Affairs, presented last week at the CNEL in Rome.
lacks the social
He notes Silvano Miniati, director of the CNEL, which "is enough to be tracked down fake a disability and all the focus shifts the false invalid, but that there is not the issue, because the problem are the true mobility and the role they must play in the workplace ". The director of the foundation
Labos Claudio Calvo notes that "the employment of a disabled person is an issue that affects not only businesses but also the entire community. The law passed ten years ago is perfect and valid for entry into employment, but not so if we enlarge the field of social inclusion. "
Alberto Bobbio
cooks and waiters at Trattoria FRIENDS
Thirteen disabilities working in a restaurant in the heart of Rome in Trastevere. It's Trattoria friends, opened eight years ago by the Community of Sant Egidio, signaled by the Gambero Rosso, who won the prize last year as the best example of the CISL labor insertion. Four disabled people working in the kitchen, the others are at the tables. This year, with the collaboration of Birra Peroni, Trattoria held its second training course of the commission room and kitchen which was attended by 18 disabled.
"The RU486 has killed my daughter
image of Holly Patterson Holly Patterson had just turned 18 when she entered a California clinic association" Planned Parenthood "asking for an abortion pill. In reality we do not know what churches. We know only that he was scared. She was pregnant. His parents did not know. He wanted someone to help her. Holly received a tablet of 200 mg of mifepristone in the clinic and another who took 800 mg of misoprostol, with instructions to insert it vaginally 24 hours later. She was given an appointment a week later, September 17, 2003, at two o'clock, to check that the fetus had been expelled and that "everything had gone well." Nothing went well. Holly died an hour before the appointment, the hospital emergency room in Pleasanton. His father, called emergency, she had never heard of RU486 before a doctor informs him that, after a chemical abortion, her daughter "not going to make it."
But Monty Patterson still does not understand what it was that turned his healthy, energetic girl in the creature, pale and unable to speak who looked terrified, shortly before expiring. In the months after Patterson had learned a lot: to kill his daughter was sepsis caused by infection by the bacterium "Clostridium sordellii," induced by the RU486. And that death could have been avoided. Today, the U.S. turns to explain that RU486 is a real poison Patterson discussed the risks of the pill at the White House, often in evidence in Congress, with the FDA, with associations of patients. Following his activism 70 Members have written the "Holly's Law" which calls for the suspension of RU486 and review of the process that led to its approval. But the law was never passed by Congress.
Mr. Patterson, what is your opinion on the abortion pill?
"My concern is the safety for women. For me it is a health problem. I just wanted to save my daughter, but I could do. All that remains for me is to try to inform others of what Holly can happen to them. "
That information should have?
"At the moment as a 18 year old Holly is not getting enough information to make an informed decision when choosing to terminate her pregnancy chemically. There is no incentive to explain what could happen. But not just a 18ennne. Take Oriane Shevin. Was a lawyer. Married, mother of two children. He had a third pregnancy and did as Holly. You went to a clinic, took a pill. She's dead. He had received enough information? No. What is on the Internet, with the abortion doctors, the data are put into service by the company that distributes the RU486 in the U.S., the Danco Laboratories, or pro-abortion organizations. They argue that the risk is minimal, that infections are rare and treatable. Not true! These women are left alone and without means to defend themselves. "
is one of the characteristics of the abortion pill to allow abortion "do it yourself" ...
"The facts show that this idea of abortion in the privacy of your home" puts an enormous burden on the shoulders of women. Forces them to understand themselves when things go wrong. Holly has done everything she had said. After three days he called the clinic complaining of severe abdominal cramps, and they told her to take a higher dose of painkiller. The next day she went to the emergency room. They gave her a painkiller even stronger el'hanno sent home. Three days later she returned to hospital and died within hours. He had no fever, only pain. Three other women had the same symptoms. And have been told that everything was normal. "
Whose fault is it?
"The emergency departments are not trained to recognize symptoms of infection such as this. Often women will address not even tell that it took the abortion pill. Holly did, but she was not of any help. "
The American who oversees drugs - the FDA - has admitted that the company distributes the abortion pill has not reported all the cases of "adverse effects" ...
"Yes, because the United States these reports are voluntary. But we know that there are many other women who have risked dying or died because of RU486, and which have not been told anything. Abortion is a procedure surrounded by secrecy, especially in the case of young people like Holly became pregnant at 17 years of a 24 year old who did not want it known to parents. We can not download on the shoulders of these young women the responsibility to doubt the information they receive in clinics or on the Internet. I myself have struggled to collect reliable data. "
She turned to who?
"Didier Sicard, a professor of medicine at the University of Paris Descartes, former president of the French bioethical who gave the green light to RU486. His daughter, Oriane Shevin, died after taking the abortion pill. Now he argues that the risks related to RU486 is much higher than it admits, and that information circulating are not objective. The figures speak of a risk of "failure" of the Protocol of 5-7%. Where are those numbers? From the distributor of the pill. It's like asking the fox to guard the henhouse. Since my daughter died I was contacted by dozens of women who have told me of having the lives of Holly. They had taken the pill, they were not good. They went on the Internet, read my story, and ran to the hospital saying that maybe they had an ongoing infection. In some cases it was true, and received antibiotics in time. "
It is a consolation?
"The only. Se Holly fosse sopravvissuta, sarebbe la prima a voler raccontare la sua storia per aiutare altre come lei. Non ho potuto proteggere mia figlia, forse posso proteggere le figlie di altri».
Elena Molinari da avvenire
Europa, gli anni di Erode
Dal 1997 tredici milioni di aborti
Nei 27 Paesi dell’Unione europea l’aborto è la causa di mortalità più estesa, ben prima dei decessi dovuti a incidenti stradali o a malattie come il tumore. Ogni secondo, negli Stati facenti parte l’Ue, si verificano 25 interruzioni di gravidanza, un trend che fa assommare all’enorme cifra di 1.237.731 gli aborti praticati in un anno (dati del 2007). Sono questi alcuni dei (terribili) numeri del report "Abortion in Europe announced by the European Institute for Family Policies (IPF), based in Madrid, and spreads his studies in various languages. Just the Iberian country has leaped to the headlines recently for the pro-vida huge march in Madrid against the law of the Zapatero government, which paves the way for free abortion for minors.
"The figures speak for thousands of personal tragedies, family and social front of which the company can no longer continue to remain indifferent - writes in the introduction to the IPF report -. All this represents a major challenge for society and for the government because every mother that abortion is a setback for the company. "
numbers, then. Those of the document are shocking: one million and 200 thousand children born in one year represents the entire population of a large city on the continent. In the decade considered the European Union has "lost" 13 million unborn children because, as if to disappear, gathers the entire population of Sweden current and Ireland. This means that a pregnancy to 5 (19.1% to be exact) in the Old continent ends with an abortion. This fact contributes to the 'demographic winter' that is gripping Europe in 2008 births decreased by 774mila units compared to 1982, with a negative balance of 12.5%.
The IPF report - based on Eurostat data and those provided by other countries - remove some cliché pro-abortion organizations such as the one that says "more contraception = less abortions." However, if the means of contraception in recent years have now ramped up - an example, the spread of institutionalized preservativ in secondary schools in different countries - does not mean that we are witnessing a decline in abortions. Indeed, if in 1997 the then 15 countries outside the European Union there were 837,409 abortions, ten years after they rose by 12.6% arriving at an altitude of 931,396. Spain and Britain are the countries with the largest growth trend: Madrid had within 10 years more than 62,500 abortions in the United Kingdom has seen a +27,500. There is then given further cause for concern, particularly in the area of education: an abortion every 7 prompted by a woman with less than 20 years. Here, the record is held by Great Britain (48,150), where the problem of pregnant teenagers is now an alarming social problem, followed by France (31 779) and Romania (17,272).
But what are the European countries over the last decade have had the most number of abortions? The dubious distinction belongs to Romania, 2,114,639 abortions, followed by France (2,079,387) Great Britain (2037657), Italy (1321756), Germany and Spain.
good news arrives, however, if we take into account the number of pregnancies deleted in the twelve countries that joined the EU in recent years, mostly Eastern European nations: in 1997, 650,869 abortions were practiced there, in 2007 it's down to 306,335, a decrease of 52.9%. Even looking at the situation of our country, the report of IPF offers a glimmer of hope: we are one of the last decade, the countries in which abortion is declining. In 2007 we have had 126,562 abortions, or 13,604 fewer than 10 years ago.
Spain is the 'hole black 'survey of IPF: if, as mentioned, it is twenty-seven of the country where abortion is most widespread in the last 10 years, in 2008 (as estimated by IPF) have reached 120 thousand abortions, becoming the 4th EU country to screw rising deleted.
From this bitter observation of family policy, the Institute appeals to the world of politics: "It is necessary and urgent that the government implement a true prevention policy (abortion, ndr) based on the increase of social and economic conditions for pregnant women "while leaving" to pursue policies of contraception outdated 'and' not are the most appropriate solution for the company. You must take up the challenge - says the document - and create a genuine policy of training - not just information - in favor of life by helping pregnant women. "
Lorenzo Fazzini
E 'simply being in the right
love human life, defend, and sustain it - still and always - accept it and respect it is the easiest thing in the world. It is na ¬ tural. It's natural and human to protect those who are small and fragile, help those in distress, to console those who sof fre ¬. It's natural and human feed and drink to those who can not provide alone. Unnatural and terri ¬ bile is the idea of denying, in any way, anyone's life or just leave it in ¬ weakness, extreme dependency, in ¬ diffi culty. Unnatural and terrible to even think of letting it drift a person totally disabled. Loving life is easy. And, in fact, are ordinary people who can do it better. Those are simple and easy because - as they hope ¬ creased, although they have studied, as they investigated - they have learned, and preserve, the sen ¬ I know a basic truth: every human being is de ¬ GNO 'and none life, ever, is the master of another life. When things within us and in the communities to which we belong, are so clear, it is easy to understand what is right and what is wrong.
Who's with you ta ¬ - who is for life - never hurts and never mind the arbitrary ¬ ends. Those who cultivate the idea of death - who is allied with death - is the exact opposite. Yet, og gi ¬, there is much that seems to render incredibly ar ¬ dua understanding of what is right and which co ¬ knows is wrong. And there are those who try in every way, to ren ¬ DERC difficult, even impossible, to say the "yes" and "no" clear and bright. Thus, today, one year mor ¬ you of the painful Eluana "dehydration" that is, to thirst - so certified the autopsy - there seems to im ¬ return carrier to indicate to ourselves and to all, with the requisite clarity, the example of those who with gentleness and human wisdom and care, love and ser ¬ Vono life and not deny it. We tell you the nuns in the ca ¬ Misericordine who knows care 'Talamoni' Lecco continue to offer their patients the same dedication and the same loyalty for 17 years gave the young woman in a persistent vegetative state then brought to death in Udine. And the doctors tell you that the Centre 'Cyclotron', University of Liege are giving new and always pre ¬ the most impressive scientific answers to the application for those who do not give up and not lost, and declares "without qualities" people vege ¬ tative been classified. Let's talk about Lucrezia and Ernesto Tresol ¬ who have regained their Maximilian, after years of alleged there ¬ die vegetative state "permanent" (ag ¬ adjective now abolished by the men of science, except by those superficial or fiercely pro-euta ¬ Nasia ), for love helps the "miracles" and her son wounded and lost in a depressing their disabilities have never wanted to be away from their lives and home.
And we give voice to all other families affected by the ordeal of a loved one ¬ closed and presented to you in a state that makes it apparently or actually "unreachable" (those families that do not leave their families alone, but that, too often, are left alone dramatically ¬ public resources from public care facilities). The following examples, the facts. And then there are the chiac ¬ banker. The gnashing sophistry of those who would have us believe that care for seriously ill, so-called "without the hope," it would be cruel. The icy arguments of those who dare to describe as a "violence" to the tender care given to those who can not fend for itself. The anti-democratic arrogance of those who invoke the action of 'wise but ¬ tered "to subvert the laws that already provide (such as Law 40) or, hopefully, will set early (co ¬ me of the law on advance directives is ¬ tion) a limit than in the manipulation of unborn life and having a minimum of assis ¬ za the disabled. The talk also of beasts who, in ¬ sum, to try to overthrow the real sense of things. Up to declare "inhuman" stare, and without hesitation sen ¬ za fierce, just the side of life. Bad words, Ferrigno ¬ propaganda that I'm not worth a moment's no time to research and care pro ¬ Laureys Professor or Professor and Dolce and humble even the smallest gestures that make every day, Lecco, and his sister Albina sisters. Cat ¬ tive words that want to make 'Death' stands for 'li ¬ dom, "and therefore are not and will never spec ¬ mark true soul of the people.
Mark Tarquinio
At his side
'you, baby. And the evidence of its vitality '
snowing at the beginning of February, and the lake is can ¬ cells from low clouds. In the second-floor room of the clinic ¬ Blessed Talamoni Eluana is gone for a year, not from you ¬ 3 February 2009, when an 'ambulance took her away, in Udine, where she died. That you not ¬ raining heavily, and even today is down to Lecco rain mixed with snow, and dark as if winter will never end. In clinical ¬ ca, everything is equal. Sister Albina Corti, the manager is always running in the corridors and wards. When he finally stops and you sit in front of his face meetings will be open Lombard, reluctant to words and therefore inclined to smile. "Yes, one year," he says, as if re ¬ ¬ rope something that has constant thoughts in mind. Then, imperceptibly, to capital markets by exchanging cam ¬ ¬ no voice: "You know, the other day u ¬ na ¬ an employee is coming to itself in favor waiting for a bam bino ¬. She was happy and a bit 'worried, because of the work. But, I said, the problems they af ¬ borders: while we should be happy for your baby arrives. And together we have enjoyed this new life. At ¬ ra, instinctively I thought of E ¬ luana. She was alive, I said, she was as a person that child, creates a ¬ ture. One person, and almost a daughter, after fifteen years here. Once outside, washed, cared for fifteen years.
Sister Rosa, the one that was next to Eluana every day, ¬ I'm not involved in this conversation, does not break his silence. But even in the case of Sister Albina strong on that say 'was alive', appears un'incrina ¬ ture, the emergence of profound suffering.
Mother, "if someone is mor ¬ ta, let us felt that the mo ¬ alive 'your words alone were a year ago. For many E ¬ luana it was just a body vegetan ¬ you. How do you feel up ¬ you alive?
"What she was alive - responding to his ¬ ra - was evidence, not just because they breathe naturally, without any machine. Think of a newborn baby, not ¬ sce leaders, did not speak, does not answer, but perhaps it is evidence that a person is u ¬ na? And that's they only re ¬ alive, gives us joy? "The answer in so many
: A child grows up and goes to the there ¬ ta, Eluana had been there for many years im ¬ mobile, away ...
" It was so totally inert and not present. When called by name reacted with an almost imperceptible agitation but we used to Starla provi ¬ to, pick it. And his skin, seemed to enjoy the caresses. Sure hope for a better ¬ tion was not imaginable, unless you call this ¬ ment miles 'miracle'. But Eluana was alive. When the other day I heard of the research reported in The New England Journal of Medicine on patients in vegetative state ¬ ment, in which some areas of the brain reacts to stimuli rea ¬, ¬ I ask is if she could not have them in similar re ¬ conditions.
What was actually born the day ¬ Eluana, as lived in that room on the second floor?
"Many people envision a chamber ¬ tion of resuscitation, a body at a car ¬ heel. Here there was no machine. Eluana breathe naturally. Al ¬ no crazy was washed, and cut her hair every now and then came a par ¬ Rucci. She was a natural ¬ sane, beautiful, not skinny, never ill, with a skin ro ¬ sea as a child. After hygiene was physiotherapy, then was put in a wheelchair, if there was good weather was in the garden. At Christmas, we had brought to the church ¬ knows us. "
is the life that is now in one of these rooms ¬ ste another patient in the same conditions. In his ca-mera, however, alternating his wife and relatives and friends in a web of affections. Eluana, it received almost no visits in the last tem ¬ more the father had restricted people call ¬ cer ve ¬ DERE admitted to her daughter. Sisters, nurses and doctors, however, were always ac ¬ sing. Sister Rosa, espe ¬ to. It did not stop to talk to her, as we talk to a live person. "That day it was announced ¬ ciat who came to take it - resumed Sister Albina without guar ¬ us, as fixed in his memory - we do not believe. He had been threatened many times, and nothing happened. That Afternoon ¬ Thurs instead came the father, and told me that if Eluana ¬ went wrong. I prayed, think again, for fa-vore, Mr Englaro. He did not respond, and it was hailed as an ¬. I felt at that mo-ment a man ¬ petrified by his own choice. " And in that rainy night, re ¬ cord the nun, "¬ Eluana seems to be suddenly shaken. Ar ¬ rivatives nurses. We talk about the ¬ Vamo, they repeated them to be trans ¬ Quilla. Le said he was going to a place where I wanted to be ¬ (again the voice of the nun cracks). "We gave her a kiss. They took her away. "
The siege of journalists, the worst of the flash lamp ¬, ¬ tolita Italy Ammu watched. And here the empty room. The pho ¬ fie and paintings on the walls, the two pe ¬ Luchesi on the bed (the terrible emptiness of the rooms of the one who goes forever). And the fourteen Miserable ¬ cords of Lecco to wait to ¬ gether with all their congregational ¬ ne: to think about that girl, for fifteen years as a daughter, who was going to die of thirst and hunger. Those women, to pray. Mother Albina silence, words can not suffice. It just says, pen ¬ sando last goodbye: "I have pen ¬ sato the Via Crucis by doing it yourself. The Lord, the day ¬ no, he found himself. " Meanwhile, the corridors, rooms, the soft sound of a quiet and busy hospital ¬ dale: car ¬ Relli passing, phones ringing, voices. (Here and elsewhere, who knows how many nursing homes, ¬ when you sick every day, passive in bed, they are washed, treated with wings ¬ mented as Eluana? Is not in ¬ to vegetative maybe, but simple concrete ¬ lost in AD or dementia, or were born incapable, and forever unconscious and chil ¬ ni? Treating them, caring for them in the old certainty almost tacit ¬ ¬ ¬ mum mind handed down by the Christian, they are people. But, think about a world of certainty ¬ forgets this, claiming that they ¬ liberty, rights and 'dignity of life' sends the innocent to die, like Eluana. And then, as she claims to Wikipedia: Dead 'to natural death').
Mother, what do you answer that, and there are many who say, if it were up to me to be immo ¬ bile and unconscious in a bed, ¬ ago topics die?
"I would say really think about it. Without stopping to imagine what the mind ¬ abstract who do not know. Why organize a life to which patients have no experience. And a death, they know even less. "
A pause. "Because, you see - and this seems to repeat the nun ener ¬ ogy and hope - some patients co ¬ Eluana I must see with their own eyes. Not only imagine, because then the fear prevails. See them as they are, live in a room full of their things, like a room of our house and live so helpless, so helpless. Just as newborn babies. How can you not love who is co ¬ so defenseless and in need of us, even if that ¬ does not understand and do not respond de ¬? How can you not love a child? ". It is in this the key question of the dedication of the miseries ¬ ve ¬ cords to Eluana, and many others, unknown to many others sick. A love for life is not abstract but draws on a source of profound motherhood, and much more de ¬ than carnal. Pa ¬ where a mother found that that way of life was intolerable, not worthy of their mothers for fifteen years have embraced: a shimmering skin of gratings, trellises common ¬ que of that breath. As two of ¬ verse looks to the world have crossed over to this cross ¬ Quilla clinic in Lecco. Then, that ¬ night, the ambulance has left and E-luana is gone. Others like her, perhaps, will come. And Sister ¬ Al Bina and her sisters and the nurses will take care of them re ¬. Serene, of course. Co ¬ me saying, in the calm strength of their faces: "Do not you see? It is evidence that they are alive. "
From our correspondent in Lecco Marina Corradi
When Eluana called mommy
Hospital of Sondrio, Division Lun ¬ godegenza, 4 o'clock in the morning of October 15, 1993. Eluana is in vege ¬ tative 'permanent' - as it was then - nearly two years. In his room de succe-something: "The patient began ¬ cated by the ...», verses we read in 'Do-clinical documentation' which is concerned (and rac ¬ count the 17 years after the death) . It is not an exception that Eluana silent, I ¬ breathes, moans, the case for two years and will do so for another 15, until the day before his death in 'The Quiet' di Udine. But that night is not subsiding, it is perhaps more agitated than usual, perhaps has more careful next nurse, maybe she stayed there with his mother, I do not know. The fact is that Eluana continues to 'complain', as if to say something, and who is there to encourage, give ear to those 'lines', until - it is written in the patient - "encouraged to say the word 'mother' is riu ¬ growth to put it twice, so ¬ understandable. "
been almost two years dall'inciden ¬ before you drive has led at the end of vi ¬ tion and then sunk in a vegetative state, but called Mom Eluana Saturna, im ¬ evokes the image we are addressing in need. In the two years of hospitalization in Sondrio Saturna mother reaches her daily from Lecco, just to stand beside her and continue to spy on those signals that only a parent can understand, the movement of a finger, a breath longer know ¬ ... Messages sent from the deep-do of a conscience hidden by re ¬ stresses with trepidation to the doctor on duty: "The mother reports in the afternoon, the appearance of spontaneous movements of extension of the myth ¬ go left," was written a few pages pri ¬ but. Every parent is always waiting, listening and scrupulous ¬ ta, waiting for a response that will re maga ¬ twenty years, stimulates, calls, ac ¬ caress, hopefully. So
Eluana "occasionally run simple commands on a command of the mother but ¬ ', eg' dorsiflexion of the feet, bending the knees outside." Then that ¬ invocation repeated twice, and who knows me will co ¬ bounced off the heart of Saturna ¬ do some years of silence, "Mama, Mama." He has traveled extensively, Eluana in 17 years 'sleep', from hospital to hospital for brief hospitalizations, tests, rehabilitation, and every time - it says - "no problem transferring ¬ tion." It is quiet, do not require even of antiepileptic drugs, no crisis ever. The penultimate journey is important that the door to Lecco, nuns Mise ¬ souvenirs, where the family requests that spit or ¬ Saturna because that is where the birth had rita ¬ November 25, 1970, and there would now be able to continue to assist, at their doorstep. The hope never dies, especially if you tell me ¬ Sondrio wrote that "at times seems fixed and contacted," or that "if proper ¬ stimulated mind running simple commands," not moved a finger, not a coup but even eyelid "The opening and closing of the left hand '...
fantasy of a mother who sees what we see the empty ¬? No, comments of doctors and fermier ¬ "... it expels some vocalization, fis ¬ sava and tried to make eye contact of the ¬ '. "Mass Thurs ¬ prone to putting down on his elbows he accepted the position," even though "he could not straighten his head." "It seems to move the toes on co ¬ send ... '. In the end, "given the young age of the patient and the slow but continuous evolution, we recommend the continuation of rehabilitation." The hope dies, but it takes a lot of real ¬ dav, and Saturn is ill with pain, their paths separated. Eluana is treated in the nursing home of not ¬ Misericordine to you between 2 and 3 February a year ago, when ¬ C her father is transferred to 'The Quiet' U-dine, where you will die (a shelter officially finalized its mind ¬ '¬ recovery work "and" social promotion of the assisted). And during the trip this time is Eluana ¬ beats, to eject the tube. Pino and Lucia
Bellaspiga Ciociola
Maximilian, born with a sign of the cross
two parallel lives, and those of Eluana Maximilian, at least not for a long stretch ¬: ¬ have no both 21 years when an accident do ¬ ' car, a few months of each other, interrupts the course of life and the rule ¬ sweeps thoughts, actions and hopes. Both is the beginning the long sleep, locked in a body that does not seem to communicate anything to co ¬ ¬ nes suno. Then something happens in the life of Max and the two young people is the dilemma: "After nearly 10 years of state vege ¬ tative on the evening of Christmas 2000 Max raised his hand and made from only the gesture that I had always done I make the sign of the Cross. Thought I was crazy. " So Tresoldi Lucretia, the mother, with her husband Ernesto, ave ¬ be spent days and nights at ¬ back to that child, talk ¬ grief, moving arms and legs, stimulating sen ¬ za stop.
What was the diagnosis? The brain injury was so
¬ to the doctors in any way, which excluded any resumption ¬ ¬ even partially. A neurologist made a comparison: Max was like u ¬ na electrical box, if you cut the wire there will never be any contact. The cartel ¬ clinic write every day 'not working'. Saw no signs of re ¬ move, them.
Why you did you see them?
I one day I caught the move ¬ ment of the little finger. But the neurologist said it was a reflex, that deceive me. Over the years, how many times we have deluded or visionary ... Today
give you the facts reasonably ¬ tion, but in fact was not chile ¬ ago believe it, then.
The astonishing fact is that these brain lesions have the Max, as the MRI, which shows how ¬ pious little sap the human brain. For many years, if no ¬ GNO consciousness. Then? After nine years of vegetative state ¬ there we saw a smile. Neurologists sustainable Nevano it was an involuntary spasm, but it was repeated, and never by accident, always pre ¬ when friends came to visit him Max. A year later, when our son woke up, he explained those smiles ... Du ¬ ¬ Rante those long ten an ni Maximilian had always been 'here' with us, which could not only common ¬ carlo. On waking he remembered exactly who had come to pass ¬ to find it, rac ¬ episodes had occurred in his room ...
How important is that the ab ¬ blasted brought home and makes ¬ mile has always been the next?
Studies show that the stimulus for this increased ¬ these cases it is the contact with parents. Too good not to stay more in ¬ ¬ bit trà never send sen ¬ sation, sounds, 'I hear re ¬' family, espe ¬ all the love that the cer ¬ fleece has very strong. When we brought him home to ¬, ¬ or after 8 months of hospitals and feeding tube, had already received an extreme ¬ tion, could not de-glut, weighed 39 pounds, it was all covered with wounds, 40 had fever. We at home have the mo ¬ removing the feeding tube and, equip ¬ chiaino per teaspoon, we embarked with smoothies, every sip move my neck because the learned movement right. It took months.
¬ The day before you died, the team of Udine has tried to give water in Eluana to prove the incapacity.
A madness to a person in agony? And Max is choking with liquids today eating spaghetti and cotolet ¬ you. However, it takes months and months of co ¬ operation because, after years of probe ¬ no.
Max accepts his disability ¬ ity?
is a happy boy and God's grace ¬ rin if three out of five doctors were opposed to the ex ¬ machines. For a month in this part is always saying new words and now has the know ¬ GNO to walk through a special help but wait by ASL ... We shall see that? What
aid received by local health authorities?
Three hours per week of physio ¬ therapy, namely zero. We bought the bed ¬ antidecu the framework, the vacuum for ca ¬ Tarr, gym. Only a year we can allow ¬ tere the speech therapist, but how many years ago, Max would speak, if the meetings were first started ro ¬? Because no parent in this year has followed the path opened by Englaro? All are fighting to obtain ¬ black aid and give these children the care that han ¬ no right not to make them mo ¬ rire. Maybe we had all the sisters Misericordine.
Lucia Bellaspiga
Liege, where there is life even in the "vegetative"
Miles of wires, desks som¬merse di cartelle cliniche, i ri¬cercatori che studiano accam¬pati nei corridoi, perché manca lo spazio, ma c’è così tanto da fare: il Centro Cyclotron dell’Università di Liegi è, a oggi, l’unico posto al mon¬do in cui le domande sullo stato ve¬getativo trovano una risposta. Non è la risposta del cuore, o della fe¬de, o dell’etica: quelle sembrano non bastare a chi ragiona in termini di 'e¬videnze' sulla vita umana. A Liegi la risposta è quella oggettiva della scienza, e a piantartela davanti agli occhi è un fisico nucleare che del¬l’etica potrebbe persino infischiarse¬ne. Non fosse per quella videata in cui un cervello comincia a colorarsi, to be re ¬ signs of consciousness and do business there ¬ ve could not even dream of. Were it not that the brain belongs to a patient in a vegetative state from 5 an ¬ tions - the young victim of a road acci ¬ you, to be precise - in a country like Belgium, where euthanasia is legal practice for some time.
last few months he is the undisputed leader of the laboratory of Steven Laureys and it is also ap ¬ worth of research published in the New England Journal of Medicine, which has so fat ¬ to stir in the newspapers and on television. Why this 'vegetable', considered to be devoid of any trace of consciousness and perception ¬ tion of himself, unable to follow with his eyes cast ¬ og and nailed to a bed with no way out, not bat an eyelid ¬ Tito can communicate. Can ¬ King of yes or no, if someone asks ¬ firm of his name. Can move, mentally, and similarly for ¬ up playing tennis. To think that a view from the windows of the car-hospital, Alan (I call her for reasons of privacy), is a basket case. Just like Rom Hou ¬ well, the man who moved the world telling his sixteen of an ¬ ni ve been shouting in the Cage ¬ vegetative, and is now at Liege, for a checkup.
you see lying in the scanner, with its movements in ¬ see, hear the voice of Audrey dottores ¬ knows that says 'relax' ¬ through to the microphone in the room we know ¬ least six doctors, out-sing as many fields and researchers, and it's amazing, because the focus of this forum the perspecializzato ¬, ¬ at the heart of so much attention and debate that triggers in front of the imaginary ¬ tion of magnetic resonance imaging, there's that ¬ ¬ I know that for some it is the life broken, useless, a ghost of a human being. Not here. 'Miracles', Liège, call them: in fact there is no miracle in progress, than to see life - and not to seek Smet tere ¬ - ¬ sembrereb be where he conquered death. The Cyclotron is not the Enterprise, we are not in 'deep space': pa ¬ lasso the gray is a bit 'shabby, a point on the hill no one ¬ ¬ versity of Liege, and the structure is public, financed the times and in ways known in Italy that an ¬, maybe effective, but slow. There are machines you would find in any other hospital or center dale ¬ re ¬ search: the PET (positron emission ¬ there the positron), the Rmnf (the functional nuclear magnetic resonance ¬ za).
There are specialists who prepare every university: neurologists, psychologists, physicists, chemists. Yet here is a re ¬ volution in the course, which attracts intellectuals stranze mae ¬ ¬ ta half plane and is continuing. Start with Athena, Audrey and Marie Aurélie: mean age 25 years, the first Greek, the second Flemish, the third Italian ¬ Belgium. Together, the encyclopedia of neurology are applied to disorders of consciousness that all specialists in the field they would like in your pocket. The lunatics are in na ¬ ward face makes ¬ households of patients, performing the behavioral tests on growing: the pressure on the fingers, the turning of the mirror with za stan ¬ (¬ I'm in those patients more likely to follow its own image eyes, but to an object), the sound stimulus. This is the updated protocol of Coma Recovery scale, what is enough here to ¬ already a hundred times for recognition of an incorrect diagnosis on a patient (results not vegetation at all) and that is readily available online ¬ bile. Yet the rest of the world do ¬ - except Athena, Audrey and Marie Aurelie - seems not to know. The afternoon is up to the exams: the re ¬ consonances, the CT in a paro ¬ tennis matches. In another laboratory the ¬ Andrea Soddu, particle physicist Italian converted to neu ¬ roscienze, analyzes images of the brain of patients at rest, obtained with the resonance ¬ you. Images and ana ¬ lysis, again no wonder.
After a week the normal riu ¬ pean comparison, in which thesis and anti ¬ theses are put in place, and ge ¬ junction with a shared diagnosis. Steven Laureys, Coma, which is responsible for the group, repeats constantly for those who run to the caller, to with ¬ congresses and conferences: "What we do can be done by qualsia ¬ we leave, you should just start." It is not enough: arrive in the afternoon five other calls, one is from Italy. It is the mother of Luke, lives in Milan, his fi ¬ Council is immobile and in a vegetative state for twelve years. Asks for help. ¬ Vorreb be that doctors saw him, Liège, because "you're the only ones to see real ¬ mind." Would you be willing to share the cost with another family, they have a son like that. They do not have enough money for the trip though, and maybe the kid is not portable, "Why do doctors I met nora fi ¬ I do not say anything more? ". Vegetative state, there are no savings ¬ Ste. Just to see them. Professor Steven Laureys (medical center) along with two assistants who directs the Center at the University of Liège Cyclotron during the clinical examination in a patient
From our correspondent in Liege Viviana Daloiso
Family patients: a network of solidarity to make our loved ones live
L and families of those who are suffering from a serious brain injury or who have fallen victim in a vegetative state are only in second place, but they must withstand a load of trouble ¬ TARE and pain that lie ¬ sgo. And yet do not give up, even at the cost of great sacrifice, ¬ nell'aiu to lend to their loved ones. This year has elapsed since the death of Eluana ¬ to have obtained but that the company would notice a bit 'them and reflect on what are the needs of ¬ for people suffering from these serious disabilities. What matters, the momentum can give an out ¬, ¬ emphasize the representatives of associations of family, "is the love for their loved ones." "We reiterate that even in a vegetative state are people who have the same rights as de ¬ other citizens, in particular, to re ¬ ave a life with a decent quality." P AUL
Fogar, President of the nations ¬ associations head trauma (Fnatc) re ¬ called the Charter of San Pellegrino and with ¬ vention on the Rights of Persons with ¬ bility to recall requests for assistance that families repeat. "It is important that these documents you ¬ not ¬ states will remain. We need to work because they are resources and support, not just economic, to help households ¬ ago: not about death, but life. " Even Gian Pietro Salvi, president of Re ¬ te-associations gathered for the head injury and severe brain injury, added: "Families are the heroes of everyday life, the fly ¬ glia is still long and exhausting: I do not know ¬ no help become ill. It is the responsibility of the insti ¬ tutions and society is not left alone. " From this point of view the presence of ace ¬ associations working at a table set up at me ¬ Ministry of Health to come to write a White Paper of caring for these people is a first step, but crucial, points Ful vio ¬ De Nigris , director of the research studies on the ca ¬ coma-The non-profit friends. "It is also important to mol ¬ how to communicate the news of the coma and vegetative states: it must protect these people seriously disabled ¬ mind, to tell what they dream, and the bi ¬ dedicated facilities available (which are still a few). If there was a fruit of the affair ¬ Englaro is precisely the reaction ¬ tut you who live these issues and I could not ¬ a bit 'to be heard. "
"On the one hand - notes Paul Fogar - ¬ you are is good progress, but the situation is still patchy. In addition to the regions, co ¬ me Lombardy and Friuli-Venezia Giulia, which also contribute to economic ¬ miles ago, the essential levels of care (Lea) provide long-ter ¬ mine rehabilitation for these people, who have Biso ¬ GNO again reduces spasticity. But the family ¬ liar keep talking about life, not mor ¬ you. " And they fight in all locations: one of these are consensus conferences with scientific societies, which are drawn recommen ¬ dations that should become routine practice and good medical care.
"En ¬ against the end of the year - adds Fogar - ¬ ciperemo part of the consensus conference Simfer (Italian Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation) on good practice in the rehabilitation hospital ¬ tion of people with severe brain injury. While this to me if ¬ Siena associations will be present at another consensus conference on adult cognitive rehabilitation ¬ tion. It is important to ¬ is up, that touch the lives of these ste ¬ people: families are fighting for their lives, but need rehabilitation, assistive devices, accurate assessments. " These documents, Then, as serv ¬ TARE practices' must be brought in the State-Regions Confer ¬ ence. " Only then will you realize the aid and avoid being alone, "the true conviction of these fami ¬ daughters - said Fulvio De Nigris - which re ¬ schiano to feel isolated from the rest of society know ¬. On the other hand we must also do a lot of education in society, from ¬ tion it should be. " "It takes love, passion and expertise to devote to these people - he concludes Sal ¬ there - but the families do it for a rush of love to you ¬ that their loved ones." Henry
Children Down
the silent massacre
Today reactions to the absurd Facebook group are mostly supportive and angry, but our society does not always show feelings of acceptance towards people with Down syndrome (DS). Without listing a long list of discrimination more or less obvious that these people often have to endure, because there is a quite significant: in most cases in front of a prenatal diagnosis of SD, the pregnancy ends in abortion. Are not opinions, but the data that emerge from the few scientific studies conducted on the subject, as the recent article published on 26 October by the British Medical Journal (2009, 339: b3794), which indicates that across the Channel in twenty years are decreased slightly (less 1 percent) of births of children with Down syndrome, while increasing maternal age did it provide a significant increase (more than 48 percent) were to be increased as prenatal testing. And even in Europe, according to a survey in 2003, was shown a decline in those born between 1975 and 1999 statistically significant. In Italy the incidence of children with Down syndrome is about 1 in every 1000-1200 births - according to various estimates - that 500-600 children a year.
The survey conducted by Joan Morris, professor of medical statistics at the University of London, and Eva Alberman, professor emeritus, is significant in the crudeness of the numbers. Are taken into consideration live births with Down syndrome and prenatal diagnosis in England and Wales between 1989 and 2008, analyzing the data of the National Register of Cytogenetics of Down's syndrome. In a summary box indicating that it was already known that older mothers are at increased risk of conceiving children with Down syndrome, and that prenatal screening for Down syndrome are more available now than in the early nineties. What the research adds is that "the number of diagnoses of Down syndrome has increased by 71 percent (from 1,075 in 1989/90 to 1843 in 2007/2008), while live births decreased 1 percent (from 755 to 743), as a result of prenatal screening and subsequent pregnancy loss. " From the demographic point of view it is noted that "in the absence of prenatal screening and subsequent abortions, the number of births of people with Down syndrome would have grown by 48 percent because of the choice of parents to the family later."
Similar results obtained from research conducted in 2003 Daniela Pierannunzi, Pierpaolo Mastroiacovo, and Gian Piero Giorgi Luca Di Tanna, which examined data for 31 international registers of congenital malformations collected by the International Clearinghouse for Births Defects Monitoring Systems in the period between 1974 and 2000. The general results indicate that the total prevalence at birth is equal to 9.07 per 10 thousand births a decrease statistically significant over the years. In particular, children with Down syndrome increased from 16.10 per 10 thousand births in 1975 to 6.09 in 1999, a result "due to corresponding increase in abortions in turn due to the widespread use of prenatal diagnosis."
These results should give pause but that can not be surprised if you only remember the debate that preceded (and followed) the approval of the law on medically assisted procreation and the referendum campaign. The chorus of those arguing the need for pre-implantation diagnosis was to remove "some serious diseases," which just Down syndrome (which is not a disease), cystic fibrosis, thalassemia. Needless to say, since the correct treatment for Down syndrome does not exist, the 'cure' results in elimination of the embryo, also because - it was argued (and argues), then the woman can always have an abortion. And even though the law 194 does not provide for the removal of the fetus because of genetic discrimination, this happens often. To the extent that the sensational case of abortion "wrong" in 2007 at San Paolo in Milan did not raise no wave of protest. It was decided to abort selectively twins with Down syndrome: an error during surgery led to the death rather than sound. But the child with Down syndrome was eliminated with a second abortion. Recently were acquitted doctors who had performed the wrong operation, not for violation of 194, but for the incompetence of the operation. Henry
Negrotti BE
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