Thursday, February 4, 2010

Hyperopia Vs Presbyopia


the language more 'DEMOCRATIC TAX NEVER

[Remarks and presentation of an article by Vittorio Messori (Original title: The first Italian Vati. All Po?) Shown below the Corriere della Sera on 20 August 2009]

Window on Literature

Logo of the Italian language: musical symmetry and high inspiration

the shroud at the top and gives his theological background, the point most mysterious and profound;

the Rotunda by Palladio and the man Leonardo's paintings evoke the aesthetic and architectural ;

Dante and the Sibyl, are the poetic genius and inspiration.


In the process of formation of modern national languages of Europe, is an important fact, intended to declare the end of Latin or ancient Germanic and Slavic languages as spoken or alive, and the emergence of national languages instead of Latin, Germanic and Slavic and ancient proto, same.

This phenomenon is the gap between the people who can speak like (so we can say, speaking in the vernacular), and the ruling class and which uses the Latin Church in the West or anti Slavonic Eastern Orthodoxy .. , For official documents, and literature ....

E 'during this period that, in respect of the transformation of Latin into Romance languages, from the end of the Roman Empire or 475 AD, all the Middle Ages:

the first document dates from the French all'842 (Oath or Serment de Strasbourg, Strasbourg), the first dates from the eighth century of Italian (Veronese Riddle), the first English-Castilian dates from the tenth century (Gloss or Silens Emilianensi), the first of the Portuguese, the XII century (before 1175: Non-Aggression Pact between the two brothers and Ramiro Gomes Pais Pais), the first of the Romanian dates from the sixteenth century (Letter Judge Kronstadt of 1521), but the origins of the Romanian vulgar, certainly go back to the Latin community of ancient Dacia, the first document the vernacular Sardinia, dates back to 1080 (Donation Judge Torchitorio Archbishop of Cagliari, in the villages of Sant 'Agata di Sant'Agata di Sulcis and Rutilas).

About the process of formation of Proto in the Slavic languages, there are at least two important milestones: the first is from the third century BC Proto C. the ninth d. C., when you see the Church Slavonic: the adoption of Church Slavonic, as ordetto dating from the ninth century, when the Byzantine saints Cyril and Methodius, translated the Bible into Slavic dialect Thessaloniki (Solun). This Old Church Slavonic, which survived until today the liturgical language of some Orthodox and Catholic Churches in greek east, on the one hand and literary instances repressed expression of the various dialects, on the other favored the development of a common Slavic language and literature or more similar, and indeed, has probably encouraged even the rule of Russia, about other Slavic languages.

About the training process by protogermanico German, you can also describe two basic stages: the first is precisely the existence of protogermanico, a language that is archetypal or common to all Germanic languages, but only inferred from comparative studies and only oral waves did not leave any documents if not in the Scandinavia runic alphabet inscription of 200 BC, the second stage is the pre-eminence of German today, being spoken by over 110 million people. The German began his folding with Charlemagne, preserved in this stage the only two times in the past and present, typical of protogermanico, then from 1050 onwards, by the Carolingian court and the Church, and especially with the translation of the Bible Part of Martin Luther in 1521-34, already assumes the guise of modern language, this language is now finally complete, will be completed in eight to nine hundred.

being so fundamental about the three language groups Europe (Latin, Germanic and Slavic ...), we can say that the mixing and the merging of nations because of the barbarian invasions and pre-existing and subsequent developments led to the birth of a vulgar different depending on countries:

languages Romance or Romance, formed from the end of Latin as the language spoken and see the pre-eminence in the field of Italian Renaissance, the French in the modern period, the Germanic languages were formed from the end of protogermanico as a spoken language, suffered a Bedding from the fundamental consequences of the barbarian invasions (why some are turning from Germanic in Romance languages: French Franks and Goths English ...) and the rise of German, in turn influence other reason on the other Germanic languages, Slavic languages were formed from the end of the Proto and the entry of Church Slavonic and the rise of prominent Russian.

In this general process of training, each language group of the European trio, therefore his point of departure, although all groups are of the common Indo-European language family.

can be said therefore, that all these languages, despite the undeniable historical conditioning of conquerors and conquered, are democratic, because although the measure, how and when different nevertheless evolve, taking the base of most oral folk-country.

However, some of these languages such as Italian, are so to speak, more democratic than others, because they were never imposed by laws, but only by the most authoritative tradition. During this evolution of the vernacular, States have often intervened to choose a particular dialect as an official language at the expense of others, believed or considered to be less influential minority.

But the Italian (the Italian over German himself) as Messori says below, it is stated admirably without the imposition of any law, but only for natural literary authority, collectively shared and admired, moreover, the German, it was claimed by majority decision of the States in favor of the Germanic Saxon wrote courtly, of Luther's Bible translation. For this reason it can be said that the linguistic evolution of Italian and German, is the most democratic that may exist, it is of course due to the sheer force of habit or convention, and therefore outside of any legal or state taxation.

E 'so parochial an involution, the recent claim of the Northern League, to recover the dialects as opposed to Italian, rather than retrieve it as an interesting variation and necessary, of that Italian.

fact, for reasons of history and language skills and literary drugs, no dialect of the Peninsula, however interesting and valuable (as creative and loving may be), can nevertheless be considered a reason, linguistically and culturally superior to Italian today.

And the Lega or ideological reasons, at this point, can not prevail over historical objectivity, and even in Italy in the Po Valley, Italy, without calling into question an important aspect of basic Italian identity, that is, the current Italian.

2. TEXT:


Vittorio Messori

20 August 2009: Corriere della Sera

The trouble advancing age, I speak from experience-is mostly boredom. The one who suffers the cyclical return of the same debates, the same themes, the same misunderstandings. And 'natural: every generation has to start over. But for the poor elderly, it is still tedious.

Among the "smash" applicants, here again, in recent weeks, the question - rekindled periodically by the League-the relationship between language and local dialects. Here, Bossi's followers have a large, intractable disability than many foreign federalist or separatist movements. In fact, not true for Italy as Ernest Renan observed: \u0026lt;\u0026lt;A language is a dialect that has found a state and an army>>. It 's true for other major languages. The French imposed from Paris to Occitan, Breton, Norman, courses, Alsace, Lorraine. The Castilian imposed by Madrid in Catalan, Basque, Valencian, Galician, Aragonese. The British imposed from London in Welsh, Scottish, Irish. The Russian imposed by Moscow to Ukraine, Belarus and other ethnic slave. The Mandarin of Beijing imposed on all Chinese. Only two, major languages, which became a state official, were not imposed on reluctant populations in part: German and Italian. Both are, so to say, "democratic". To communicate with each other, the Germanic peoples, without political unity, after a slow approach of the infinite dialects, they decided to adopt, at least for writing, in which the courtly Saxon Luther translated the Bible. As for Italy, too fragmented, had only a late state, but it was early on a "nation". Beginning in the late XV, who lived in the Peninsula was distinct from other nations as an "Italian." But since the Middle Ages, between the "nations" recognized in Europe - for example, in universities and craft guilds-c 'was the' Italian '. Especially in the language is the reason for this identity, despite the political fragmentation and strong differences of each type three Alps and the Ionian.

Well, we often forget that, if Italy is said and written about it, this is due to free choice of the people in government and, above all, culture and every corner of what until many centuries later was to become a Member . In Italy no there was a capital where sat an authority that imposes a local dialect became the official language for the law, the courts, the army. With us, even more than in Germany, the common language was a sort of referendum was the result of a pragmatic decision that established itself freely, because, become increasingly difficult to express in Latin, it needed a koine Italic, cultural groups and political leaders ended coll'accordarsi (in fact first, and then in the theories of the learned) the variation explained by the triad of vulgar sublime, Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio. So, was the Tuscan dialect, particularly Florence, which became the lingua franca for trade, literature and then culture in general.

Language "democratic", then, and while "aristocratic" in the sense that, until political unity, was mostly written by those who knew of letters. It took no time compulsory education as soon as possible and then EIAR Rai, and the sound in the movies, to turn it into an idiom practiced by almost everyone. The fact is that-unlike a Catalan against a Castilian or a Provencal against a Parisian and a Scotsman against a Londoner - anyone, of any Italian region, one can accuse him of State or a Power imposed a language which, from his own, if anything, had only the strength of culture. Florence did nothing, if not take advantage of the talent of its great writers. As for the current "Po", although I understand some of their reasons, do not forget that the nineteenth century, those who did so to give a modern language to all the inhabitants of the peninsula, causing them to leave the Tuscan dialects and narrow, were the Manzoni Lombard, Ligurian piemontesizzato De Amicis, Pellico of Saluzzo, the Turin d'Azeglio, the Dalmatian Tommaseo, Fogazzaro Veneto, Emilia Romagna the pasture, the Genoese Mazzini. And that, even before the Alfieri Asti, the subalpine Baretti, the Milanese Verri and Beccaria, had done much to entrench the common language. To return to the nineteenth century, Parmesan Greens, despite offers of French, British, Germans, refused to music books that were not in Italian, and even the "federalist" Lombard Carlo Cattaneo gladly accepted the choice of Tuscan, in which he wrote in an impeccable way, mocking the traditionalism dialect. Do not ridicule, but fury, causing Garibaldi in Nice who questioned the unity of the idiom. He died next to him, the siege of Rome, Genoa Mameli, who had sung the union of "Brothers of Italy" in everything, starting with the language. All "Po" or, at least, "Northerners" and against all the babel vernacular, even theirs.

"It 's the history, beauty", one might celiare with those who insist on barricade himself in his tower, railing against a language that was imposed by some arrogant stranger. E 'fault, or merit, the story does not say if there is a chimerical "Po", but even a "Lombard" (you understand, perhaps, one of Sondrio and one of Cremona, one of a di Pavia and Bergamo?) and, if other languages of other Italian regions, the central and southern regions, exist but are impractical as languages. The fact remains that dialects are a wealth because I can tell, if I may be permitted a personal reference, my father was among the most popular and, I think, gifted poets in Modena. But it is a treasure even more the instrument gradually became common, almost a thousand years, at least 60 million people. In its own right, without the need for government decrees protected by the police.

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