Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Side Effects Of Apricots

A bit 'of stuff, so, to pass the time, since I'm not so much u_u

»On [info] hpf_challenges I announced the challenge for this month: credits! *
-Taratata Taratata Taratata-ta-ta-*

"Get ready / and why along with [info] Shayari I am going to open a new comm scrittevole: the ideas are there, even the logo (thus the lay XD), missing only to find a suitable title, since [info] raffaeletheking rejected what he thought mo last night and I [info] Shayari XD

"Please, put me in the head another song, because I'm literally going crazy You only Becucci Matteo: I'm listening to on iTunes to repeat and I know that this is not good for me ç___________ç and it is not the first time this has happened, as if that song had some force that pushes me to listen, listen and hear dozens of times u_u


End ravings u_u


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