E ' was recently reported that Chinese experts have suggested that the famous one-child policy in force in the country has changed. Experts believe that the country now suffers from a disproportion between the sexes and the population on average more and more 'old because of this policy.
The only son and 'one aspect of China that almost everyone has heard in the West, and usually is viewed unfavorably. Nevertheless, the majority of Chinese (at least those cities') would seem to have a very different view of this policy, ambivalent or even in favor. Of course the West the idea that the state could interfere in a decision so 'in the private lives of people is not acceptable. Nevertheless in China, because of historical and cultural differences, the idea that the state could impose similar restrictions on their citizens for the common good is not so 'weird.
The one-child policy is not put into practice so so 'strict as many believe. For starters, it applies only to the Han, the main ethnic group in China, and not to any of the 55 minority groups, because of a very strange policy of "positive discrimination" in favor of minorities. Couples composed of two only children are allowed to make two children. For more 'in many areas, rural couples are allowed to do a second child if the first and' female, to prevent the phenomenon of selective abortion and infanticide of baby girls of fetuses destined to become girls. Even for couples whose first child and 'handicapped or deceased is usually allowed to have a second child. If a couple does not respect the law and has a second child when it should not, usually found only have to pay a fine. In practice, many families are more 'of a child, especially in rural areas, and simply pay the fine. I myself have many Chinese friends of my age 'who have brothers and sisters. In urban areas the one-child rule seems to be much more 'respected and rural areas.
This one-child policy has certainly had its negative impact well-advertised, the largest of which are cases of female infanticide in rural areas. In rural China, children are still often considered more 'in value of daughters. Although there are certainly cultural reasons behind this, another reasonable explanation, and 'that in areas where the work of farmers still plays with traditional methods, the males are more' useful because of their superior physical strength. Although there have certainly been cases of female infanticide in rural areas, the actual extent of the phenomenon and 'debate. Nowadays, thanks to the ultrasound scan that revealed what sex and 'the fetus, and' can simply perform an abortion if the fetus turns out to be female. This practical and 'illegal, but there is still widespread.
China suffers when an imbalance between sexes enough: the proportion of males and females at birth 'in mainland China was 117 to 100 in 2000, and that' a number 'significantly more' natural high proportion (about 105 to 100). It is estimated that in 2020 in China there are 30 million males of "surplus" than females (but this should be seen in the context of a country of 1.3 billion). Other Asian countries also have a burst 'proportion of men than women, though perhaps not at the level of China. The Indian economist Amartya Sen has talked a lot about this phenomenon, especially with regard to its India, another country where the proportion and 'quite unbalanced. The causes of this imbalance obviously have to do with the fact that the preference for male carries the very poor parents to offer medical care and food quality 'more' low to the daughters, in addition to selective abortions practiced in India. Even places like Taiwan and South Korea are affected by this phenomenon, although recently the proportion between the sexes in South Korea and 'more balanced because of the improvement in living conditions and education. In China's case, however, ', statistics show that the disproportion between the sexes and' deteriorated ever since they introduced the one-child policy, which means they must be at least partly responsible.
Those who advocate the imposition of the one-child point out the need 'to reduce the number of births overcrowding in this country. When and 'introduced the one-child policy in the early eighties, the birth rate' and 'decreased from about three to about 1.8 children per woman in 2008. Others respond that the birth rate 'was already' down from the first because of the improvement in the average standard of living and education, and in all probability 'would continue to decline even without the imposition of a law so' extreme.
Personally, I can understand very well 'cause many Chinese believe that such a policy is necessary. One thing 'read a book that China and' overcrowding, but live here and live every day this phenomenon sullla own skin and 'a very different thing. Once you and 'traveled in third class absurdly crowded trains for China during the Chinese New Year holiday, with people sleeping on the ground everywhere, you can 'begin to get an idea of the problem. In my experience, the Chinese are well aware that they live in a country where there is', to put it bluntly, too many people. When you have a discussion with a Chinese connection to one of the social problems of his country, almost always going to start 'saying: "In China there is' too many people ..." Sometimes it seems that this becomes the explanation, or justification, of everything wrong 'with China. Even when they discussed the death penalty with a Chinese student, the guy told me that the laws are needed for extreme manterene the order in his country, "'cause there in China' too many people "
Statistics on density 'population of China hiding the scale of the problem,' cause obscure the fact that about 90% of China's population live on about 50% of the territory. The area that includes the North-Western Tibet , Xinjiang, Qinghai and Inner Mongolia e'enorme but sparsely populated because of the inhospitable terrain. The South-Eastern area, the heart of China, and 'the very densely populated region, and it' as much as the overcrowding India .
Although perhaps the birth rate 'of China was already' waning even before the one-child policy, this policy has clearly sped things up. There are certainly many couples in China have decided to do only one child because of this policy. I personally believe that any reduction in births can not 'that be good for China and the world. Regarding the concern about the aging of the population, and this' will face an issue that all developed countries, not just China. Although I understand that will create 'new problems, I also understand that the planet and' overcrowding, and then eventually fall if births it can not 'be positive. If this means that for a period there will be more 'old and young, well-being. It will not be 'the end of the world.
Can 'be that soon China will adopt a less extreme method to reduce the growth' of the population. E 'was definitely a good idea to allow rural couples to have a second child if the first and 'female. The problem of the imbalance between the sexes should be resolved through education, and creating the conditions for which people do not feel the need to have a child rather than a daughter. In sum, I can not think of a few efforts to continue to discourage the Chinese from having too many children would still be positive. Presence was probably But will the economy and the development 'of education to throw down' birth rates 'more' than anything else.
(Below, a manifesto urging the Chinese government to follow the one-child policy, strangely also in English as well as in Chinese)
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