Friday, December 31, 2010

Straight Razor Austin

Resolutions for 2011

And here we are at the end of the year. I must say that this was a year full of events and both positive and negative, we say that a year has been profitable from certain points of view and other monotonous (well, to finally have the guy, I would say that is one reason in 2010 was profitable moooooooooolto XD).
So, to begin in 2011, I decided, for some days, to make a small list of things to do (perhaps will be expanded even after today, but that's okay, I have no great pretensions XD):

Contest and stories:
1. Participate at most three-month contest (so, for all those who organize them, let them not too interesting XD) [except in January, because I already have a list ready uu]
2. Meet the quota of 50,000 words (do not know how many stories to match exactly, but it seems much more within my reach than 100 stories this year XD) no later than December 31, 2011
3. Finish is long started in 2010 than in previous years
4. Try to arrange and conclude that the proofs are in the works for years
5. Attend at least one interesting contest called by some publishing house or similar
6. Read and comment on the stories of other participants in the contest and beyond, because this year I was very ... uu selfish
7. Restore the community to challenge HP and above all, be more continuous with the Week Challenge


1. Read as many books as possible, I would not put a limit, but let's at least a week
2. Review schedule with the books I read, the more I read the better XD
3. Continue the work done in December 2010 for Veiled Mirror, because it is nice to have a full blog post (though not much later XD)
4. Try to cooperate with the publishers, perhaps by joining groups of reading books out


Delights Cloth:
1. Follow the advice of Helen and go and ask in shops if they agree to sell my creations
2. Create periodically, say at least twice a week
3. [I do not know if this is feasible as early as next year] to register the mark and open the vat


Real life:
1. Go to Rome to find at least Raf, when his sister
2. Search and find a job
3. Begin to organize everything for the party of ministers in January, so we do not reach the throat with water as usual (if the dear seminarians told me the theme of the festival months in advance, I think there would be no problems uu)
4. Go to Disneyland Paris with Raf
5. Buy (or make) the magnets for the fridge Raf

I hope I do not expect too much and be able to do even half of what I wrote (hope to be able to do because everything is pure utopia, knowing me XD)

Friday, December 24, 2010

Before And After Tattoo Stretch


Nativity 2010

A star, a question, a story ...
a manger, a baby, a new life ...
A family like ours, which welcomes and shares the life of the child who comes
's so that is the God of history and life, the God of the latest and
Once again the "Magnificat" becomes the one of all those who accept the proposal
Emmanuel, God with us.

Once that child is left out of our hands and welcome you
man to walk with us.

Wonder, hope, prophecy.

Merry Christmas


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Mini Vespa On Line Prezzi

MRAGGIO not to die

Eternal life and the mirage of
not die Eternal life? In a sense, has become something else. This also because the image has changed, but especially the presence of death. I still remember the results of a statistical research on the English city of Exeter. The author said in 25 years half of the sample studied was already dead. And the figures, as I recall, related to the eighteenth century. We were far from imagining the death of the Middle Ages, when it was almost always naturally. The cemetery was not a place away from everyday life, so much so that the cemeteries are traded there as a prostitute ...

Today? We are separated from cemeteries and death. Culturally it is experienced as a result of unforeseen circumstances, that surprises us every time we meet. Over the centuries and millennia they're behind us the duration of life is, albeit slowly, elongated and death has almost disappeared from the first 20 or 30 years old. Of course people die in road accidents in the workplace, but these deaths are not talking more as a product of fate, but to deficiencies, errors, in circumstances more or less unpredictable. In conclusion, death is still an uncomfortable life tenant, but tenant whose arrival is less and less predictable in the end, the culture of death is very different from that of the past.

Certainly one must die, but death is associated with old age is experienced as an event far away that concerns us. Already All this contributes to a reconstruction of our relationship with religion. Once a religion, death and eternal life were connected psychologically. Today the religion, often far away from the problem of death, an event becomes more positive psychologically. The social, cultural and psychological aspects of religion and then undergo major changes. But is gaining another problem that affects close to religion and is at least partly the product of these secular changes.

Life prolonged by advances in human sciences, is beginning to be seen as psychologically eternal. I became aware of this problem years ago when I participated in a television broadcast along with an American biologist who observed: "Advances in genetics make me think that some of those born now will live in 400 years." A statement that perhaps contains fragments of truth, but it is also extremely important from a cultural perspective. Then, you start talking about a life that, psychologically, even if not in our daily lives, it becomes physically eternal.

Urged by this consideration, I began to think, and crowded inside me questions. But what will happen in the culture of men and women of the future of religious life eternal? As human beings will be comforted in the face of an alleged or presumed physical eternity, even saturated of suffering and pain? Actually changes the meaning of the concept of eternal life? Remains, in a world so dramatically different, the need to give a religious answer to our problems.

But how in the face of a psychologically experienced as eternal life, a man more just than ever? And probably unprepared to face a reality so different? These new formulations of problems that philosophy, theology and psychology have always faced, or new problems for this civilization so different? Sabino Acquaviva

About 'extended family'
Happiness is not a chaos
"The worst day of my life? When Mum and Dad split 'the girl who talks to me so he has 7 years, so we arrived at a time when a girl of 7 years cataloging the bad days of his life, and establishes what is the worst? And if the day when Mom and Dad are separated and the worst, there will never be in the future, even a bad day? Yes, "When the father or the mother will have a new boyfriend."

The baby is the first class, even writes poems. Without rhyme, but now those who use more rhyme? I read yesterday that there are children who have three or four parents is a party: have more fun. And if the new parents of children, children born from 2:00 to 3:00 marriages form a team, always play as if they were constantly in the park. This law. But my experience confirms it is not me. Sometimes the child's mother that I introduced at the beginning of this article a few trips to be at peace with the new companion, and not to feel abandoned her daughter on her cell phone calls, and the first response of the child is: "Where are you? are you lonely? or are you with X? ". The daughter has an obsession: the mother introduces a new husband, and that is a new father. The child feels the mother-father as a perfect couple, we hear the result of perfection.

If the couple splits, in the child un'autosvalutazione infiltrates, you hear the result of an error. I had a friend who had left home, lived with another woman, and this woman had a new son. The son had visited him earlier by his wife, was on the fifth floor, he looked at his half-brother in the cradle, went out on the balcony and jumped. Remember how this ended badly for children or disbanded because Mom and Dad are separated, to a certain age many fans.

I read that new terms are born, to indicate the new roles introduced by the second or third marriage, "Papigno", "mammastra", "cugipote. I do not see the trail of emotions that these terms have been dragging behind. "Papigno" is the male lead of "stepmother", and is the stepmother in fairy tales as the embodiment of evil that the worst fears of the girls unconscious: it is the anti-mother. So excellent that stepmothers are not few, but I know that there are many girls with this terror. E "Papigno" is a neologism funeral. In general, the stepmother mother died when it appears, if there is Papigno means that there is no father. The son is because there is the mother who wanted him.

If there is the "mammastra" there are other children she wanted, not you. The extended family is a mess of generations, but also lexical. Since extended families are numerous in England have decided that most school children do not tell "your mother "or" your father "because it is possible that your child does not live with them. Then he says," adults who live with you. "The word" mother "is deleted. The word is a tree, the language of a forest . If you cut a word, cut a tree. But the word "mother" derive many other trees sprouted from its roots: If you cut one word, create an empty clearing in the middle of society.

An Italian minister in office, revealed yesterday "I also thought that my son, intelligent, not buckled, and I separated. But it is destabilized. It is not right to seek your own happiness at the expense of children." intuition is a profound concept that must be brought Surface: if one lives alone, pursuing individual happiness, if joined to form a pair, enter into a different concept of happiness, the happiness of the couple, who also brings obligations, the happiness of the other, if we form a family, enter into a happy group, and can not break with impunity the group, and kill the happiness of others to close in his own. The happiness of the family - and the Pope reminded us - is made up of many separate individual happiness, but their fusion and their agreement. Ferdinando Camon

Friday, December 3, 2010

Jamacian Traditional Dress


My son you are on Earth,
worried, confused, disoriented,
alone, sad, distressed ... I know perfectly
your name, and the utter
blessing because I love you.
No! .. You are not alone, because I live in you
together we will build this kingdom
which you'll be my heir.
always want you to do my will, my will because

is that you are happy.
You know that you can always count on me because I will never leave you and that you will always
daily bread, do not worry, you only
always please share it with your neighbor,
with your brothers.
Know that always lose your offenses,
before you commit it and knowing that
why I ask you that you do the same
with those who offend you.
want you to not fall into temptation, for this
holding tight to my hand and
always trust in me and I will deliver you from evil.

remember and never forget that I love you from the beginning of your days,
and I'll love you till the end ...
I will love you 'ALWAYS WHY' IS YOUR FATHER!
That my blessing be with you and
my eternal love and my peace

always accompany you from the world because you can not receive them as plain give it because I know ...


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thank You Message Wedding For Coming


Bruno and Angela Carati: Disabled
with smile, courage and initiative
visit Don Bruno made with Christmas Carats, internationally renowned painter, and his wife Angela
in their beautiful chalet of Castelseprio, surrounded by green forests of Varese,
is certainly one of those affecting and lasting impressions long in the memory.
Bruno is quadriplegic from birth as a result of forceps used by doctors at birth, so he
limbs almost completely immobilized. Angela hemiparesis on the right arm, which does not
can use, as a result of polio had early in life, but usually moves
the left arm and walk independently.
The welcome is warm, even for me that I had seen only once forty Bruno
of years ago, during one of the first exhibitions of his paintings with other artists who paint
by mouth or with one foot. It affects primarily the ease with which you define
"handicapped" by rejecting the conditions now so fashionable alternatives such as "
differently abled", which do not alter the substance of the facts at all. Bruno adds that he believes "the true
handicapped and who has not had the courage to tackle the problems."
He explains the difficulties faced along with Angela in their lives, especially when they had
son Manuel, who took care of just being able to make use of one hand
good, that next to Angela. The story flows shipped with frequent jokes, amused and
the self-deprecating, despite some difficulties due to the break of spasms of his illness. The wife's
is close and attends lovingly, remembering from time to time or suggesting some other
anecdote. Which leads
trascinati slowly in their world, because of difficulties of all things trivial
days (which we carry out easily), but resolved with the use of tools, invented by Bruno, who
greenhouse in the mouth and between the teeth, moving them with great skill and effectiveness.
First of all, his "magic wand", a wooden rod about 25 cm with the ends in
rubber for a grip and the other to move the objects or the keys of the computer or console.
latter, even if hand-crafted, is a marvel as the
can control and check the entire area of the villa, with as many buttons and a bright pattern
control. Then we point the phone to phone-holder, the regiment
-electric razor for a shave and clean the heads, the tricicletta (three wheels for stability reasons) for local travel
you brake by pushing his head back.
When asked if you never lose heart when faced with the difficulty of solving a problem, there
says no. At most, aside for a while 'everything we reflect calmly (so little sleep we
says) and finally found it. Important is the analysis that he does, at first look carefully at how it performs
for normal people and then divides the assets in the various movements necessary, then the
rationalized taking into account what he can do and then studies the possible solution and
sometimes need just a bit 'of technical and operating, as in the apple peel with a knife
held tight in his mouth, sometimes you just need aids such as an iron or a hair clip,
for holding the workpiece weld and the welding wire, while operating the welder with his mouth, then at other times
special tools are needed as a kind of fork with which prepares its
sculptures or objects for the home, such as vases, lamps, fruit bowls, in plastic. He stops
satisfied only when the result is perfect. For stained glass, whose technique is rather difficult
, accurately corrects even the tiniest smear using a cotton swab.
Remember as a child already in school to solve the industry difficulties. He wrote with a pen
held in the mouth and he could do his homework like all his companions in the wording was a bit 'more
slow but the teacher and friends waiting for him willingly. The only real problem was with spreadsheets
protocol, which, being larger, did not allow him to write up the entire facade.
found the solution, writing paper in half the normal way, and then turning it upside down writing
on the other half in order to complete the writing in standard form for the teacher.
Tell a smile that also plays billiards, to "bottle", using a wooden spoon from the kitchen
taken by mouth, but this was cut at the bottom to avoid raising the
ball at launch. Ingenious for the rare moments of leisure.
Angela shows us his last paintings, beautiful and attractive, scattered throughout the house. Landscapes, flowers,
trains, trees, made on different media and different techniques, including modern. Bruno paints
only in the morning not to work too hard and not because of the heat of summer. Still unable to
News from Atlantis 1.31 October 2010 Page 2 / 2
(A copy of this article, and all others, can be found in / oratorio / Atlantis / atlantide.htm)
keep in such a way that always himself and his family, without using the disability pension of
State, although he would be entitled in law. Make it part of an association based in Luxembourg
, which promotes Worldwide sales of paintings by artists with disabilities, either directly or using the image
for Christmas cards (SPAM) or other gadgets. Faced with a production of 15-20 paintings a year
good level receives a fixed salary, which is sufficient for their needs
Asked if faith helps them to face life and its difficulties
Angela responds with a prompt and concise "Of course," but then slips away talk about other topics. Fifteen minutes later, however, Bruno takes
individual's speech and adds: "It's not that we
so frequently in the Church, but our relationship with" our friend up there " is really special. To Him we trust and
He always helps us. Since time does not please me more to heal, there must be a reason for being so
! I ask him instead of being able to do well whatever they do. Moreover
already heard me that time in the pilgrimage to Loreto, when I expressed my desire to
become a good painter. " Angela adds: "Every time we go by car from the gate house
I tell him:" Now you no longer have time for other things, think of us! '. It was a lot
km over the years since 1997, when Bruno took his license without fines and without
accidents. It turns out that there has seen its good. " Bruno
action to explain the history of the license, which could not have in Italy, why not
have even considered considering it a bit 'crazy. In Switzerland, however
has done it and now can drive safely on the streets of Europe without a hitch. But sometimes there are
amusing incidents, such as when police officers or police officers facing the passenger
are forbidden to ask questions and seeing a car that has no steering wheel, but only a
guide bar, no levers or knobs but only by a roadside air mail over the place instead of driving
panel sunroof. After Angela was explaining Bruno something
gesticulating animatedly with his good hand, and were stopped by an agent, which has
said: "Dear lady followed by ten minutes, remember that you should not gesticulate when
guide!" but her back, "And 'he who leads", causing an even greater surprise.
is not easy to accept that Bruno can drive with one hand tied to the bar with your feet securely attached to the pedals
and above all other controls operated by mouth the magic wand. The car, an Opel Astra
has been amended by a specialized company in Biella designed by Bruno, while
all of the connections of the roadside Aviation (a Soviet Mig) with the mechanisms operating
was carried out by his son Manuel, expert in electrical engineering.
With it have made numerous trips by themselves, so that their friends are complaining because they are always around
; can also do 400 km in one day! They say that it is necessary to follow the
many humanitarian efforts, both in terms of presentations, which are
in schools or at other institutions (with a CD titled "A Life in my own way" prepared and assembled by Bruno) for
raise awareness and to motivate others in difficulty, is to help other artists with disabilities to integrate into their
Association. A tireless and highly meritorious
if you consider the effort that costs them, also taking into account the fact that they are now close to 70 years.
For some time there is a play inspired by their life, which leads in a touring company
around Italy, from the title clearly alludes to their situation at the time of birth
Manuel: "Three one-handed" . As reported by the journalist Stefano Lorenzetto on "Il Giornale"
of July 18, 2010 just down the dark hall in the narrator explains: "From time immemorial the
theater tells stories that seem invented true. We tell a true story tonight
that seems invented. " Our parish plans to organize in the next few months
This projection show with a DVD and a meeting at our Oratorio with our characters. A family Carati
soon! We need those seeds of hope, beyond all
discomfort and illness, and Charity, always ready to serve others, which you have flowering
so wonderfully, and that Faith probably simple, but intimate and conversational, with the biblical God, who bends down from heaven
lovingly as a father on his creatures. There will
to find and restore confidence in ourselves and this world from the future so vague and uncertain. For
More information: visit ""

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Pampered Chef Party Invitation Wording


At a fundraising dinner for a school for the mentally disabled, the father of one of the students delivered a speech that none of those who participated would never forget.
After extolling the school and its dedicated staff, asked a question: "When external influences do not interfere from the outside, the nature of all is perfect. My son, Shay, can not learn things they learn to others. It can not understand things as other children. Where is the natural order of things in my son? ".
The audience was stilled by the query.
The father continued. "I believe that when a child like Shay, physically and mentally handicapped comes into the world, presents an opportunity to realize true human nature, and it shows in the way other people treat that child. "
Then he told the following story: Shay and his father had walked past a park where some boys Shay knew were playing baseball. Shay asked, "Do you think they'll let me play?." Shay's father knew that most boys would not want someone like him in the team, but also understood that if his son had been allowed to play, it would give a sense of belonging had a great need, and a little 'confidence to be accepted by others in spite of his handicaps.
's father Shay on one of the guys on the field and asked if Shay could play, not expecting much in response. The boy looked around for guidance and said: "We're losing by six runs and the game is in the eighth inning. I guess he can stay with us and we will try to beat him the last inning."
Shay struggled over to the team's bench, put on a team shirt with a broad smile and his father felt the tears in his eye and warmth in his heart. The boy saw his father for the joy of being accepted. In the bottom of the eighth inning, Shay's team scored a few bases, but was still behind by three. At the top of the ninth inning, Shay put the glove and played in right field. Even if his side did not reach the launch, he was obviously ecstatic just to be in the game and in the field, with a smile that reached from ear to ear as his father waved to him from the stands.
At the end of the ninth inning, Shay's team scored again.
Now, with two outs and the bases loaded, had the opportunity to score the winner and beat Shay was the next at bat.
At this point, do they let Shay bat and give away their chance to win the game? Surprisingly, Shay was given the bat. Everyone knew that he could not hit the ball because Shay did not even hold the bat properly, if not catch the ball. However, as Shay went to the plate, the pitcher, realizing that the other team was putting winning aside so that Shay had this moment in his life, he moved a few steps to throw the ball softly so Shay could at least be able to touch it with the bat. The first pitch came and Shay swung empty. The pitcher again took a few steps forward and threw back the ball softly towards Shay.
As the pitch came in, Shay awkwardly turned the bat, struck her and sent her a slow ground ball right back to the pitcher.
The game would have ended at that point, but the pitcher picked up the ball and would have easily thrown the first covering the base and disqualify the batter. Shay would have been out and that would mark the end of the game. Instead, the pitcher picked up the ball and threw it right over the head
the first baseman, away from teammates. All those who were in the stands and both teams started yelling, "Shay, run to first! Run to first!" Shay had never in his life so far, but he made it to first base. Scampered down the baseline, wide-eyed and startled. Everyone yelled "Run to second, second, now!" Catching his breath, Shay awkwardly ran more towards second, gleaming and struggling to make. When Shay rounded towards second base, the ball was played into the hands of just a little guy, who now had the opportunity for the first time that he was the hero of his team. He could have thrown to second base to disqualify the batter, but he understood the pitcher's intentions and he too intentionally threw the ball high and far over the third base. Shay ran toward third base deliriously as the other moved to go to home plate. All cried out: "Shay, Shay, Shay, Shay go."
Shay reached third base, as opposed to what he ran to help and once in the right direction, and shouted: "Shay, run to third! Run to third!". While
Shay ran to third base, the boys from both teams and those watching were on their feet and screaming, "Shay, run to the base! Run to the base, get on your plate!" Shay ran, climbed onto the plate and was cheered as the hero who hit a 'grand slam' and won the game for his team.
that day, "said the father softly with tears now rolling down his face, the boys from both teams helped bring into this world a piece of true love and humanity.
Shay did not survive the summer and died that winter, having never forgotten being the hero and making his father so happy, and coming home from the tender embrace of his mother to the little hero the day

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Create Your Own Wwe Character

In case you feel the need to unexplicable be up to date with what I'm doing

My pictures can be found at .
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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Saree Blouse Tailor London

Revenge of Regulus

Yes, today I feel like acting for a post here by you know what you think ^ ^

Title : Revenge of Regulus
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing / Characters : Sirius Black, Regulus Black
Rating: G
Genre: Comedy Warnings
: Flash-fic
Count words: 531 (always in my writing program)
Note: History written for the contest announced on the forum 48h of EFP and ranked ninth (for space and repeated a characterization that perhaps lacking something .. . Oo) . The story can be considered a little spin off of "Cousins' Tale," in As is told in a more extended than the other in a particular story is mentioned here as well as the setting is the study of Walburga Black, a place off limits for the little ones at home Black.

Revenge of Regulus

sneak flattened against the wall, one arm lying on the chest of Regulus to make it do the same in order to avoid detection.
"Have you got everything?" He asked whispering to his younger brother.
"Yes, but I did not quite understand what you do," said the other almost worried. "If mom finds out, will put us grounded in life."
"Exactly, though. We will make sure that does not come to know, "Sirius grinned before turning the corner. "Go ahead."
They advanced in silence, taking care not to make any noise: Sirius was pretty sure that that house had eyes and ears everywhere, so it was best to move in the shadows, without giving the impression of plotting something.
The third door in the hallway on the second floor stands in front of their magnificent and majestic, would pass over meaning become the masters of the number 12, Grimmauld Place, at least until the real owner had not discovered them. And this would never have happened.
Sirius turned the handle slowly, as if to savor that moment of pure power. He opened the door and the faint light of a candle peered from the darkness, leaving Regulus to the task of turning the other candles, so you have more light, while his mother sat on the chair and assumed a pose like a lord.
"Come on, my servant," he began to say in a voice set in the direction of his brother. "He has some news for me?"
Regulus looked at him as if he had gone mad and a few moments later he began to understand: Sirius had wanted to enter the study of his mother only to mock him, make him feel even smaller and useless than it normally did. Took shape in his head the figure of the mother, furious at having found all the things out of place in his private study, chased, caught and punished for having Sirius even allowed to have a finger touched the door handle. A grin is painted on the lips of the little house.
seconded the brother of the parties in that game until he heard footsteps come down the stairs, beckoned to Sirius put everything in place and get out as quickly as possible and then leave in the drawers of his desk, as they had agreed, dead toads, Dragon's blood and slime Girilacco.
Walburga, inevitably, came in a few moments and found Regulus by his desk with an expression of disgust on his face.
"How many times have I told you not to come in here?" Asked Walburga imperious, ready to put the youngest child punishment.
"I do not want to come," Regulus wailed his mother trying to relent. "Sirius has forced me."
"And where is the daredevil?" She asked, more and more severe.
"He got away as soon as you have heard it coming. But first, he has put down some things in the drawers, "he said, opening a drawer and showing the" surprise ".
Walburga in response drew his baton and ran out of the room, ready to find Sirius and let him taste some Punishing Spell, so there would have tried a second time.
Regulus watched her mother disappear through the door and smiled triumphantly, it was nice to download all the blame on Sirius and it was better not to end in punishment.

For my other stories, I will update lj in order to recover the arrears =)

Monday, September 13, 2010

Nursing Diagnosis Acute Gastroenteritis

Challenge Week # 1

flocked to

Challenge Week # 1 @ [info] hpf_challenges

Friday, August 20, 2010

Condo Canada Water Damage Respon

Finally the idea

For some time there I was thinking, as I said when he presented the Queen with the notice of the first contest of Satisfiction, and I finally found the idea for the story to send *_______________*
Now I can not wait to study a few things and then write it all ... are very confident of the time to write the story XD

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Delta Dental Military Retiree

Christmas a. ..

Many good wishes to [info] nike158 * O *

I have not forgotten the others, but she will do so particularly because I have a little debituccio it arrive at his house during the week (I hope XD).

gone back into hiding, especially love me forget that tomorrow will be my birthday u_u (sometimes I hate August 16, especially when my mother began to break in the days before I want to know what to do and then complain if I want to be idle, as for the entire month of July I walked around the length and breadth of the Friuli u_u)

Monday, July 19, 2010

How Many Calories Vegetable Stir Fry

Halloween ... When you do not know already

Yes, I take time for (too), but only to report yet another contest on the forum of EFP. This time it was held for another reason: the special issue of on-line that I'm finally putting together a [info] Shayari and [info] raffaeletheking .
However, those interested in the contest Halloween can read and participate here

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

How Much Do Two And A Half Men Get Paid


"Without crucified
Italy would not be the same"
After nearly three hours, ended the hearing of the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights in the case of the crucifix. The judges have retired to deliberate, but the decision will be communicated only between different months. The one this morning was a lively debate that saw the presence of the magistrate Nicholas Lettieri who, on behalf of the Italian government had appealed the sentence after the Nov. 3 draft, when the European Court had declared the "receiving" the use of Solie Lautsi who asked to remove the crucifix by the institution attended by the children. The ruling by the European Court of Human Rights Italy condemned to pay five thousand euro to Lautsi for moral damage.

The appeal of Italy was supported by ten other governments. "Italy without the crucifix is no longer Italy, like France with the crucifix would no longer be France," said Joseph Weiler, who represented eight of the ten governments in the Strasbourg Court has made it possible to intervene in defense of Italian government's position in the case of the crucifix.
"I do not think that all those who sing God save the queen believe in God, but I think it would be silly if we said that this sentence should be changed or removed because it offends someone," Weiler argued. Weiler's argument is very similar to that contained in memory of the Italian government: if you lever the crucifix, then he must intervene in many other circumstances in order to remove crosses from the flags, national anthems by the words, photographs of heads of state from the classrooms. "Maybe one day Britain may decide to change or remove this phrase Weiler said-but this is not a decision that can be taken by the Court."

The ten European countries who support Italy in the defense of the crucifixes in the classrooms of public schools (including Armenia, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Lithuania, Malta, Russia, San Marino) argue that it is "a national symbol ' as well as religious. "The crucifix - added Weiler - is respected by lay population. "
Weiler, wearing a Jewish skullcap, he wondered whether it is possible to pick up an image of the Queen of England by the British classrooms, it is the head of the Anglican Church. And his answer was "no," and added that the Strasbourg court can not say one day if I remove the word "God" from the innate English, because it will be "the people to decide." Then he pointed out that Soile Lautsi "wants to impose on Italy to be a secular state." In this sense, the two representatives of the Italian government claimed that Lautsi is a "militant atheist" that "the school tries to impose his personal concept of secularism."

Nicola and Giuseppe Lettieri Albenzio were opposed to the suppression of religious symbols, as this would benefit "in favor of atheists and agnostics and rationalists." But religion, they said the two lawyers of the state, has "a social, public and community." After recalling that in Italy you can go to school with headscarves, and that the curriculum is "pluralistic and alien from proselytizing and indoctrination," Lettieri has agreed with the Weiler noted that the crucifix represents "a popular sentiment Italian "and added that the case Lautsi is" not legal but political and ideological. "

Even the Catholic Church and Orthodox Serbia have expressed their support for Italy, which challenges the ban on display crucifixes in public schools. "We respect the views and thoughts of every citizen of a multiethnic and multicultural, but we think the same way, Christians have a right to their opinions and the open expression of their religious affiliation," says a statement by the Catholic Church Serbian. In it adds that the cross is the sign of a cultural-religious tradition, which has played a decisive role in the formation of European culture. "The majority of Europe's population is made up of Christians, and to prohibit the display of symbols of Christian faith would offend the feelings of the majority", the statement adds.
The Serbian Orthodox Church has expressed its support Italy in its application to the European Court in Strasbourg on the issue of the crucifix. "We hope that this initiative are positive answer within the European Court of Human Rights', the Orthodox Synod has said in a statement.

"I think we have all the necessary requirements for a successful outcome," said the foreign minister, Franco Frattini, commenting on the hearing of the Grande Chambre of the Court of Human Rights. "Today's hearing showed an extraordinary intervention by the Italian representative - said Frattini - and action as important representatives of ten countries, a number of MEPs that are associated with our action. " This, concluded the head of Italian diplomacy, "a great battle for freedom and identity of our Christian values."

Crucifix, Europe may be to test
lawyer Nicholas Paoletti in support of the appeal of the Italian town of origin Finn, Soile Lautsi, the first intervention trial in the Grande Chambre of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, to review its decision of November 3 against the display of the crucifix in classrooms. The risame is imposed after an appeal from Italy on January 28 last year.

Then Nicola Lettieri in defense of our government. And in support of written submissions from ten members of the Council of Europe (American jurist Joseph Weiler's intervention, an observant jew, known for his writings in favor of the inclusion of "Judeo-Christian roots" in the European constitution. Then in support a document of thirty-three members of the European Parliament, including Carlo Casini, president of the Constitutional Affairs Committee of "Room" of the EU, we will issue an office of the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF), an organization of Christian legal U.S. with subsidiaries in other countries very active in the battles for human rights, religious freedom and the defense of life.

The other parties, nongovernmental organizations that intervened in the debate with the submission of documents such as the ACLI and the European Centre for Law and Justice Zentralkomitee des deutschen Katholiken, Semaines sociales de France and Italian Christian Workers Association, in support of numerous Italian position, and some like the National Association of free thought in accord with the theses of Lautsi.

During these harangues the judges of the Grand Chambre could ask for clarification to the various speakers. In conclusion, there will be ten minutes of Lautsi replica of the lawyer and the agent of the Italian government.

However, the hearing will not end with a verdict. The Court has already announced that it will take between six to twelve months before a decision is made public. In a recent German case has been more than 14 months between the hearing in the Great Room and the publication of the final sentence. As we know the Court is a body which is part of the Council of Europe (CoE) to which 47 countries participate, and is based on the Convention on Human Rights signed in Rome in 1950. The Coe should not be confused with the European Union, whose members are 27. In fact, and strongly recommended to the court after the collapse of communism in 1990 have joined many Eastern countries, including Russia. And it is the memory for the position of the Italian Federation Russia, a country predominantly predominantly Orthodox religion, with the contribution of American lawyers Protestant, Jew and what Weiler to deny one of the theses of the Judgement of November 3, that the crucifix is a symbol that they relate only to the Catholics.

In particular, the ADF is a foundation created in 1994 in Phoenix nell'Arizona by a group of religious leaders from various professions, religious Jews as well as Catholics and Protestants. The aim of the initiative is to coordinate and provide funds to lawyers who are willing to deal with cases involving religious freedom, defending life and defending marriage as designed by the Italian Constitution. Pier Luigi

Battle of civilization
Ten countries with Italy "That symbol is untouchable"
representation is very substantial and diversified presence in the parade today that the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg in defense of the crucifix. In addition to the two parties directly involved - Soile Lautsi and the Italian government - there is also a large group of third parties involved in the trial to the Grand Chambre, and in this respect the plate weighs strongly in favor of Italy.

There are ten countries that have submitted statements in defense of the crucifix. And then there are 33 MPs who have submitted a document prepared by the Alliance Defense Fund, an organization of lawyers born in the U.S., very active all over the world in defense of human rights, life and family. Intervened with a document even their Catholic non-governmental organizations, the ACLI, the Social Weeks of France, the Central Committee of German Catholics. In support of the Italian position has also filed a statement of the European Centre for Law and Justice. In support of

Lautsi, however, is the national association of free thought. To defend eight of the ten countries that have been created in favor of the position will be the Italian jurist Joseph Weiler, an observant jew who has already fought for the recognition of the Judeo Christian roots of Europe. According to the Russian Federation, the ruling has restricted the discretion of the Member States in matters of freedom of religion to a narrow formula, not taking into account the historical and cultural differences of European countries, the legitimate diversity of approaches and "unpredictable consequences to which the decision may lead. " The memory

Russian claims that exposing the crucifixes in the classrooms had to respond to the Court, namely Italy, in the fulfillment of his duties with respect to education and teaching, has not failed to ensure that education and learning is conducted in an objective, critical and pluralistic, also respecting the religious and philosophical convictions of parents in accordance with the Convention as amended in the various protocols. Even the Bulgarians remember the Court reaffirmed the subsidiarity by the Council of Europe in 1995, was also a great inconsistency between the decision of the previous reviews, and November 3 in Strasbourg on the articles of the Convention cited.

similar to the fundamental principle underlying the reasoning employed by Lithuania, which makes it clear how the religious symbol can not be interpreted in a \u0026lt;+ italic> vacuum \u0026lt;+ round>, and the guarantees of the Convention should not be understood without taking account the specificities of the Member, particularly in a sphere where there is no consensus in Europe. Romania does not see the recommendation to remove the crucifix could serve to reconcile the religions of the people, actually removing the opportunity of being heard. The Principality of Monaco, pointing out that religious symbols appear on the flags of many countries, notes that are not in themselves a threat to the freedoms of the Convention. Armenia is also convinced that the display of the crucifix does not deprive parents of their right to educate their children in conformity with their religious and philosophical convictions. San Marino spoke in defense of Italy because worried despite the rulings affect only the case, the Court has repeatedly called on states to amend legislation to prevent similar cases.

For Malta the elimination of a symbol of national identity from the public, because that also has a religious significance for the majority of that community, it seems incongruous and disproportionate. The greek government identifies contradictions in the ruling with the previous case, noting that if democracy can not always be reduced to the constant dominance of mainstream, all the more reason not to reserve the majority of unfair treatment. Cyprus Finally, recalling that the Court has no jurisdiction on the organization and scheduling of schools, refers to the degree of discretion should be reserved for individual states. Pierluigi
Culture and history only compass States
On 28 January, was presented by Italy to an appeal ruling on November 3. The document, inter alia, stressed that "require a State to remove the religious symbol that already exists and which is not justified by the traditions of the country (not that this symbol of faith for membership requirements), implies a negative value against what is this symbol and violates religious freedom. " In addition, the use of the government asks "whether the mere presence of" inert ", as the Crucified Lord, not disturb the conscience of the believer, or whether, instead, do not use this anxiety to show a true intolerance of the religious dimension. "

Moreover, the appeal argues, "the absolute neutrality of the State in religious matters is a chimera." Indeed, any legislation "may be a way, a position that may offend the sensibilities of a number of people, as is inevitable and recognized by the Court. Thus, in this case, people of faith would be offended for not being able to see their religious symbol on the wall. " In this regard, the appeal cites the jew lawyer Joseph Weiler, who noted that "the waiver by of a State to all forms of religious symbolism is not a more neutral stance than that of those who adhere to a particular form of religious symbolism. " In the context of historical reality and the Italian culture, remove the crucifix from the walls of the schools has nothing to do with the behavior of a truly secular state, but, again citing Weiler, "simply means that focus in the symbolism of the state, a world view over another, passing through all the neutrality. " The application mentions

Finally, the principle of subsidiarity: "Furthermore, as acknowledged by the Court, the national authorities have considerable discretion in matter so complex and delicate, closely linked to culture and history. " Since "the confessional neutrality is opposed to the state that openly promotes a particular religion, but also to the state based on a militant secularism that promotes atheism agnosticism, it follows that the jurisdiction of the state to answer questions on transcendence can not also lead to the promotion of atheism or agnosticism with the removal of religious symbols from public life. "

memory of Italy submitted March 30 the Court reiterates that the error is this: "opt for neutrality, and realized, in fact, only one position advantage in favor of an attitude-religious or anti-religious, and the proof is that in this case, the applicant, who is a partner of Uaar (Union of ates and agnostics, rationalists) acts as a militant atheist. Its purpose is simply to get on the pretext of the secular state, that his ideology-religious or even anti-religious prevails: in this case the religion professed by the majority of the population, and, as we shall see, against the will of the overwhelming majority of other parents. The reference to the secular state made by the applicant (which secularism has no basis in the Convention) is not a plea to impose a ideology-religious or anti-religious to any religion and to delete the tradition of the host country. "

According to the memory, the Court also relies on "a strictly individualistic conception of religion," which does not fit to Italy and other European countries. The document cites research done by Professor Carlo Cardia, which argues that the concept of neutrality in Italy is very different from the French secularism, it is more kind to any kind of religion, yet also consistent with the Convention. On the basis of the pronouncements in the past then it is noted that under the principle of subsidiarity, "the Court recognized that the authorities national are in a better position than before the European courts to assess the local situation and the implementation of the Convention to these specific situations. To that end, the Court gives Member States a "margin of national discretion, which is closely related to the degree of" consensus "between the European countries".

noteworthy as finally decided in January 2006, the sixth section of the State Council put an end to the affair in Italy. The exposure of the crucified also for non-believers "is capable of expressing, in a symbolic but just as appropriate, the source of the religious values of tolerance, mutual respect, enhancement of the person, the affirmation of his rights, concerning his freedom, autonomy of the moral conscience of authority, of human solidarity, rejection of discrimination, which characterize the Italian civilization. "
Pier Luigi Fornari

Crucifix: THE STAGES
July 23, 2002 Solie Lautsi holding the Tar Veneto the decision of the board of the institution attended by the children to keep crucifixes in classrooms. The Tar Look to the problem.

December 2004 The Look declared inadmissible because the question related regulatory standards. The Tar

March 2005 rejected the appeal.

February 13, 2006 The Council of State confirms the sentence Tar crucified in identifying a secular constitutional value. July 2006 Lautsi recourse to the Strasbourg Court.

November 3, 2009, the Court declared admissible the application and order Italy to pay five thousand euro to Lautsi for moral damage.

January 28, 2010 Proceedings of the Italian government which asks that the matter be referred back to the Grande Chambre

March 2, 2010 A panel of the Court states "receiving" the use of Italian

April 30, 2010 Italy has a memory to further

about June 30, 2010 The use of Italian is discussed before the Grand Chambre. Ten members of the Council of Europe have submitted statements in support of Italy.


Monday, June 28, 2010

How To Reset Scholl Luggage Locks


"Christ has set us free for freedom!"
Dear brothers and sisters!

Bible readings of the Mass this Sunday give me the opportunity to resume the theme of Christ's call and its needs, a subject on which I dwelt a week ago, on the occasion of the ordinations of new priests of the Diocese of Rome. In fact, those fortunate enough to know a young man or woman who leaves her family of origin, education or the job to devote himself to God knows what it is, because it has a front living example of radical response to the call divine. And 'This is one of the best experiences that are made in the Church: see and touch the Lord's action in people's lives, to experience that God is not an abstract entity, but something so big and so strong as to fill the overflowing heart of man, a person living nearby who loves us and asking to be loved.

The Evangelist Luke has Jesus, while walking down the road to Jerusalem, he met some men, probably young, who promise to follow him wherever he goes. With these he shows himself very demanding, warning that "the Son of man - that he, the Messiah - has nowhere to lay his head", ie not have its own permanent home, and that those who choose to work with Him in God's field can no longer hold back (cf. Lk 9,57-58.61-62). To another rather Christ himself says, "Follow me", calling for a clean cut family ties (cf. Lk 9.59 to 60). These requirements may seem harsh, but in reality expressing the novelty and priority of the Kingdom of God which is present in the person of Jesus Christ. Ultimately, this is the radical which is due to the love of God, which Jesus himself first to obey. Who gives up everything, even to himself, to follow Jesus, enter into a new dimension of freedom, which St. Paul calls "walking in the Spirit" (cf. Gal 5:16). "Christ has set us free for freedom "- the Apostle writes - and explains that this new form of freedom acquistataci by Christ is to be" to serve one another "(Gal 5,1.13). Freedom and love match! Instead, obey their own selfishness leads to rivalry and conflict.

Dear friends, now drawing to an end on June, characterized by devotion to the Sacred Heart of Christ. Just the Feast of the Sacred Heart we renewed with the priests of the world our commitment to sanctification. Today I would like to invite everyone to contemplate the mystery of divine-human heart of the Lord Jesus, to draw from the very source of the love of God who fixes his gaze on that pierced Heart and always open to our love, feel the truth of this invocation: "You, Lord, my only good" (psalm). and is ready to leave everything to follow the Lord. O Mary, you've paid unreservedly to the divine call, pray for us! If

Monday, June 14, 2010

Sample Greetings Speeches

judge, avoid!

^ ^ Yesterday I went out the results of a contest in which I participated with a Castle on ff.
But let's start from the "previous"
"on 10/03/2010 I find this contest, I was participating in another of the same girl and the subject inspired me a lot, I make my request to participate by writing:
Hello ^ ^ I want to register myself and write about Castle-Detective between the lines (which now is becoming my second fandom XD)

Well, even if it is a fandom that you do not know now ^ ^ In the limit sign along with the history you can also send me some explanatory note or a small summary, that I understand something there, okay

And now this had me think, because if you do not know a fandom you accept it? Ok, to the end there were two and a half months of time, so he could memorize all the episodes, but has asked to send "a few explanatory note ...

"I write my acting in time for the extension (I'm still wondering how I did it, apparently under pressure to do better Oo) and send (if you want to read it since yesterday is online here )

"on 13.06.2010 (Tuesday) Himechan gives the results and so far nothing strange, I knew I had not written the masterpiece of the century and I knew that I would come up in the rankings, seeing as we have delivered in 17.
I read the introduction to the results "are not considered the position, but the score and the assessment", etc.. and I'm going to try my nick and my ff: moral of the story, are 13 ^.
Ok, I do not watch league position, step to the review and comment:
Grammar and syntax: 8 / 10
Originality: 8 / 10
Characterization characters: 7 / 10
Style: 8 / 10 Rating
staff: 4 / 5

Total: 35/45

did not know the fandom's Castle but the plot and the characters I was very intrigued, and I think that once I get a free minute I'll watch the episodes in streaming. He seems a really nice, especially some 'sui generis right as I like, while Kate looks like a tough woman, practical action, but that obviously can not hide your good thoughts and feelings. Together they form a pair very well matched, and in this we understand your short fic in a sense the relationship between them. Probably there is some attraction between them which is not completely explicit: the well-used quote, but perhaps you could investigate a bit more of her thoughts is that those about him, featuring more characters in such a delicate moment (I know a lot are secured with the insights XD), but overall I liked the final dialogue you've been able to establish between the two, especially with the witty and ironic joke that you used as Castle citation. You see that you like, picking and taking a bit 'out there, and you've probably also made a right decision in not too explicit rather platonic relationship between them.
So good and congratulations to you too!

my expression after reading the whole thing? This: OO, followed by a "WTF?"
course ask for explanations on those 8 in grammar and syntax and style because, unlike the previous contest Himechan, did not give any justification in the comment.

Answer: Dear
I posted my comment to your story, and I did a little more to add on items you requested ^ _ ^

That is, let me know? Write comments in the space of history, why? Why are you afraid that you say? Obviously I've guessed, because after what I said was:
I do not want to create controversy, I thought about it before responding very well, and I write what I am immensely sorry for writing.

As regards grammar, I have not found error, and I found it very simple and straightforward style, with a syntax, perhaps a bit 'too coordinated, but an 8 in these two items I think is a very good score, given I gave up only a few stories that had more than a grammar a more rigorous and sophisticated style

I'm sorry, but no errors on 8 rate is low (mainly because it is the same rating you gave me your in the contest and in my story for what There were errors in accepting the vote without discussion). Not to mention that, in my opinion, parameters such as grammar and syntax, style and characterization to be objectively evaluated, not the "you write like that, and then what do you do this for me is the vote" also since you do not know the series you can not evaluate the first characterization in a way and then in another, you could tell me from the beginning that my acting out of competition would participate or not participate as I could have done it in other contexts.
do not pretend to have the best or that you review the votes, are now black and white, but I'm sure he did not have a vote that I deserved.

I apologize once again it may seem a controversial intervention, it was not my intention to: (

Answer (which more than one answer seems yet another scrambling):
I regret very much that you have seen something negative or little transparency in the trial, but I do not agree on the fact that the parameters mentioned above you are completely objective. The assessment that I made, has been principally looking at the general level of the other stories, probably, from your point of view, this was my limit, but I have considered many ways to draw the scores of various items. With regard to the characterization, not knowing the fandom, I was based solely on what your fic has expressed a level of description, and in this case, comparing the story to the other, which I did not know the context, I have found substantial differences that have led to put that particular score. Again, I have reviewed your fic not individually, but placed into a contest in which there are other stories, which aspects you mentioned, they gave me something extra.

Forget for the moment the part dealing with incomplete objective parameters such as grammar, syntax and style, and I dwell on the characterization in response to his "Concerning the characterization, not knowing the fandom, I have relied exclusively on what your fic has expressed a level of description, and in this case, comparing the story to the other, which I did not know the context, I found substantial differences that have led to put that particular score. " thinking that he meant the other acting on Castle:
Not to say (and I'm sorry to sound megalomaniac), but in the section of Castle on EFP there are 8 out of 10 stories that I wrote ... if you read those.

Answer: I was referring to stories
participating in the contest, not those in our fandom's Castle ...

WTF? 2
Let me understand: you, when you do not know a fandom, and unbelievably, after reading the stuff of notes that I wrote for the vote on the characterization as transparent as possible, compares the characterization Castle of those of the other stories of participants does not know the fandom? Transparency
me away.

But is not the only oddity to everything: how you can consider not entirely objective parameters such as grammar and syntax, for which there are clear rules and shared, style and characterization?
When a story has no errors and has no flaws, should not be considered along with other error-free?
But above all: to accept and judge stories of fandom do not know, thus affecting the votes?

Maybe I'll be wrong and I used to think that if a person is page after page of notes and explanations that have requested them, should assess objectively, do not go "in touch", "belly".

What do you think? Keep in mind that I have not changed any message that I posted here and you can find everything here and here if you want to check

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Jeter Derek Baseball Cleats

SE ...

still, be still for love if you speak, speak of love, if correct, correct for love, if you forgive, forgive for love ... ♥ ... (St. Augustine)

Saturday, May 29, 2010

How To Use Nokia Front Camera

Um ... I'm alive *

XD is a lot to me that I do not live here ... more than a month.
I apologize to anyone who has worried and I have reported missing, only that I can not keep up with everything, including forums, creations, blogs, writing, and so on and so forth.

However, a quick update for anyone interested in the contest that I'm organizing with [info] raffaeletheking : the first contest, one on the kitchen draws to a close and I must say that there has been a good number of participants, which makes us really happy, yesterday was held a new contest and if you are interested you can read the announcement here or here and subscribe (Entries close on July 15, the delivery of the stories on August 15, so there is soooooo time).

Regarding community potermene challenge I hope to redeploy as soon as possible, now that is over a year and catechetical work that there is a pause (only now we have to clean the bones and in less than that too will end one week) I hope to have a little 'more time ^ ^

Well, now back to doing what I was doing before writing this quick post

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Blueprints For Podium

and progressive left

Forget for a moment to go to China to the Jews and the Arab-Israeli conflict. A few days ago 'and' dead in 86 years Flies Hirsch, the chief rabbi of the movement Neturei Karta. This event gives me an opportunity to reflect on this movement and how it is idolized by some "progressive" pro-Palestinian.

For years I've heard of this small group of extremists known as Neturei Karta in all sorts of articles and anti-Israeli websites, including those which should be progressive and leftist, and it bothers me a lot. According to me the way some people are ready to idolize uncritically a similar group says a lot about how the left is totally acceccata by anti-Israeli fervor, to the point of betraying his ideals.

First of all, what is' Neturei Karta? This is an organization of ultra-Orthodox Jews who reject Zionism and the existence of the state of Israel. Itself 'is not a strange thing, for those familiar with Judaism. There have always been groups of very orthodox Jews who reject Zionism because 'according to their interpretation of Judaism Jews should never return to the "promised land" of Israel until the coming of the messiah. They argued that Jews were esilitati and around the world because of their sins, and any attempt to recover the land of Israel before the coming of the Messiah and 'an affront to the will' of God. When the Zionist movement was in its infancy, much of the orthodox Jews took this position and distanced himself from the Zionist movement, a nationalist movement led by lay people. After the creation of the State of Israel most of the Orthodox Jewish world change 'position gradually, or at least accept' a fait accompli, and today the majority of Orthodox Jews accept the existence of Israel. That said, 'remains a minority of ultra-Orthodox or Haredi which maintain their rejection of Zionism. Some of them even live in Israel, especially Jerusalem, and placed apart from the rest of society 'Israeli. Like the rest of the ultra-Orthodox Jews are exempted from military service in the Israeli army. Some of them even refuse to communicate in the official language of Israel, the Hebrew, which they regard as a holy language to be used only for liturgical purposes, and they continue to speak Yiddish.

There 'to say that these positions are very minority within Judaism, and are due to a literal interpretation of the Jewish religion, and a rejection of Israel was seen as too secular and not Jewish. Neturei Karta

was born in the thirties, created by descendants of Orthodox Jewish Hungarians and Lithuanians who settled in Jerusalem in the nineteenth century, before the Zionist movement. The name means "the guardians of the city 'in Aramaic, and derives from a biblical verrso that the Rabbis and the soldiers are the guardians of Jerusalem. This movement has a few thousand people.

The rabbi just died, Flies Hirsch, was the leader of faction 'radical Neturei Karta, and you' note made by the international press for some sensational acts: in 2006 some of its representatives attended the conference organized international Holocaust revisionism by Ahmadinejad in Iran. The conference was' kept under the euphemistic name of "International Conference for the revision of the global vision of the Holocaust", and it 'served as a platform for Holocaust nagazionisti all latiduni. Even a few months before the representatives of Neturei Karta had gone to Iran to congratulate Ahmadinejad for saying Israel should be wiped off the map. In 2004, the Neturei Karta's rappresenatanti had participated in a vigil of prayer for Arafat in front of Parisian hospital where the Palestinian leader was' dying. Rabbi Hirsch had also been appointed "minister for Jewish affairs" by 'Palestinian National Authority, to give the idea. The international anti-Israeli demonstrations can often find men of Neturei Karta completely dressed in black ultra-Orthodox and raise good signs with anti-Israeli slogans. Of course these are always ready to be filmed by photographers always excited to photograph an Orthodox Jew who chanted slogans against Israel.

Actually 'this extreme fringe, which has at most a few hundred active members, it is absolutely not' the majority of ultra-Orthodox Jews who oppose Zionism, who would not dream even 'to side with Arafat or go to conferences on the Holocaust organized by Iran to give voice to Holocaust denial. After the visit of Neturei Karta at the conference last named, other anti-Zionist rabbis have distanced themselves publicly from their actions, including the Rabbinical Council of Edan Hachareis, the Orthodox anti-Zionist movement more 'rappresentatvo.

short, it is a little extreme fringe of fanatics ready to take the side of anyone who opposes Israel, no matter who or which has locations on the Jews, and that probably only want to attract attention. I would not rule that are directly paid by forces hostile to Israel. In 2002, the Israeli army announced 'that he had discovered several documents at the headquarters of the Authority that Arafat conproverebbero' Palestinian Authority had paid $ 55.000 to Rabbi Hirsch (which his son deny ').

However, in the case of people driven by a fundamentalist and literal view of the Jewish religion, which are opposed to the basic state of Israel on grounds of reasonable principle, but because ' its creation would be contrary to the ancient covenant between God and the Jews (though often rails against the oppression of the Palestinians, but deep down their position does not derive from this). Among other things, many other Orthodox Jews have found some good theological justifications for the creation of the state of Israel, but it 's an argument that as a layman I do not care.
Those of Neturei Karta are the same types of people who probably would not see even 'the most Jewish Israelis as the real Jews,' cause they are not Orthodox. These religious fanatics that the vast majority of Jews see it as a phenomenon of the clowns that are ultra-minority.

course, this small group of fanatics is used constantly by the anti-Israeli propaganda to give credit to the slogan that "Zionism is not 'equal to Judaism." The left pro-Palestinian and not 'the least, and many Internet sites in support of Palestinians contain information about them, presented as the courageous few samples of authentic Judaism pledged to fight the nasty "Zionists." This confirms' that the liberal left has completely lost the plot about the Israeli-Palestinian issue. 'Cause the left should support a number of religious fanatics in search of publicity' that go to a conference in Iran of Holocaust deniers chock full of probable Nazi sympathies? 'Cause rather not support the industry's most' progress of society 'Israeli, that I am not sure these? Why 'not to seek dialogue with Meretz, for example, the most' left of the Israeli political spectrum? Sure, they have extreme views such as those that appeal to certain claims hardline supporters of Palestinians around the world. Not welcomed Ahmadinejad when he said he wanted the end of Israel, do not use the word apartheid in reference to Israel, and they themselves do not want an end to Israel (maybe 'cause we live). But still represent the most 'secular and progressive society of' Israel. Or there would also Hadash, the grouping together of communist and socialist parties and groups within Arab and Jewish Israel.

Instead of "left" pro-Palestinian is not 'nothing but offer support to anyone who opposes Israel is total, which are ultra-Orthodox Jewish fundamentalists or Islamic fundamentalists as fundamentalists. The positions of most anti-Israeli 'unreasonable and extreme will always be accepted by any party they come from, and dialogue with the Israelis more' progressive becomes impossible, while a partial view of history and totally preventable, and the worst misinformation about Israel and the Jews is gradually strengthened.

(Pictured above, some representatives of Neturei Karta meet with Ahmadinejad)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Fasting Blood Test Tea

untitled because I have not the faintest idea what to write *

XD I've lost count of how long ago have written here ... are horrible, I've got things to do and I can make it even half uu
The Civil Service is pretty good, the week after Easter we had finished cataloging slides and books, so for a while 'we played cards XD now we still have some 'work, but it's almost over ... again XD
These days I write two ff and I never find the time, and I also make a poster, or rather I have to do the writing, my father's design. Other
news ... I do not know, there are a bit 'too XD anyway I would like to report a contest that I announced on the forum with Raf EFP and on my blog, recently opened (and that would be critical to accommodate the positive acting and original struck me) ... I leave the two links, so those interested can participate and those who may want to look at the blog, though it is rather empty XD
The Kitchen on EFP
The Kitchen on Forbidden Stories

course we are also planning other contests, we will always be those who participate in the setting and write the story ^ ^ I planned

Candy Blog also hold a special creative in my blog, but I have not found the time uu
I hope the past 25, to be able to do whatever I have in mind XD

Monday, April 19, 2010

Handy Andy Ingredients

the miracles of God

LOVE embraced the Cross and won, he destroyed death, made all things new. The love is greater than life itself

Friday, April 2, 2010

How Long Do You Have Ringworm


God had a lot of courage to accomplish His plan of salvation. Someone may argue that he was God and all things are possible to him, but we must recognize, however, that took courage. He had courage in giving birth to his omnipotence, taking the form of a human child to be cared for in all, peeing on him, crying all the time like all children of the world. He had courage, for some time after its birth, had to flee to Egypt with his parents because of the threat of the death of Herod. God that he fled from a man, a man who was afraid of a child. On the death of Herod and Jesus and his parents returned from Egypt and settled in Nazareth where he God, lives and grows under his parents, Mary and Joseph. He had courage, because after some time, his foster father Joseph died leaving him alone in the world and helps her mother in everyday problems, until the age of thirty. He had courage, because before starting his apostolic work he fasted 40 days, immediately after having overcome the temptation and went and had eaten over the River Jordan to be baptized him God by St. John Baptist. He had courage because he began to preach, where the chief priests and teachers of the law challenged in spite of what he preached and did miracles to testify to the veracity of what he preached. He had courage, because the apostles that was called Judas who would betray him then. He had courage, to meet his passion, without first sweated blood and attacked an ear to one of his persecutors, then gave himself up to the temple guards who led him to be tried before Caiaphas, God that he did not do anything if not good. He had the courage to face the opinions of Herod Antipas and Pilate finally, that after the people choose if they wanted to free Barabbas or Jesus, (the people chose Barabbas), scourged and then they put a crown of thorns on his head. He had courage, because after all this pain, he took his heavy cross and walked on the road to Golgotha to die. He had courage, as he nailed on the cross, he forgave the his killers. He had courage, not responding to the insults of a thief by promising heaven to the other thief and last thing, he gave his mother to the Apostle John said, "Woman behold your son, son behold your mother." He finally had the courage before he died because he drank a bit 'of vinegar and then he commended his soul to God his Father and died for us. God has had the courage .... A lot of courage because he believes in us even after 2000
Good holy Easter
CIO 'that distinguishes us from ALL' that we Christians have mercy. ALL our situation does not matter. Our value is' love Christ. AND NOT BY REASON OR 'FOR LANGUAGE OR' COSTUMES FOR WE ARE DIFFERENT FROM OTHER MEN. ... WE LIVE IN EAST AND WEST, WE ARE IN THE SAME DRESS IN FOOD AND THE REST, but witnesses a different life. WE LIVE IN OUR COUNTRY AS A FOREIGN PART IN ALL, WE ARE ALL POSTED BY ANONYMOUS OF THE CHRISTIAN CENTURY 2.
the Jewish Passover meal (Seder)
the Jewish Passover meal is also being done today according to an ancient rite, WHICH INCLUDES THREE MAIN PARTS: THE STORY liberation from slavery 'EGYPT - DINNER - Prayers and hymn.
during dinner are consumed foods and beverages that have a symbolic significance.
unleavened bread 'IN CONNECTION WITH THE FACT THAT AT THE TIME OF liberation from slavery in Egypt, there was not time to do the bread rise.
bitter herbs (celery and lettuce) RECALL bitterness suffered during slavery.
THE BLESSING OF A FEW CUPS OF WINE AT THE BEGINNING OF MEAL AND 'preceded and followed by readings and prayers.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

What Is The Best Vintage Polaroid Camera To Buy?

[Icons] 16xCastle

For centuries, no place here, but as you can see I'm alive and well, although maybe it's obvious to say, as in other places I went to post and update all XD
Castle Anyway I took it very much, is the second fandom (per mole of things written) I write about and today I had a little 'time to do some icon.
As always, remember if you want to take some credit to me ^ ^

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5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16

Friday, March 26, 2010

How Much Is Philippe Chariol Ring?

article that appeared in a Chinese newspaper praises the Italian lifestyle

few days ago, 'I was delighted to see an article in China Daily, the only Chinese newspaper in English, inviting the Pekingese to learn from the quiet and relaxed lifestyle of the Italians.

The article is titled "Piano, Piano, Beijingers Stressed" (found here: ) and inspired the episode happened a few days ago 'to the Pantheon, where the lights were turned off the closing accurate despite the fact that a concert of Bach was still in progress.

The author, whose name was Chang Lu, apparently spent a summer as a student in Perugia a few years ago ', perhaps studying Italian. She claims not to be surprised and what 'happened at the Pantheon, and recalls an incident which 'happened to her during their stay Perugino.

It seems that the Chinese were doing an afternoon shopping on the main street of Perugia, in a shop window when he saw a skirt he wanted to buy for a friend. But when 'try' to enter the shop, commit the block ', saying that it was already' closing time, and she was closing the store. The Chinese girl insisted, saying she really wanted to buy a skirt, but to his surprise, the order was' adamant, asking her to come back the next day.

The Chinese think 'that the contract had to have something urgent to do, but un'po' more 'later saw the same person who calmly sipped an espresso with his friends. At that point, as the author says, "Heads 'for her money are not the only thing. That person would prefer to enjoy your coffee' and his free time rather than sell me something."

The author compares this incident with the situation in Beijing, where apparently no job or ever refuse to sell something to a customer at any time.

lodendo The article continues the slow pace of life and mentality 'relaxed in Perugia, where shops close for two to three hours in the day for lunch, and suggesting to take un'po Pekingese stressed' the mentality ' Italian, to make things more 'slowly, slowly "for the note. Compare

Beijing (at least 10 million inhabitants) and Perugia (166 000) seems to me un'po 'unfair. Perhaps Milan or Rome would most comparisons' require. Having said that 'is no doubt that the Chinese style of European life seems very relaxed and lazy. The Chinese who go on vacation in Europe, not only in Mediterranean countries but even in Germany or England, they always say that the inhabitants of those countries have a lot of free time. A Chinese who had visited Germany and Italy told me that they 'people make' a very relaxed life, always drinking beer in bars. A Chinese girl who had spent a summer in Denmark told me that one could never adapt to a style of life so 'lazy! If
even countries with the Germans seem so 'relaxed, you can see that the effect has to do Italy.

Sometimes I wonder if this is also a misunderstanding due to the fact that the Chinese have other ways to spend your free time compared to Europeans. Maybe in China and 'less common to see people take a coffee' or a beer on the street with friends, 'cause the Chinese have other hobbies less public. In Chinese cities, people always find time to gamble with the majiang, and throughout China places where you can 'rent a room with karaoke are always full.

Having said that, 'and' certainly true that Europeans on average work less hard than the Chinese, and are less willing to give up free time. But at least, there 'a Pekingese who decided to take life un'po 'more' to Perugia.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Howme Made Redemy For Bloating

Tiziano Terzani and the "forbidden door"

recently and I 'happened to read about how Tiziano Terzani, the great Italian traveler-journalist, was expelled from China in 1984. This story gave rise to a book of the same Terzani, "the forbidden door." History and 'interesting, if only because' demonstrates the enormous changes have taken place in China since 1984.

Terzani, a man who has known from several Asian countries, the study 'the Chinese in the sixties in the United States. Like so much of youth 'West became fascinated by the myth of Mao Zedong and the Cultural Revolution. However, just because of the closure of China to foreigners determined by Mao government, had to wait for the death of the "great helmsman" and the advent of Deng Xiaoping to try living in China. Terzani arrival 'in Beijing in 1980 with his family, building on its Chinese name, Deng Tiannuo. His goal was to live as a Chinese, to be able to understand this mysterious society 'from the inside. The company was not 'at all easy,' cause every time contact one of the few foreigners living in China and the Chinese was carefully regulated.

Terzani wanted to live in a normal house of China, but was' compelled to reside in the diplomatic quarter in which all foreigners were forced to live at the time. The doors of the neighborhood were constantly monitored by police, and every input and output was recorded.

Wanted 'to have dealings with the Chinese, but it proves to be' difficult, because of the suspicion and fear of the authorities'. An elderly Chinese who had met a few times a day Terzani let him know someone else who did not want to 'see,' cause the police had asked him to draw up a report every time I met him, and in these conditions the man preferred not to attend it.

short, his claim of wanting to learn from China was not easy, but gradually Terzani was able 'to break through this wall of suspicion and prohibitions that divided the foreigners by the Chinese, to enter the "forbidden door" for the 'indeed. Journey 'for all China, the most 'can only be, I send' their children to a Chinese school, ran a bicycle as the Chinese. Eventually he was 'arrested by the authorities' with the trumped-up charges of having stolen national treasures, and that maybe true of vilification against the government. The authorities 'the rehabilitation for a month as a Chinese, giving them the opportunity' to personally meet another side of China that was rarely seen by outsiders. At the end Terzani was' expelled from China. What more

'strikes me reading this story and' how far from reality 'of a foreigner living in China today. I personally think I'm one of those foreigners living in China who is interested in Chinese culture, and try not to stay always among foreigners, but to know the Chinese and their reality 'as much' as possible from the inside. Nowadays almost all the prohibitions against foreigners which she experienced Terzani disappeared. Foreigners in Beijing can reside wherever they want, where they like to travel alone (with the exception of Tibet, where you 'have to go in a group), and cultivate friendships with the Chinese (and marry with them) without attracting the suspicion of Authorities'. Foreigners in China who want it (and I am not at all want it) are free to try to penetrate into the reality 'of China as much' as possible. As long as 'no one is engaged in religious proselytizing, not to mention political activism, and is' free to do more 'or less what' you want.

Having said that, 'certain rules which somehow remain divided foreigners by the Chinese. Take for example the universities' Chinese, an environment I know well. Foreign students and Chinese live in separate dormitories, and those for foreign quality 'much higher than for the Chinese. In my campus, the students divide Chinese accommodations for six people (the students), four (for those who make a master) or double (for students). Many are forced to go to another building suitable for showering, and pay for hot water and if they do (for this reason, many do not go to shower every day). Their dorms are sprovisti kitchens, which forces them to eat in the canteen they like it or not. Foreign students living in rooms instead of double or single, have a bathroom in every room and a kitchen on each floor, television and air conditioning (of which the Chinese have to do without during the hot summer Pekingese). I realize that if you compel foreign students to live in the living conditions of the Chinese, few would be able to resist for long. Having said that, 'this discrimination in our favor, however, puts us in a reality' is very different from theirs.

Foreign students who do the degree course in China (and today there are some) should not participate in the political classes mandatory for all Chinese students in spite of their matter, which studies the doctrine of the Chinese government. It 'must participate in the kind of paramilitary training in involving all the Chinese students the summer before starting university', with a military uniform (to teach the Framework). In short, a foreign student at a university 'China will not make' never the same experience of a Chinese student, as far as we can prove.

Even today, a foreigner in China can not 'even feel real "mass", but still remains a foreigner, as seen and how he lives. Aquisito Chinese citizenship and then 'a mission impossible. I think it would be simplistic to give the responsibility 'to the system only Chinese politics. After all, in other Far Eastern countries the situation is not 'very different. Perhaps it is simply that the companies' in this part of the world are not companies' multicultural, and are historically more 'homogeneous and closed the Western (even though China has many different ethnic groups within it). Furthermore, the fact remains that the vast majority of Chinese have almost never had to deal with foreigners, and that is why in relationships with foreigners are showing a kind of naivete 'which is sometimes almost funny. I am 'still smiling when the Chinese are surprised to see that I'm able to eat with chopsticks, despite the fact that it is a very easy thing to Faulty all foreigners in China soon learn.

However I am pleased to see that usually foreigners in China are welcomed with sympathy and curiosity 'from the common people, but almost never with hostility' preconceptions. In fact, I usually find that the Chinese are much more 'polite and ready to lend a hand with foreigners than with other Chinese. The situation does not change in the countryside and small towns where a foreigner can 'cause still looks surprised and dismayed at the move, and where any foreigner will hear' the word "laowai" ("foreigner" in popular parlance) whispered to her to pass.

However, nowadays there is no 'more' that wall of prohibitions and hostility 'of government which he experienced Terzani, who prohibiting foreigners to experience Chinese life from the inside. Now the real wall to overcome and 'one of their own prejudices, cultural differences and misunderstandings that may make it more' complicated relations between Chinese and foreigners. For the few Westerners who have the desire, humility 'and the patience necessary fields to break this "forbidden door, and the reward' to be able to understand from within a society 'and a culture that really are different from ours in several ways. And maybe even a better understanding of their culture of origin, given that understanding others and 'the best way to understand themselves.

(Photo Tiziano Terzani eating with the Chinese)

Beading Wire For Pearls

Any thoughts on China's one child policy

E ' was recently reported that Chinese experts have suggested that the famous one-child policy in force in the country has changed. Experts believe that the country now suffers from a disproportion between the sexes and the population on average more and more 'old because of this policy.

The only son and 'one aspect of China that almost everyone has heard in the West, and usually is viewed unfavorably. Nevertheless, the majority of Chinese (at least those cities') would seem to have a very different view of this policy, ambivalent or even in favor. Of course the West the idea that the state could interfere in a decision so 'in the private lives of people is not acceptable. Nevertheless in China, because of historical and cultural differences, the idea that the state could impose similar restrictions on their citizens for the common good is not so 'weird.

The one-child policy is not put into practice so so 'strict as many believe. For starters, it applies only to the Han, the main ethnic group in China, and not to any of the 55 minority groups, because of a very strange policy of "positive discrimination" in favor of minorities. Couples composed of two only children are allowed to make two children. For more 'in many areas, rural couples are allowed to do a second child if the first and' female, to prevent the phenomenon of selective abortion and infanticide of baby girls of fetuses destined to become girls. Even for couples whose first child and 'handicapped or deceased is usually allowed to have a second child. If a couple does not respect the law and has a second child when it should not, usually found only have to pay a fine. In practice, many families are more 'of a child, especially in rural areas, and simply pay the fine. I myself have many Chinese friends of my age 'who have brothers and sisters. In urban areas the one-child rule seems to be much more 'respected and rural areas.

This one-child policy has certainly had its negative impact well-advertised, the largest of which are cases of female infanticide in rural areas. In rural China, children are still often considered more 'in value of daughters. Although there are certainly cultural reasons behind this, another reasonable explanation, and 'that in areas where the work of farmers still plays with traditional methods, the males are more' useful because of their superior physical strength. Although there have certainly been cases of female infanticide in rural areas, the actual extent of the phenomenon and 'debate. Nowadays, thanks to the ultrasound scan that revealed what sex and 'the fetus, and' can simply perform an abortion if the fetus turns out to be female. This practical and 'illegal, but there is still widespread.

China suffers when an imbalance between sexes enough: the proportion of males and females at birth 'in mainland China was 117 to 100 in 2000, and that' a number 'significantly more' natural high proportion (about 105 to 100). It is estimated that in 2020 in China there are 30 million males of "surplus" than females (but this should be seen in the context of a country of 1.3 billion). Other Asian countries also have a burst 'proportion of men than women, though perhaps not at the level of China. The Indian economist Amartya Sen has talked a lot about this phenomenon, especially with regard to its India, another country where the proportion and 'quite unbalanced. The causes of this imbalance obviously have to do with the fact that the preference for male carries the very poor parents to offer medical care and food quality 'more' low to the daughters, in addition to selective abortions practiced in India. Even places like Taiwan and South Korea are affected by this phenomenon, although recently the proportion between the sexes in South Korea and 'more balanced because of the improvement in living conditions and education. In China's case, however, ', statistics show that the disproportion between the sexes and' deteriorated ever since they introduced the one-child policy, which means they must be at least partly responsible.

Those who advocate the imposition of the one-child point out the need 'to reduce the number of births overcrowding in this country. When and 'introduced the one-child policy in the early eighties, the birth rate' and 'decreased from about three to about 1.8 children per woman in 2008. Others respond that the birth rate 'was already' down from the first because of the improvement in the average standard of living and education, and in all probability 'would continue to decline even without the imposition of a law so' extreme.

Personally, I can understand very well 'cause many Chinese believe that such a policy is necessary. One thing 'read a book that China and' overcrowding, but live here and live every day this phenomenon sullla own skin and 'a very different thing. Once you and 'traveled in third class absurdly crowded trains for China during the Chinese New Year holiday, with people sleeping on the ground everywhere, you can 'begin to get an idea of the problem. In my experience, the Chinese are well aware that they live in a country where there is', to put it bluntly, too many people. When you have a discussion with a Chinese connection to one of the social problems of his country, almost always going to start 'saying: "In China there is' too many people ..." Sometimes it seems that this becomes the explanation, or justification, of everything wrong 'with China. Even when they discussed the death penalty with a Chinese student, the guy told me that the laws are needed for extreme manterene the order in his country, "'cause there in China' too many people "

Statistics on density 'population of China hiding the scale of the problem,' cause obscure the fact that about 90% of China's population live on about 50% of the territory. The area that includes the North-Western Tibet , Xinjiang, Qinghai and Inner Mongolia e'enorme but sparsely populated because of the inhospitable terrain. The South-Eastern area, the heart of China, and 'the very densely populated region, and it' as much as the overcrowding India .

Although perhaps the birth rate 'of China was already' waning even before the one-child policy, this policy has clearly sped things up. There are certainly many couples in China have decided to do only one child because of this policy. I personally believe that any reduction in births can not 'that be good for China and the world. Regarding the concern about the aging of the population, and this' will face an issue that all developed countries, not just China. Although I understand that will create 'new problems, I also understand that the planet and' overcrowding, and then eventually fall if births it can not 'be positive. If this means that for a period there will be more 'old and young, well-being. It will not be 'the end of the world.

Can 'be that soon China will adopt a less extreme method to reduce the growth' of the population. E 'was definitely a good idea to allow rural couples to have a second child if the first and 'female. The problem of the imbalance between the sexes should be resolved through education, and creating the conditions for which people do not feel the need to have a child rather than a daughter. In sum, I can not think of a few efforts to continue to discourage the Chinese from having too many children would still be positive. Presence was probably But will the economy and the development 'of education to throw down' birth rates 'more' than anything else.
(Below, a manifesto urging the Chinese government to follow the one-child policy, strangely also in English as well as in Chinese)