Friday, January 29, 2010

Podium With Wheels Building Plans


I was a stranger and you welcomed me

The title of this reflection, taken from a passage from the Gospel, it fits what's going to be a bit 'of time, here in Italy and the rest of the world. The Gospel also reminds us that after the visit of the Magi, an angel in a dream, he ordered Joseph to take Mary and the child and flee to Egypt because Herod wanted to kill the child, it will make Herod Massacre of the Innocents. This sparse record evangelical reported, updated and contextualized historical facts of ROSARNO in Calabria, it also adds that under the current regulations of our country, the baby Jesus with the rest of his family were illegal immigrants, why not to enter Egypt asked for permission to stay. Had happened today, here in Italy would have been rejected and sent back to his homeland with all the consequences. We often forget that this type of emigration and daughter of the extreme poverty that leads to hunger and the people, can not remember the story, the story says that the nations (France, Spain, England, Belgium, Holland, Germany and Italy) have rich colonized and plundered of all that had the poorest nations. All of these countries, this state of things, have rebelled and became independent (American Revolutionary War, War of Independence Brazilian War of Independence Mexican War Italian Risorgimento, the war of independence Algerian war of independence African continent that has seen the creation of many states), despite the independence achieved by these states in some of these, the poverty of the people remained without great opportunity to work daily with hunger and emigration to external forcing. In Italy, it is estimated that after the war of independence, are immigrants in the world more than 30 million Italians, and in some countries where they were immigrants, there have been a sign of hostility (in Switzerland in the 70s of the last century, have two referendums to evict the Italians) that are not in the past. Many of our countrymen as a result of these hostilities have died, others still have hunger, others are crime data (see Mafia: Al Capone), others have resulted in further enriching the culture of the host culture (Frank Sinatra, Lisa Minnelli , Madonna), others have given their lives to save lives like my cousin in New York firefighter who died l 'in the September 11, 2001 twin towers to save other lives. Now all this happens even in Italy where the migrant is to do the jobs that nobody wants to do more, but that's not good because it is said to steal the work to us Italians, but then it turns out that's not true, because those jobs they do not want anyone, you prefer to pay in black and will not disturb that sleep under bridges and when they met our needs, they go away empty-handed. Of course there are those who commit crimes and it is right to punish them as they punish the Italians who commit crimes. The paradox is that when our Muslim brothers call for the construction of a minaret in order to pray and many do not want to concede the ground that we have the cross of Christ, and this we must never forget it, unless we forget that this cross is the result of an unfair trial and wants to use it to create another injustice even forgetting what Christ said, describing the Last Judgement: "I was a stranger and you welcomed me, Lord, we will respond when you have received? Then he will answer every time you took a stranger you welcomed me. "

immigrants, Berlusconi
the bishops to "commit crimes like the Italians," Monsignor
Crusade (CEI) replication on the equation of the premier and foreign crime
"Our statistics show that crime rates are almost identical"

The Secretary-General of the CEI, Mariano Crusade with the Conference Chairman, Angelo Bagnasco
ROME - "Our statistics show that crime rates are similar to Italian and foreign, if not identical." It 'as said secretary general of the Episcopal Conference, Monsignor Mariano Crusade, responding to a question from journalists about the statements of Prime Minister Berlusconi on immigrants' participation in the activities of criminal organizations. "The basic consideration on immigrants - has follower Crusade - remains the dignity of every human person that can not be the subject of prejudice and discrimination, as the Pontiff."

Crusade, in response reporters in the concluding press conference of the Permanent Council of CEI, he addressed several issues, including the upcoming elections. "The task of the citizens - said the secretary general of the CEI - is to elect those who best serve the goal of common good whose values and standards are the protection of human life is still present, the defense of the family based on marriage between men and women, the promotion of solidarity with others, especially the weakest and work. " The indication of the Church, he added, is then "to vote for those who look at the overall needs of the most important for the life of the country for the regions.''

On controversies around to justice, Crusade said he did not want to make judgments on the merits: "I'd give
in this case - said - that sign on to overcome conflicts and tensions already contained in the report of Cardinal Bagnasco, to find a solution within the balance following institutional research for the common good of all. "

The emergency unemployment and the case of Fiat, Crusade said everything must be done to "preserve, ensure and enhance the job:" We know the plight of families who had a job and now find themselves on the street . We must take up this cry, we can not remain insensitive. I can not speak on specific issues, but I think is, quite simply, it is desirable that we continue to seek ways of ensuring more work. "

between immigrants and Italians
same crime rate
Official figures show that 80% of allegations of illegal foreign concerns;
but also between them, in four cases out of five on offense is the absence of a residence permit

A demonstration against racism
ROME - The numbers say that immigrants do not commit crimes than the Italians. According to the data Istat, the crime rate of immigrants in Italy, is "slightly higher" than the Italians (between 1, 23 and 1%, 4%, against 0.75%) and is even lower among people over 40 years. In fact, the data are "comparable." It 's true but the vast majority of crimes committed by foreigners in Italy is the work of illegal immigrants.

still speak the official figures, according to which 70-80% of the reported illegal aliens. Even here, however, the data should be read carefully because, of the total complaints, 87% concerns the mere condition of secrecy: the crime committed by foreigners 4 out of 5 reported about the short, without being caught in Italy residence permit and therefore the violation of immigration laws.

In general, the statistics say, there is no link between the increase of immigrants and rising crime in Italy: between 2001 and 2005, for example, while foreigners have increased by over 100%, the complaints against them have increased by 45.9%.

Beyond the political controversy, they are still well above the positive aspects of immigration. Legal immigrants in Italy, according to the latest reports and Caritas Migrantes Ismu are over four and a half million, 7.2% of the population, a larger percentage than for the first time the European average (6.2%). From 1998 to 2008, the growth was 246% and if the trend remains unchanged, as required by Istat, in 2050 the Italians of foreign origin will be over 12 million.

Foreign workers are around two million and produce 10% of the GDP. The advantages of the state are visible from other numbers: immigrants pay every INPS seven billion euro to the tax authorities and pay an amount that exceeds 3.2 billion euro. In addition, every hundred babies in Italy, now more than 12% have at least one foreign parent.


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