Saturday, October 31, 2009

Ovary Removal Swimming

Berlusconi and China.

recently, looking occasionally the site of La Repubblica, or read some news on sites of international newspapers, or "China Daily", the only Chinese newspaper in English, I sometimes find latest un'po 'on the last chapters of the tragicomic story of Berlusconi.

Although, looking at it from far away China, the scandals of Berlusconi and his statements Megalomaniac may seem absurd and even comical, I realize that in reality 'there is very little comedy in his figure. The application and 'why', despite the impresentabilita 'the figure of Berlusconi, the majority of Italians continue undeterred to vote again (we are already' in his third government)? The answer more 'evident' this: Berlusconi has for years plagued the minds of Italians, especially those of most cultural LEVELS 'low, with its television stations, and now we reap the rewards.

The fact that a billionaire loudmouth ignorant and without any political experience could first rip the minds of stupid people with its three television channels for years and then create a political party and win the election almost from day to day, reflecting serious shortcomings in the democratic West. Berlusconi is not going to come 'to abolish the election will' to abolish the freedom 'of speech, because' the historical moment is' not suitable. Pero 'continue' to govern more 'or less like a king' as long as the Italians continue to vote for it, very little respect the shape of democratic institutions. And the social classes 'low, that most' suffer policies, will continue to send him back to power.

Here in China, virtually no one has ever heard of Berlusconi (indeed 贝卢斯科尼, or Bei Lu Ke ni, his Chinese name). And frankly, not 'that if I miss it. But I wonder if knowing the full story of Silvio Berlusconi, did not 'find a kind of confirmation that it is better for them to maintain their political system, instead of copying the West's liberal democratic system? One of the topics that provide more favorable to the Chinese Communist Parito on 'cause you can not' adopt democracy China sounds more 'or less like this', "in China we still have lots of peasants and ignorant people who do not know what is' good for them, we can not afford to vote to choose who governs them, we're not ready, look at that mess and 'India with its democracy and its elections. " The comparison with India and 'the more' common, given that India and 'another Asian country of a billion people, that when independence was attained under conditions similar to China, and has adopted a system of representative democracy. The comparison is 'definitely in favor of China in that China has been able to guarantee its citizens the fulfillment of their basic needs much more' in India, and has obtained very more 'economic development.

If instead of looking to India looks to Italy, they would see that even in a relatively modern and prosperous Western country with a comparatively well-educated, least literate, and 'possible for the first demagogue who comes milardario buy half' the country and become prime minister through democratic elections. Sure, maybe in less corrupt countries with a tradition of meaning and legality of the state 'more' solid, such as Britain or France, one that Berlusconi could not take power, at least not without first getting rid of TV channels. But 'most of the countries in the world do not have traditional democratic institutions as strong as the Great Britain or France, and China did not for sure.

At present, one that Berlusconi could never take power or to have so 'much influence in China. The Chinese government would never allow the first passing billionaire to own a slice so 'big media and brainwashing the minds of the Chinese for years as he wished. In China, only the government will retain the right to seek to control the minds of the people, and certainly not delegated to the first passing billionaire. There being no free elections, a like Berlusconi could never create his own party with a name like 'ridiculous and populist (中国 加油, "China put the gas, it would be the equivalent of" Go Italy "), all with bomb its propaganda, and win elections. In China, only those who have years of experience as a politician in the Communist Party can 'hope to win power. But if 'there were free elections, I wonder' what could happen. Hundreds of millions of Chinese semi-educated or illiterate, could perhaps be brainwashed by someone like the Berlusca? It 's not to be excluded.

For an example very close to China, just go to Thailand, where the billionaire populist and former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra and 'almost the exact equivalent of Berlusconi. A billionaire originally enriched in the field of telephony, and Thaksin 'arrivatol to power with his party Rak Tai Tai (which means "I love Thai Thai), voted mostly in rural areas and among the poor. It 'been accused of corruption, authoritarianism, conflict of interest, tax evasion, a little diplomatic and attitudes have limited the freedom' of the press. I remember someone? In 2006, Thaksin was deposed in a coup and forced to flee abroad. I do not know 'if Berlusconi will come with' a lot (nearly there I hope), but the point 'that obviously in democratic countries where there is' a lot of corruption and there is' a strong tradition of democracy, Thaksin and Berlusconi is always lurking.


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