Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Digital Playground Movies Online

10 things that I like China

Ten things I like in China:

1) the exotic 'all

2) Being able to walk the streets at night and feel perfectly safe

3) The fact that the Chinese do not have the culture of going to the beach (although I do not like)

4) The attitude aggressive and modest, 'deeply rooted in the Chinese psyche

5) The fact that most Chinese do not practice organized religion

6) People who stares at me in the street. It 'nice to be in the spotlight without having done anything to deserve

7) The fact that people do not have any strong preconceived opinions on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, or any other controversial issue of the Western world

8) The food of course. Especially the fact that all the foods that I do not like, such as chocolate, tomato and cheese, are relatively rare

9) The fact that girls are so feminine. They do not say bad words, do not get drunk and do not smoke etc ... because 'is not considered feminine. This' does not mean 'all that remained stuck on antiquated views about the relations between the sexes and sexual issues

10) The way the Chinese are doing everything to help strangers, to a point so' extreme as to be almost embarrassing. It 'also very convenient for foreigners like me

will not do' a list of ten things that I do not like China, which would not be polite, but certainly with regard to Beijing's climate, transportation and overcrowding days of light visibility '(due to a combination of pollution and climate), I would immediately think. Besides the tofu that they sell on the street that smells so much that you must stay at least ten meters away. And the Internet censorship.


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